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Have a Happy Thanksgiving all.

Dandy Dave

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Happy Thanksgiving all.

Things I'm thankful for.

This AACA website.

All the knowledge that flows through here everyday.

Friends I've made here.

Peter G, the head honcho that keeps it running like a well oiled Locomobile.

All the moderators that keep the trash out of here.

Dandy Dave.

Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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 Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please remember on this Thanksgiving all of our many Blessings!! Also remember on Thanksgiving day things not to do:

 -Drink from the gravy boat.

 -Scratch, burp or pass gas at the table.

 -Talk with your mouth full.

 -Drink too many adult beverages.

 -Stay in the garage until extended family leaves.

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We are all very fortunate to live in the best country in the world. Most of the world is living on 37 cents a day. For all our problems and headaches, we really don’t have any. I remind my self every day how lucky we are. Unfortunately, 80 percent of our fellow countryman don’t have any clue how the 95 percent of the global inhabitants live. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, Dandy Dave said:

Happy Thanksgiving all.

Things I'm thankful for.

This AACA website.

All the knowledge that flows through here everyday.

Friends I've made here.

Peter G, the head honcho that keeps it running like a well oiled Locomobile.

All the moderators that keep the trash out of here.

Dandy Dave.

Thank you DD.  Made my day. :)

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2 hours ago, Gary W said:


A Blessed Thanksgiving to all our AACA families.  




"Freedom From Want" 


That Norman Rockwell painting, a part of his Four Freedoms series per President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union address,

is a reminder of that for which we should be thankful:


- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Worship
- Freedom from Want
- Freedom from Fear


Dale and I add our wishes to all, and for all those you hold dear

Edited by Marty Roth (see edit history)
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In the early seventies I was talking to the new owners of the Saturday Evening Post about doing their subscription processing. When the son of the owners told me an interesting fact on the history of the purchase. Whey they closed the publication down in the late 60’s. They sold everything including the furniture in the board room and everything in the warehouse to this company in Indiana. They put a lot of the furniture in their offices and more in the warehouse along with a group of crates. A couple years later they needed room in the warehouse so they started cleaning up and unpacking crates they got from the Post. Inside were a good number of the original Norman Rockwell cover paintings. They displayed them in the halls of the executive floor of their building. They ended up being insured for more than what they paid to purchase the Post. 
dave s 

Edited by SC38dls (see edit history)
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Even with all the horror and crap we're facing daily, there's still a lot to be grateful for.IMG_1226.jpg

This is my 97 year old Aunt Gray at lunch today. She's one of two aunts I have left. Farm wife and retired private duty LPN. Right after the picture was taken she said "Enough pictures. I'm hungry!" and proceeded to devour a plateful of Thanksgiving feast. Look close and you'll see her tobacco leaf earrings that she's had almost 50 years.


I'm grateful for every day she and my Aunt Adelle (90) are still here.

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