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Guest imported_MrEarl

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I'm sure it has probably been on here before but one of my favorites!

Yes indeedy, THAT Mr Vice President is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES, thanks for bringin it back around!!!

In fact' I'm still lookin for the Buick in the picture. I can find what appears to be a right headlight but that's about as far as I can get.

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OK Derek, let's hear it. Who made that airplane and what model is it. ;):D

Boeing 377 Stratocruiser...but I'm not very good at aircraft identification.

No, I don't read Playboy...can't even think how long it has been since I've seen one....

Maybe you should give the Playboy Mansion a call, drive Buttercup over, and have at it with the camera. :D;)

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Guest 53Nailhead

here is a link

Pan Am Flight 7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I also found Tail number N90943 Pan Am Flight 6 interesting as well the original "Capt. Sully"

Pan Am Flight 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm sure there is better place to get info than Wikipedia but you get the gist.


WOW! AND I just thought it was a cool picture.

Thanks Brian. Very interesting.

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The wind howled wildly and it was Holloween. Colder than a Witches Tit it was on that all hollows eve. The Davishing Diva Danna came out to turn a trick or two, or try to collect some treats. Landed on the hood of a Buick Riv after a drink or two. So here she is for you..... Dandy Dave!


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Dave all jokes aside...you must be a hell of a guy to party with!

I'm guessing this pic was taken right between when you said "Is that a dare?" and "Where am I and where did I get these clothes?"

...too funny man!

LOL... I'll tell you what man, All the Chicks talk to you if your dressed like a chick on Holloween.... :D Dandy Dave!

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The wind howled wildly and it was Holloween. Colder than a Witches Tit it was on that all hollows eve. The Davishing Diva Danna came out to turn a trick or two, or try to collect some treats. Landed on the hood of a Buick Riv after a drink or two. So here she is for you..... Dandy Dave!

So Dave, is this what happens when you mix A BUICK, A TRUMPET & A BOTTLE OF JACK DANIELS?

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So Dave, is this what happens when you mix A BUICK, A TRUMPET & A BOTTLE OF JACK DANIELS?

More like a Fender American Stratocaster, Some Captian Mogan and Coke a Cola, and a Riv convertible..... ;) Dandy Dave!

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Guest 53Nailhead
The wind howled wildly and it was Holloween. Colder than a Witches Tit it was on that all hollows eve. The Davishing Diva Danna came out to turn a trick or two, or try to collect some treats. Landed on the hood of a Buick Riv after a drink or two. So here she is for you..... Dandy Dave!

Never thought I'd say this BUT that's a little TOO Much "up skirt" for me :D!!


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  • 1 month later...

Now for something a bit on the serious side. I think it may have been one of the earlier GoB threads, but a photo of mine has been absconded and is currently a scam posting on Craigslist - 1952 Buick Straight 8 Runs Good. ALL ORIGINAL. Clear Title.

I reported the ad, so I don't know how long it will remain there. The funny part was reading the ad...no rust through...he really doesn't know the car...runs good...another funny one...clear title...I wonder how he got one since I've never signed my ownership document over to anyone.

I just thought I'd put this out there. If you see a photo of a Buick with a "girl" of whatever age on it, it may very well be harvested from here.

The sad thing is that I would need to fire up the old computer to find the original...then again, I could just check my web page...oh lookee....


At least at this size if you look closely, you may be able to make out that it is a Manitoba plate.

Scammers like this anger me....

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Maybe he has one as well for sale and just found a picture of yours to post in his ad, since he may not have any pictures of his car or a camera.

You never know, but this has happened to me a few times as well with the 55 Roadmaster.


Even if that is the case it should indicate that the picture is of another car. He may have one to sell as well but using a pic of another car without informing the buying public is fraud to me.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest 53Nailhead

Very Nice Stevo! Buick's not bad either....:D

Thanks for bring this one back to the top, seems I've missed a few of the posts......:eek: ;)

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  • 7 months later...

I've always figured I was a "Roadmaster" kind of guy. I am comfortable in an XXL flannel shirt, over-sized, you know. Generally agreeable, friendly, forgiving, somewhat heavy duty, adequately powerful; a smooth reliable kind of guy. And that's my image of Buicks for the most part.

Now, as Woody Guthrie would say, "I'm sittin' here with half a grin a-thinkin what that Miss Buick would look like, havin' them Buick qualities n' all."


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