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What are you feelings on an "Introduce yourself" thread sticky at the top of general?


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One of the things I like about the HAMB is they force you to introduce yourself before you start asking a bunch of questions.    They have entire forum for it:




I don't know that we need an entire forum, but maybe a single thread with a sticky?    On the HAMB it is member policed where a newbie posts without an introduction he gets politely sent by other posters to the intro forum.     It is a slight barrier to entry and requires new people to put in the most minor amount of effort before they start exercising everybody.


It doesn't need to be your name and address, but basic geographical location (New Zeland or New England?),  interests,  and why you are joining. 




I'm A.J.SanClemente (I don't care that people know my name but it is not a requirement) and live in Massachusetts.  I've been around old cars my entire life as my dad started in the early 50s with a 35 Auburn Coupe.    I have varied interests from Brass Cars to Musclecars and have owned a lot of different cars over the years.   I'm interested in the AACA forum to converse with like minded enthusiasts,  to support the hobby and hopefully learn something from others.   I'm also friends with Ed, but I don't want that held against me.







Edited by alsancle (see edit history)
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A single topic is NOT how this forum as intended to be used as you've outlined. I'm much prefer a new forum (if there is consensus) that allows people to identify themselves and each gets it own topic.


NOTE: People can chose to introduce themselves in the general forum if they so choose. Forcing them to introduce themselves is not ideal IMHO. 


Im also not a fan of perpetual sticky posts.  Thats also NOT how the forum was intended to be used. its for TEMPORARY items generally.

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I am a member of a couple of forums that require an introduction post be made by a brand new member in an New Member Forum. Once that post has been made and reviewed the new member can post in whatever other forum they want. I am not sure how the forum software restricts posting access to only the New Member Forum for a single post but it does. With an initial control of posts for new members like this, it virtually ELIMINATES the mass spam posts we see here from time to time.

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1 minute ago, alsancle said:



I'm fine with a sub forum like the HAMB if you want to go that way.   I'm not suggesting people need to post their names so why do you feel an introduction requirement is onerous?

Never said they had to include a name. 

Requiring people to introduce themselves seems heavy handed.  Let them introduce themselves if they so choose.


In the case of the HAMB... the topic you linked to.  I'm not inclined to go down a rabbit hole of anonymous posts.  It's just not productive or valuable IMHO. Topics with a title of "New to the HAMB" for example.

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I like the idea of introducing yourself. Also a mandatory location….doesn’t need to be anything more than state or something similar. I would be nice to be able to search for people by screen name. 

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7 minutes ago, Peter Gariepy said:

I just registered on the HAMB (again).  No, they don't force you to introduce yourself.

It is not forced but as soon as you start posting guys look for your intro and if you haven’t done it they push you to.

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16 minutes ago, edinmass said:

I like the idea of introducing yourself. Also a mandatory location….doesn’t need to be anything more than state or something similar. I would be nice to be able to search for people by screen name. 

Location is optional in the profile. (you can lead a horse to water...)


You can search by screen name already.


Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 10.06.55 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 10.17.42 AM.png

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I have to agree with Peter on this. People whom consider this site to be part of the family already introduce themselves by their posts. Others are afraid to show their license plates, never mind give a state or their real name. I agree with A.J. that it’s not a bad idea to make something that is optional for those who wish to introduce themselves, perhaps in a section dedicated to just that. In that situation it does help others to know of people nearby, such as A.J. and Ed are in the neighboring state to me so I now know I can reach out to them locally. But forcing it on every member will turn some people off to the site. I’m not sure I would have joined the site if I had to write a profile piece just to ask a question. I probably would have just hacked my car trying to figure out the answer myself. 

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57 minutes ago, Peter Gariepy said:

I just registered on the HAMB (again).  No, they don't force you to introduce yourself.


47 minutes ago, Peter Gariepy said:

Not from my experience.

You must not read that board much.


49 minutes ago, alsancle said:

It is not forced but as soon as you start posting guys look for your intro and if you haven’t done it they push you to.


Yes, the bullies instantly pile on. If you don't do it well enough they pile on some more. I am not registered there in large part because I have read so many threads like that. I've been telling myself "nah, maybe some other time" for over a decade. You would really drag that toxic mess over here? Wow.


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34 minutes ago, Bloo said:


You must not read that board much.



Yes, the bullies instantly pile on. If you don't do it well enough they pile on some more. I am not registered there in large part because I have read so many threads like that. I've been telling myself "nah, maybe some other time" for over a decade. You would really drag that toxic mess over here? Wow.



