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Anyone watch American Pickers last night?

Steve Moskowitz

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Steve, those fellows were across from our spaces in the Red Field at Hershey 2 years ago with their distinctive Antique Archaeology truck. We still laugh about it because their line to everyone who looked at any of their items was "it came out of a barn in Indiana". They had the same assortment of neat stuff as last night and actually completely sold out and left Hershey early. Fun show but the plot might get boring after a while.

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Loved it. Can't wait for more. As long as they keep the show focused on what they find and stay away from 'relationships' it will be fine. There will always be something cool in the next barn... no need to inject soap opera themes.

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I thought it was a fun show to watch. Wish I could have been there with them scrounging through that Iowa farmer's barns.

Loved it. Can't wait for more. As long as they keep the show focused on what they find and stay away from 'relationships' it will be fine. There will always be something cool in the next barn... no need to inject soap opera themes.

Inevitably, there will come an episode where they "take a break" and go play paint ball, ride dirt bikes, take helicopter rides or what have you, like so many of these shows before it.

That's when you know the show is done for.

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You guys all have it right. At the mement it is just a relaxing fun show free of some of the crap on other shows. We all love the hunt and peering into cluttered garages and finding the special items. I would have bought the small ride in a heatbeat if I could have! Can you imagine what that would have brought in Hershey!

One of the future episodes it looks like they found a true "barn find" Hudson. I saw a blog today making fun of the hosts but I found them to be pretty likeable.

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We had the pleasure of hosting the show at our car barn in Alabama. hey were very pleasant and although they did not pay an appearance fee, obviously had a box of cash in the truck and were willing to part with it. They low-balled us on a Pre-twenties Merkle motorbike but bought a Whiz Gear grease sign from the scrap tin pile for $100 ( I think it came off of a floorboard replacement from one of the cars, it had been riveted around the edges). They are doing the show in the support of their business and seem to really love the cars - we had a nice morning and look forward to seeing the episode - they claimed sometime in March or April.

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A friend of mine is going to be on the Feb 1st show. He didn't say anything about being paid directly but did say they overpaid for some junk he had. He is a little nervous how it will come off with editing. He originally thought his car collection was going to be the focus and that didn't happen. Said they spent 3 days with him filming.

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I'm surprised I didn't see them on Antiques Roadshow Monday night. There was a lady from Raleigh NC there with some stuff from the family Packard dealership, including a minty Packard di-cut radiator shaped sign.


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WOW! You guys sure have a different outlook/reaction to the show than most of us on another site. Sure it's TV, but the way they ripped off the 80+ year old WWII Vet was shamefull IMO.

I was not very happy with that at all. Granted the stuff was going to sit in that barn forever so the guy was getting something rather than nothing but I did feel like part of the 'fun' was getting a low price at his expense. I wasn't there though and the 'editing' could have made it look much different that it was. I'll see how the other shows are and as long as they don't start trying to rip everyone off I think it will be fun to watch.

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WOW! You guys sure have a different outlook/reaction to the show than most of us on another site. Sure it's TV, but the way they ripped off the 80+ year old WWII Vet was shamefull IMO.

It was the first time I saw the show and I agree on this point. All the other people they dealt with knew the score and were comfortable dealing with these guys but that Vet seemed a little shaky and they played him. Pretty heavy gloating over the "profit" they made on his stuff.

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I can tell you the stuff they were vending at Hershey two years ago was very high priced but somehow they sold all of it. Very little car stuff. I enjoyed the show and will continue to watch until the directors decide that more drama is needed. My Son works with me, I have enough drama thank you.

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The WWII vet thing made me uneasy as well BUT, none of us know the background and whether a deal was struck with the guy before hand and he was getting paid for the segment. Too much stuff being staged on TV to jump to conclusions. I took the show as entertainment and nothing more...peering into old garages and sheds is among the best things to do.

Edited by R W Burgess (see edit history)
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Guest librarylady

Sam is right. They were very nice young men and seemed genuinely interested in learning about the Marmons and the Keller and assorted items. Their focus is not just automotive, but any item with historical interest and impact. Antique Archaeology is their business and the show is an offshoot from that.

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Guest windjamer

I stumbled on it last night. I thought it was a nice change from all the repeats. I had to laugh and high five the selller of the vaspar. He knew what he wanted and held them to his price. I thought they took advantage of the older lady, but he did give her $50. for that old jug. I think that will be a hard item to profit on. I thought a lot of the stuff belonged in the landfill,but it was fun to watch.

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I think it is great TV compared to the other CRAP that is on! Let my better half watch the stupid Batchelor show while I sat glued on my chair looking to see if I could spot something special. It is obvious the sellers enjoy being on the show, you can watch their face movements. How priceless is it to their families to have them recorded for posterity?

Dick, they are going to do VERY well on the Vespa! I loved all the Crosleys!

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Say, Good looking Met in the old ladies storage building. :cool: Dandy Dave!

And a Hudson Metropolitan at that. I seldom watch TV but tuned this show in last night after seeing the discussion here. I lived in the midwest for 20 years and can attest that there are many collections like this around. This would be my dream job.


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Very entertaining. Didn't we all enjoy doing that kind of thing at one time. We had a small group of folks here in the Tidewater Region who were known as "The Intrepid Travelers" and enjoyed the same kind of adventures. We mainly hunted old gas pumps and country store artifacts and got into some fascinating places. We shared writing stories about some of our adventures in our region newsletter "The Mudflap." I'll never forget the time we met a really loony brandishing a confederate sword while we looked over an old visible gas pump. Maybe when the weather breaks...

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...they are going to do VERY well on the Vespa! I loved all the Crosleys!

I've been watching the show as I grew up in the area where they operate and do most of their "picking." What is shown on the show only scratches the surface of what's out there in that part of the world. They seem to go to great lengths to not show too much of the surrounding area so that people can't figure out where all of these places are, but every now and then there are clues.

One of the two pickers, Mike, like vintage motorcycles and scooters. He has a small collection of them and considers himself a Vespa "collector" and can be seen riding a Vespa GS every now and then.

It was kinda funny to watch them stroll past some very rare motorcycle/scooter parts that they either didn't notice or couldn't get the folks to part with (I don't know how much editing is on the show...maybe they asked and got turned down). Among the items they ignored was a Doodle Bug scooter (my personal favorite).

Regarding that particular Vespa Ape...

It has been for sale for some time. Those in "scooter circles" have known this one was around for a while. It is not the only one is north America like they mentioned on the show, nor is it a handlebar Vespa (it is a Faro Basso or "fender light" model). It is a neat item (and rare) but not the "rarest of the Vespas" like they said. Several collectors have turned it down at about half the price of what it sold for to the American Pickers. To the casual observer, it is pretty complete but to the scooter nut, it was missing some of the rarest parts. The rust was way worse than one could tell from the show, and the motor was completely seized up. They sold it almost immediately to a collector in California for $6,000 plus shipping. The owner intends to keep it as is and does not plan to restore it at this time, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't need a ton of work. By my estimation, it would take a lot of networking with the Italian scooter crowd and many thousands of dollars to restore it properly if he ever decided to do that. I think the seller got out of it what it was worth in its current condition.

I will continue to watch and see what they come up with.

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Guest windjamer
:D After giveing it some thought I might well pay $50. for one of those jugs,but only if its full of some of that Tenn. white err un water??:D
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:D After giveing it some thought I might well pay $50. for one of those jugs,but only if its full of some of that Tenn. white err un water??:D

LOL, Don't ya be drinkin too much of that Tennessee mountian water at once now Windjamer. ;) Dandy Dave!

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