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Looky what I bought. - NOT!

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Strange (for me) but true. So, I posted a Looky What I Bought topic a couple weeks or so ago. Saw the '39 LaSalle coupe for sale on line, talked to the person that placed the ad, & then Paypal'd the full amount to the "owner." The car belonged to the father of the woman selling it. She was cleaning up his estate. Her husband was the person I talked to when I replied to the ad. He gave me a general description & sent additional photos. I asked about title when I first talked to him, & he said they had not yet found the title while going through the paperwork in the house. In the meantime, I got my Paypal money refunded by the daughter. She said it had to do with shipping on her Paypal account. I then emailed to ask about the daughter applying for lost/duplicate title, & straighten out the payment. She phoned me to talk about paying, suggesting I could just pay when I picked the car up. I said ok & asked her about the title. Her reply was there never was a title. I mulled it over until the next day & sent her an email telling her no, I was not buying the car without a title. She replied that was ok because a guy from Texas was coming the next day to buy the car. I think I'm glad I didn't buy it, glad I didn't drive down there, & glad she refunded my original full payment for the car. By the way it was $2500. Now I'm looking for another gem only with a title.

1939 LaSalle Coupe.jpg

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You were lucky she refunded the money, and smart not to buy the car without a title.


Early on, one learns when buying a car, always deal with the person who either has the signed title in hand, or is the one who CAN sign over the title!


Good luck in your search....

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Gee you want alot in an old car for 2500.  A car and a title.  Now that's getting picky. ;)

Probably not worth the hassle if it's one you are flipping.   If it's something you want and the Price is really good as well as know the backstory on the car and there won't be any issue getting current paper on it because you know it isn't stolen then I probably would have pushed it.  It's all in what risk you want to take. 

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Would you be interested in that car for about $5,500 with a title? Maybe 4 or 5 weeks from now?


Might even be able to get notarized documentation of celebrity ownership thrown in, no extra charge.


Kidding aside (if I was), those are really great cars, smooth, quiet, and a buttery slick shifter.

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What do you guys do if the car comes from a state where there never was, and cannot be a title? Here in RI, there is no such thing as a title for a car that old... the first title laws only go back to the mid to late 1970s (I think). I don't actually remember when they started because no title was issued for any car over 10 years old and all of my cars have been. I think that even now, the car has to be newer than 2000 to have one. I have no title for the 98 GMC that I drive every day.


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9 hours ago, George Smolinski said:

In a state that small there's only a few hundred to keep track of.

That is a very silly, nonsensical answer,.... here in CT the no-title issue on old cars is the same as Rhode Island.  And we have a lot more that a few hindered cars to keep track of.  And Rhode island has thousands of cheapie used car/older car dealers, so your answer is based on nothing factual at all.  Take is all wrong as hateful, but I simply state truths when the B-S regularily flys on AACA.


The States that require some sort of paper from a CT car, often demand a "current" and "original" registration paper,  These stricter States will not take a "copy" of a current registration paper, and will not accept a car from our State that is NOT currently registered, BUT, other States will take a CT car without current, as long as the VIN is 100%verified, and if the bill of sale is 100% factual, and not "made up" by the new owner.


My point is just in one area:  Let's say you always wished you could find that impossibly rare early 1930s car body style that only six were made....then out of the blue, some big rancher in Texas finds one sitting junked in a dry wash on his 1000 acre ranch.  He has no papers but wants to find a home for it in our hobby.  Some of us would be there in a heartbeat, while the closed minded folks here, or elsewhere in our hobby, would just say "no title-no way".  At that point, those people are just plain being unreasonable on such a rare car worth saving, and one that they dreamed of finding, but thinking it was surely impossible.

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What do you guys do if the car comes from a state where there never was, and cannot be a title? Here in RI, there is no such thing as a title for a car that old... the first title laws only go back to the mid to late 1970s (I think). I don't actually remember when they started because no title was issued for any car over 10 years old and all of my cars have been. I think that even now, the car has to be newer than 2000 to have one. I have no title for the 98 GMC that I drive every day.




I have a title from the 1930's from RI for a Rickenbacker...................... I have over 4000 titles here and people make more of titling then is really involved.


so if a state like CT or NY or NH doesnt have a title- THEY DO HAVE REGISTRATIONS.  same thing folks- a document that proves ownership.


amazing how people get mired in nothingness in their lives. I call it the Brady Bunch syndrome. Jan has a hang nail, so a whole show is made up about nothing. Actually that was the predication for Seinfeld.


A show about nothing...................