I'm simply using it as an example of site that requires an introduction.  There are other ones but they are probably one of the strictest.


Maybe unnecessary,  but we seem to get a lot of drive-by posters and who ask vague sometimes loaded questions and then disappear.   As a community, it doesn't seem like to much to ask for a rudimentary introduction.

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17 minutes ago, alsancle said:


Maybe unnecessary,  but we seem to get a lot of drive-by posters and who ask vague sometimes loaded questions and then disappear.  

Is that better or worse than a bunch of self-appointed introduction police who fill up the thread and add nothing to the topic at hand? :lol:


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I'm not enthusiastic about the idea.  Here are a few reasons.


---People have a profile already on our AACA Forum.

Maybe there should be a place there to add a descriptive

paragraph or post a few full-sized car photos.


---Introducing oneself should not be mandatory.  People

may include more personal information as they get comfortable

with the community.


---It's always a good idea to safeguard one's identity.  People

may not want to put their full names, their locations, and their

birthdays.  Such information could be too much in the wrong hands.

And after all, some car collections are worth large amounts of money.


I like the possibility of putting more in one's profile.  Maybe it's

possible already.  Otherwise, the forum is good as it is.

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I like the idea because I’m on a couple other sites (MG related, and vintage Honda Motorcycles) where a new individual does just what AJ described.  I think it’s well received and usually prompts people to be more helpful to the individual.

it adds a sense of decorum and is really analogous to if you walked up to a group of guys who are talking about cars and joined into the conversation as a new guy. It doesn’t have to be mandatory but it could certainly be encouraged. For those who don’t like it....simple..... don’t ever look at it. 


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5 minutes ago, John Bloom said:

...really analogous to if you walked up to a group of guys who are talking about cars and joined into the conversation as a new guy.

That decorum is great, I think, for a limited circle of

people such as one's first car club meeting.  However,

the forum information is spread indiscriminately, even to

wrong-intentioned people.



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Well those guys that openly admit to using a "handle" to keep a low profile on the amount of time spent on the forum during the workday could still keep their handles, right? 


You can do a nice intro without sharing personal info like "areas of interest for me are prewar US cars, traditional hot rods and sportscars, mainly British stuff" " besides cars, I like gas & oil, and similar collectibles"  This gives some insight as to who you are. 

I like it when people list what they have, is it a project, driver, etc.  But fully get why folks might prefer not to also. 



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22 minutes ago, John_S_in_Penna said:

That decorum is great, I think, for a limited circle of

people such as one's first car club meeting.  However,

the forum information is spread indiscriminately, even to

wrong-intentioned people.



John, I think you hit on a very important point.  No one should be forced or even encouraged to give any information they don't want in the public domain.  Any guidance on what is appropriate on that "Introduction thread" could include a reminder that this is a public forum and individuals should consider that when providing any personal information.  After that, let them be adults and reveal what they want.  


That being said..... don't kid yourself.  What they already know about you is disturbing down to details most Non "IT" people wouldn't even believe.


Make it optional for new posters.  They can provide whatever level they are comfortable with.  I think most would find that if they give a brief overview, but nothing too detailed or personal, they'd get more friendly feedback than if they just post for the first time: "what's this" and show us a rusty part with no reference and we can see they've never been here before.  


I like to think of this forum as guys gathering and talking about things they enjoy and are interested in.  If this was all done in person, you'd likely give a brief introduction if you walked up on a group like that as a new guy (gal).

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3 hours ago, Bloo said:

Yes, the bullies instantly pile on. If you don't do it well enough they pile on some more. I am not registered there in large part because I have read so many threads like that. I've been telling myself "nah, maybe some other time" for over a decade. You would really drag that toxic mess over here? Wow.

The HAMB is a very different forum that the AACA forums.  They are perfectly ok with letting it be a complete free-for-all. No decorum, virtually no moderating, where personal attacks are common and arguments are almost the rule.  They allow, even encourage, topics to have 1,000s of response.  All the power to them. It's their forum and they can do with it as they wish.  


As long as I run this forum for the AACA, I'm not going to let this forum go down that path.

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5 hours ago, alsancle said:



I'm fine with a sub forum like the HAMB if you want to go that way.   I'm not suggesting people need to post their names so why do you feel an introduction requirement is onerous?

I never said you did suggest that people post their names.

I find it unnecessary to suggest people introduce themselves.  If they want to nothing is stopping them.

