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Walt G

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16 hours ago, TG57Roadmaster said:


This incredible '31-'32 Cadillac Cabriolet by Voll & Ruhrbeck (or another similar) may have been the inspiration for the '33 Fleetwood Style 5586.

The family that runs these auctions is the same that puts on the Veterama Show in Mannheim and has the Automuseum Dr. Carl Benz

in nearby Ladenburg, Germany.


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I have the original,  but I'm sure you guys will excuse me from posting it without the auction labels since it was over 100 bucks.

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2 hours ago, alsancle said:

I have the original,  but I'm sure you guys will excuse me from posting it without the auction labels since it was over 100 bucks.


I saw that it sold for 72 euros plus. Dreamy photo of a superb design - if I'd known about it then you would have had an extra bidder! 

It would be great to have a low-res image added to the Voll & Ruhrbeck Cadillac page at Coachbuild. com.

I'm a moderator there if you're feeling generous...





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I like that site. I'll post a scan. I remember when it was in upheaval and I think I offered to buy it to keep it going.


PS:  Bidding there is very expensive, final invoice for that one photo was 108 euro then converted to dollars it was like 125 bucks.

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18 minutes ago, 1937hd45 said:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Smarter money would have bought this, and kept $80,000 in the bank.  Bob 


I wholeheartedly agree !   It appears that most of the 100K was spent on gemstone do-dads. They’re all over the place on this car.

He probably had a Duesy with tiger skin upholstery....lol. 




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Interesting images and info on this Rubay Locomobile that also appeared at the Chicago Salon after the New York Salon.

The rear and sides were caned according to a description in the story of the New York Salon.


https://books.google.com/books?id=vVgfAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA4-PA9&dq=1918+rubay+locomobile&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjG2qOglYfpAhUPP6wKHc5oAuwQ6AEwAnoECAEQAg#v=onepage&q=rubay locomobile&f=false







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3 hours ago, alsancle said:


I like that site.  I'll post a scan.   I remember when it was in upheaval and I think I offered to buy it to keep it going.


PS,  Bidding there is very expensive,  final invoice for that one photo was 108 euro then converted to dollars it was like 125 bucks.




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1 hour ago, Lebowski said:

How long do you think this Plymouth has been sitting here? 



It looks to be a 1959 Plymouth?

so, maybe sitting there since 1969?

Not all rusted out...

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2 hours ago, Lebowski said:


You have a problem with a '50s Plymouth but you don't have a problem with guys posting pics of their cats on the first page of this thread? What's up with that? :angry:


There is a BLOCK MEMBERS feature on this Forum, I don't see cats any more and don't miss anyone that cared to post those photos. Bob 

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15 hours ago, TG57Roadmaster said:

Interesting images and info on this Rubay Locomobile that also appeared at the Chicago Salon after the New York Salon.

The rear and sides were caned according to a description in the story of the New York Salon.


https://books.google.com/books?id=vVgfAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA4-PA9&dq=1918+rubay+locomobile&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjG2qOglYfpAhUPP6wKHc5oAuwQ6AEwAnoECAEQAg#v=onepage&q=rubay locomobile&f=false







Funny, they "the design critics" were critical "an unpleasant feature of the design is the sharp toe or angle in which the cane ends at the cowl"  of the molding on the cowl matching the slope of the windshield and dividing off the cane - today, we would view that as the car's pivotal and best feature. 

Edited by John_Mereness (see edit history)
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11 minutes ago, John_Mereness said:

Funny, they "the design critics' were critical "an unpleasant feature of the design is the sharp toe or angle in which the cane ends at the cowl"  of the molding on the cowl matching the slope of the windshield and dividing off the cane - today, we would view that as the car's pivotal and best feature. 


Yes, I found that curious, too! Even then, everyone was a critic! Lol



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16 hours ago, Doozer said:



Fantastic view of this car I have never seen before. I have an actual paint sample from this car. Unfortunately, of the six Pierce Arrow's that went to India in 1931, this one does not survive. 


I have been hunting photos of this car for 40 years, and ALL of these are new to me. Doozer.......you get a ride in a Pierce Arrow.....or whatever else I have hanging around. You are OK in my book. PM me if you have any other Pierce photos. Thanks, Ed 


Edited by edinmass (see edit history)
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43 minutes ago, TG57Roadmaster said:


Immediately thrust to the front rank of my favorite prewar European coachworks on American chassis.

I hope the Cadillac survived, stashed away somewhere waiting to be discovered!




Pebble BOS potential

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Wow! Glad some of you are enjoying my photos. I have read just about every post here for the last 15 years. I was, am , R_ajax peterson.

I no longer have the email I registered with and my last passcode won’t let me in. Last year I was speaking with Matt Harwood on the phone and he encouraged me to just get back on someway, glad I did.The photos I have posted came from three photo albums of car shows in Missouri. I purchased them in Ct back in 1982 at a yard sale. Many pics are not cars but car related. Also tiny racing boats, some small airplanes and trucks. 

For me to be OK in Ed Minnies book is the “Bees Knees”. Have seven more photos of that pierce.


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7 minutes ago, John_Mereness said:
1935 Duesenberg SJ-585 Speedster (Gurney Nutting) Convertible Coupe
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Another BOS contender restored to its original configuration.   Of course,  back in 1963,  it wasn't good enough to win BOS over my dad and his Auburn coupe.







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