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Pre-1973 NYS issued 'transferrable' registration cards.  In 1973 and on the registration and 'proof of ownership' (title) became separate documents.  With that, I do NOT carry the original, transferrable registration in my GP & Riviera glove boxes.  NY allows one to carry a photocopy to present to an officer at a traffic stop.  I treat those original registrations just like the title certificate for my 2004 daily driver.

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Guest Skyking
11 hours ago, JV Puleo said:

What do you guys do if the car comes from a state where there never was, and cannot be a title? Here in RI, there is no such thing as a title for a car that old... the first title laws only go back to the mid to late 1970s (I think). I don't actually remember when they started because no title was issued for any car over 10 years old and all of my cars have been. I think that even now, the car has to be newer than 2000 to have one. I have no title for the 98 GMC that I drive every day.




When I sold one of my Metropolitans to a lady in Missouri she needed a title.  Since RI doesn't issue titles on older cars I got a registration verification form from the DMV and it was excepted by the Mo DMV.  

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57 minutes ago, mercer09 said:

amazing how people get mired in nothingness in their lives. I call it the Brady Bunch syndrome. Jan has a hang nail, so a whole show is made up about nothing. Actually that was the predication for Seinfeld.


A show about nothing...................

So right, Ron... as we are, or once were also "flippers" and collectors too, of vintage cars, .....we both sure do know that most people who inquire about a car we had for sale, are mostly dreamers....no real deep seated intent to buy anything they call on.  It is a "feel good" call, for the typical unhappy person in that he is so desperate to feel worthy, that they play this silly charade.


We all recall the pre-internet days when selling in Hemmings before there were pictures in the ads back then.  Even though we spent the extra few dollars each ad, to say at the end of the ad; "no picture collectors please", or worse yet, when we did send a dozen glossy 35mm photos and even included a stamped self addressed return envelope, NONE of you pathetic dreamers EVER sent one stinking set of pictures back!  You people are real beauties, the ones who travel through life in some sort of pathetic mental state, searching in vain for "nothing", in realistic term.


and, their comments back to our return phone calls, always were some well versed BS story, "oh, I bought one closer"  "oh, the Wife said no" "lost my job" etc etc


The title of this exact thread is almost showing EXACTLY what we flippers dealt with,,,,a guy who brags about NOT buying a car!


I'm out. Fact is Fact, you all can deal with it.

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oh, and before anyone sends me some hate for speaking up. ...I met Mercer09 back when I was selling a Model A sedan for a very close friend of mine.  The A was the only car not yet sold from his late fathers large Model A collection, and to just settle the probate quicker, my friend bought that A just to make it all happen for the entire family, in a timely fashion.


my friend gave me firm instructions on listing it at a price way under then current market, as he wanted the car gone.  Mercer09 was the only "real buyer" that contacted me through the FordBarn site.  He called to ask only if I would be available on a certain day that he would be traveling back home to NJ, from a trip to the northern New England area.  He showed up on time, he spent about 5 to 10 minutes looking and hearing it run, then asked if that he paid in full on the spot, could I store it indoors for a month or two.  I normally would have said no if this was "by phone", but Ron just plain gives the impression that he certainly is dead serious in person .  It worked out far faster than he hoped, and not only came back with a trailer earlier than promised, he also brought one of his prewar keepers for me to sort out. 

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No title and not in the system for the last 30 years,  rarely will it be a problem.  A 20 year old or less title with issues or signed over to the wrong person and never reissued in their name,  Whole different game. 

I really liked a 40 POntiac Rag top that was pretty close at a very good price.  Came to find out that the car was titled in CA in late 90's, Sold to a guy who brought it to CT, passed away, never retitled it, was bought at an auction where his Daughter signed it over using her name to a new buyer,  who was now flipping it.  That one I walked from. 

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Stay away from motor vehicle departments in metropolitan areas (cities, not the cars). When the woman at the window asks a question pay attention to how she moves her head. It will signal the right answer. If a document lacks a signature other than yours and she asks "Are they out in the car?" The answer is "Yes, I will be right back."


They deal with hundreds of people every day. They can spot the good guys and the bad guys in a minute. One woman worked for the DMV and she had really good judgement. She got replaced.

Avoid the new replacement.

justice.jpg.cb76639746b185f04e0cb1d1012f8b90.jpg She misplaced the scales.


Rules and regulations never bother the crooks, but they make life frustrating for the honest people they thought they were protecting.


I'm not a crook and I have never been arrested for irreverence.


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  15 hours ago, George Smolinski said:

In a state that small there's only a few hundred to keep track of.