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I think if it's optional, it's fine.   I'm not so enthusiastic if it's a requirement. 


Part of the "problem," I take it, is that we're so darn enthusiastic about helping.  Someone somewhere in the world signs up for an account and writes, "I have an old car, seems antique.  What is it worth?  What should I do with it?"  And then like 20 of us follow up with these long and details replies welcoming them and asking questions about it to give them guidance.  Meanwhile, the poster is never heard from again....

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If one is here long enough and is interested in participating, who they are, what their interests are and their bio will become apparent. If one just drops by for some advice or info and then splits, so what. In any case a thank you for the help should be offered without fail........Bob

Edited by Bhigdog
Political Correctness (see edit history)
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I usually agree with AJ, however I dont think that a mandatory intro is necessary. I feel like I have gotten to know most of the regular posters to some degree by just that, regular posting.  It is frustrating though when someone pops in and asks for advice, gets 30 replies and never as much as a thank you. I went above and beyond a short while ago with a one time poster (actually I think he posted maybe 10?) looking for something very specific. Going to the extent of finding outside of the forum help that could do what he was asking for. He even went as far as contacting that person then went radio silent. I have done similar in the past. I wont offer any help, not that I have a lot to offer anyway, to any one time poster again.

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2 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:

The HAMB is a very different forum that the AACA forums.  They are perfectly ok with letting it be a complete free-for-all. No decorum, virtually no moderating, where personal attacks are common and arguments are almost the rule.  They allow, even encourage, topics to have 1,000s of response.  All the power to them. It's their forum and they can do with it as they wish.  


As long as I run this forum for the AACA, I'm not going to let this forum go down that path.

Why don't we close this thread because it's not going to go anywhere.

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1 hour ago, TAKerry said:

I usually agree with AJ, however I dont think that a mandatory intro is necessary. I feel like I have gotten to know most of the regular posters to some degree by just that, regular posting.  It is frustrating though when someone pops in and asks for advice, gets 30 replies and never as much as a thank you. I went above and beyond a short while ago with a one time poster (actually I think he posted maybe 10?) looking for something very specific. Going to the extent of finding outside of the forum help that could do what he was asking for. He even went as far as contacting that person then went radio silent. I have done similar in the past. I wont offer any help, not that I have a lot to offer anyway, to any one time poster again.


I may forgive you for publicly disagreeing with me.  Maybe.   I don't think the introductions need to be mandatory,  but I was planning on ignoring anyone that doesn't do some form of one.   Nobody is saying you need to give out your SSN, but it seem just polite to say something.   Smart first timers do it in their first post when they ask a question.   I'm happy to help those guys if I can.   But we get too many with stupid vague questions that we have to guess at the answer.   And then some poster will chime in and complain that we aren't staying on subject for some guy that posted once and disappeared.

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1 hour ago, alsancle said:


I'm going to go find one of your threads and close it.

All I'm saying is when you hear or read this, the effort is over, has nowt to do with me.


"As long as I run this forum for the AACA, I'm not going to let this forum go down that path."


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So here a fresh view point. . .

Are there really that many "new" people joining that it is a problem or even something worth talking about?  Of the "new" people arriving they generally seem to fall into a couple of classes.  people who just bought or are thinking of buying a car asking for help.  Those tend to self introduce as they are asking for help and any chance I can I offer help, I think it is best to welcome these people with open arms as it is what will keep the hobby alive.  The other would be those looking to sell/advertise or "use" what has been built here to their own personal gain.  People seeking to benefit off the sight would be worth asking who they are/what their interest is and an introduction may be valuable from a consumers point of view.  Something as simple as requesting an introduction before using the classifieds may be a elegant solution to the topic at hand.


Just my $.02, cause everyone has an opinion

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I never minded an intro thread. But I've used mostly the same usernames (two) on numerous car forum, and I find most car folks are on many of the same forums. For instance, I'm here as Roscoe, and on Corvetteforum, the HAMB, Fordbarn (rarely post) and several others as five-oh. Usually one of three car pics as an avatar, the '52,the '46 or a C5 corvette. Thus, most folks already " know" me in some form or another on forums and are as apt to call me "Bob", my given name, as anything else. Nowadays, if you are on the web, privacy is limited anyway.  

I love this place regardless of whether the powers that be want an intro or not. Hope to be here for many more years. Oh, and...I hope to bring a new toy home tonight, so there *may* be a new post up about it after the trade is concluded and I have the toy in possession. It'll fulfill a bucket list item for me even if it isn't a full classic or high dollar....

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