That is a very silly, nonsensical answer,....It was meant to be humorous, but I forgot to include the smiley face. Judging by the rest of your posts on this topic, you wouldn’t have gotten the humor even if I did.  here in CT the no-title issue on old cars is the same as Rhode Island.  And we have a lot more that a few hindered cars to keep track of.  And Rhode island has thousands of cheapie used car/older car dealers, so your answer is based on nothing factual at all.  Take is all wrong as hateful, but I simply state truths when the B-S regularily flys on AACA.


The States that require some sort of paper from a CT car, often demand a "current" and "original" registration paper,  These stricter States will not take a "copy" of a current registration paper, and will not accept a car from our State that is NOT currently registered, BUT, other States will take a CT car without current, as long as the VIN is 100%verified, and if the bill of sale is 100% factual, and not "made up" by the new owner.


My point is just in one area:  Let's say you always wished you could find that impossibly rare early 1930s car body style that only six were made....then out of the blue, some big rancher in Texas finds one sitting junked in a dry wash on his 1000 acre ranch.  He has no papers but wants to find a home for it in our hobby.  Some of us would be there in a heartbeat, while the closed minded folks here, or elsewhere in our hobby, would just say "no title-no way".  At that point, those people are just plain being unreasonable on such a rare car worth saving, and one that they dreamed of finding, but thinking it was surely impossible. Based on your “factual” statements above, I was supposed to buy the car because, let’s see, F&J said I must buy it based on his vast knowledge of the titling systems in the various states. I beg to differ. If you don’t live in Minnesota, then you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Next time I locate a car that interests me, I’ll first ask your blessing and permission to buy it. If your reading comprehension was above average, you would note that I did pay in full for it. After that, a series of events took place that caused me to decide against it. I thoroughly explained it all, but maybe you couldn’t see or read it all looking through your know-it-all eyes. Again, I apologize for not putting one of these :lol:in my post about RI.

Edited by George Smolinski (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, F&J said:

So right, Ron... as we are, or once were also "flippers" and collectors too, of vintage cars, .....we both sure do know that most people who inquire about a car we had for sale, are mostly dreamers....no real deep seated intent to buy anything they call on.  It is a "feel good" call, for the typical unhappy person in that he is so desperate to feel worthy, that they play this silly charade.


We all recall the pre-internet days when selling in Hemmings before there were pictures in the ads back then.  Even though we spent the extra few dollars each ad, to say at the end of the ad; "no picture collectors please", or worse yet, when we did send a dozen glossy 35mm photos and even included a stamped self addressed return envelope, NONE of you pathetic dreamers EVER sent one stinking set of pictures back!  You people are real beauties, the ones who travel through life in some sort of pathetic mental state, searching in vain for "nothing", in realistic term.


and, their comments back to our return phone calls, always were some well versed BS story, "oh, I bought one closer"  "oh, the Wife said no" "lost my job" etc etc


The title of this exact thread is almost showing EXACTLY what we flippers dealt with,,,,a guy who brags about NOT buying a car!


I'm out. Fact is Fact, you all can deal with it.

KMA & Two Bucks. If you don't know what they mean, PM me & maybe I'll tell you. Again, if your reading comprehension was above average you would "comprehend" (our secret word for today boys & girls) what took place. And again, I won't expect someone reading my post through know-it-all eyes to "comprehend" (there's that secret word again) what took place in this deal & what I was explaining. Perhaps if you are going to insult members of this forum, you should do as you state above - "I'm out."  By the way, do you want to review my other post Looky What I found Now & let me know if it meets your approval? I won't hold my breath for anything positive about it from you & that should be self explanatory even to you.

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Twisted all around, to suit some point you choose to have me believe.  I rest my case when I said you "seem" very proud to tell the world you did NOT buy a prewar.  Note I said "seem".  If so however, We need more people unlike yourself, if we want to save more unwanted prewar projects,... oh, heaven forbid if a person DOES buy it, find a totally above board, legal way to register it...then restore it to stock, or rod it!


The AACA "vocal" guys crack me up to no end.  They say we should hate rodding, but look for every excuse not to save one in nice stock condition.  There are plenty here that do agree with what I say or preach continually about saving these beautiful but seemingly unwanted prewar project cars, but they just don't have the courage to speak up here.


Other "vocal" AACA guys lay the whole "getting upside down" on a resto $$ value, talking new potential buyers out of a purchase for some silly "value" comparisons, yet they spend thousands $ on cable TV or golf memberships???....so they appartently don't care if a lot of prewar projects get scrapped or rodded. 


Our USA cars have been leaving our Country in droves for many years now... we need to wonder why? ... I don't.   Geeez. 


Edited by F&J (see edit history)
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Rhode is a silly and nonsensical word. Shouldn't it be road or rode, it's just a pile of glacial silt anyway..


I love humor when everyone doesn't get it. My Wife keeps saying "Don't do that to the waitress." When I make comments about "the degree of doneness". It's one of my favorites.


Well, my Wife just walked in, time for lunch. Maybe we'll take a ride up by the KMA campgrounds. There's a good spot up there. Or is that KOA, I don't know. I like hotels.


Just remember, no matter how angry one gets, there is always someone elbowing the person next to them and trying not to laugh.


I would have bought the car if it was close and I had room.


Life is too important to take seriously.



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1 hour ago, F&J said:

Twisted all around, to suit some point you choose to have me believe.  I rest my case when I said you "seem" very proud to tell the world you did NOT buy a prewar.  Note I said "seem".  If so however, We need more people unlike yourself, if we want to save more unwanted prewar projects,... oh, heaven forbid if a person DOES buy it, find a totally above board, legal way to register it...then restore it to stock, or rod it!


The AACA "vocal" guys crack me up to no end.  They say we should hate rodding, but look for every excuse not to save one in nice stock condition.  There are plenty here that do agree with what I say or preach continually about saving these beautiful but seemingly unwanted prewar project cars, but they just don't have the courage to speak up here.


Other "vocal" AACA guys lay the whole "getting upside down" on a resto $$ value, talking new potential buyers out of a purchase for some silly "value" comparisons, yet they spend thousands $ on cable TV or golf memberships???....so they appartently don't care if a lot of prewar projects get scrapped or rodded. 


Our USA cars have been leaving our Country in droves for many years now... we need to wonder why? ... I don't.   Geeez. 


Evidently, you are the one, & the only one who has the correct ideology for whether to buy any type of old car. I bow to you Oh Great One.

The Great & Powerful Oz has spoken.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

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30 minutes ago, mcdarrunt said:

I'm thankful for all those that go into shock when they hear the phrase, "No Title". It lets me follow along behind and pick up good cars at a bargain price and for a mere $165 more have a 100% legal vehicle.


Well, that's all fine and good, until you buy a stolen car, and when it's recovered later you lose everything.  The purpose of a title is to prove ownership.  You wouldn't buy a house without a deed, you shouldn't buy a car without a title.


All that said, yes, I've bought cars with no title, that were abandoned or so old there was no way it ever had a title. 


I'm a vocal AACA guy.  I don't "hate" rodding, I could care less what people do with average cars to make them more to their tastes.  It does bother me when a Full Classic, or a rare car, is "modernized",  because then history is lost.  I appreciate the workmanship that goes into a custom car, it's just not my thing.


Always amazes me when people, individually, don't like something, then project that dislike onto everyone else.  I've heard people say "Oh, no one likes or buys brass cars now"....which is totally false, but it's based on that particular person not liking them, so he thinks NO ONE should like them.....and the reverse is true, a person loves 19something Gogomobiles, and can't understand why EVERYONE doesn't love them....


Everyone has different tastes.  If I say I don't want to hot rod a car, that's my personal taste, and not to be taken as a condemnation of people who do hot rod.....

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1 hour ago, mcdarrunt said:

I'm thankful for all those that go into shock when they hear the phrase, "No Title". It lets me follow along behind and pick up good cars at a bargain price and for a mere $165 more have a 100% legal vehicle.


Why do non-titled "good cars" have a "bargain price'?:rolleyes:  Why do cars having a valid title tend to sell more easily and at a higher price? 


With all of the threads that I've seen on this forum outlining the problems that usually surface with registering a non-titled vehicle, I'm surprised at those who would heap scorn upon those of us who would shy away from a non-titled vehicle.  It's akin to the seller who responds to a question about his car with the phrase: "Oh, that little thing ... well, that can be easily fixed".  Or another one:  "Title, you don't need no stinkin' title, but if you want one, they are easy to get".  Well, if everything is so easy to fix, why the hell  heck doesn't the seller fix it and enjoy getting a higher price for his/her "gem"?:o 




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2 hours ago, 60FlatTop said:

I was out in the garage this afternoon and found some of my car hobby awards from over the years.


What did you do with your slippers?  How did the foot binding work out?  Were you ever able to wear them for that trip home...?  :huh:

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It wasn't very difficult to get my no-title, no registration 1925 Dodge registered in CT.  I think I had to get an authorized person to verify the serial number and after that it was pretty much like any other car.  Even doing the YOM plates was easy.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Not something one can often say about a trip to DMV...

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