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The June Bugle


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I see that Bill has placed the June issue of the eBugle on the BCA website.THANKS Bill !!! Directions for accessing it are at The Buick Bugle.

Since Bill is no longer posting that the Bugle is available on line, if there is interest amongst the members, I would like to begin a monthly posting of not only a notice that it is available but also an invitation to make comments, ask questions and join in a discussion of the articles and content of the current months issue. It could also possibly be a chance for forum members to make suggestions or pass along ideas to the Editor for future articles.

So with no further ado......


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I hear ya Bill. Over the last couple of months I have had a standing weekly appointment with the local Rhino Liner installer to be covered head to toe with their thickest product.

But you do bring up a good point and I do hope that everybody will try and keep on the positive side and that no one takes this as an invitation to be overly critical of the articles, whether authored by the general membership or the Editor.

Thanks for your input. buba.gif

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Guest my3buicks

Sounds like a great idea Lamar.

Edited by MrEarl
To remove inappropriate verbiage related to veiled slams and political agendas. Gimme a break Keith. (see edit history)
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Sounds good to me. Too be honest though I just wait for the hard copy. To me it is more enjoyable to actually hold it in your hands while you enjoy the articles and take in those beautiful pictures.

Great issue on 54's. Mr Earl I did think one other picture should have been included in your article though and that would have been a burnout shot of your Century. That would have been nice to see, however I know space is limited. :)


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I tried to get some burnout shots but there was too much smoke and you couldn't see the car. JK

Yea Carl, I too prefer the hard copy but will flip through the e copy if I haven't received mine yet, such as is usually the case. Now that there are those who only receive the copy electronically, I think it important that they have notice and easy access to it each month.

One of my favorite articles this month was the one about the guy who found a 35,000 mile unmolested 4 door Special WITH 3 speed in a local newspaper ad and bought it. A super rare car. The picture of him holding his baby girl next to that big chrome Buick steering wheel was priceless.

Also as Bill posted last month the new layout and format of the magazine in all color now is just awesome. I had the experience of working with Cindy Livingston in submitting the articles and have to say it was VERY enjoyable and she is a pleasure to work with. I initially had writers butterflies but she immediately got me over them. I also realize Pete was probably overwhelmed with all the articles he received after I campaigned for them over on the 54 Buick Highway and want to say thanks to him for making room for as many as possible. Hopefully the articles are entertaining enough to interest even those who may not be 50's Buick enthusiasts.

Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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Loved the cover pic. Awesome illustration from back in the day! I'm not into the 50s cars but found every article entertaining, educational and held my attention.

Always amazed to see how many differnet models Buick made back then. I bet that would have kept the salespeople on their toes. And then to think of the manufacturing systems that had to be in place to build and deliver all those.

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Everyone who knows me knows that my passion is the caged-valve era Buick automobile from 1914 - 1923. I got my Bugle in the mail yesterday and I'm ready to find a 1954 2-Door Hardtop of the Super variety. These Buicks were just downright beautiful. When I was growing up there was a family in our neighborhood that had a 1954 Super 2-Door Hardtop. It was the Robin's Egg Blue with a White top and Mr. McBride kept that car spotless all the time. They drove that car until 1962 when he traded it in on a new 1962 Buick LeSabre. I asked him several times in later years if he wished he had that car back. His answer was that that was the one car that he really wished that he would have kept. He told me that everything about that car was just right. I told him that I wished I had one like it too. I think Pete and Cindy get on the forum from time to time and I want to take this opportunity to tell them both that The Bugle just keeps getting better and better. I think the new format started last month and I absolutely love it - just love it. Lamar, if you get to Springfield next year, I gotta have a ride in your 'Fitty Fo'.

Terry Wiegand

South Hutchinson, Kansas America

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I agree, let members know asap when the electronic issue is available by every means possible, including here.

I know not all pictures could be included in an issue, but did enjoy seeing the pictures of Mr Earl's new acquisitions rubber on the pavement on the 54 Highway. :)

The whole issue was AWESOME. Then again I'm biased since I got my fifty-fo.


Edited by 1937-44 (see edit history)
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Great articles that the members contributed!

The last 2 paragraphs in the 'letter to the editor' are contradictory. In one he states that we should not use these forums for public discussion of club issues. In the other he wants more communication and thinks that the survey questionnaire is a good thing. Without these forums there would not have been a survey questionnaire and without these forums we might have yearly communication vs a contemporary dialogue.

The sermon by the editor --- I call it a sermon since this pariah is not allowed to comment.


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au contraire!!!! Excellent comment Willie. I do believe you are spot on, that's the way I read it also. And does anybody else get the feeling after reading said Letter that the forum has just been "flogged". I certainly feel like I have just been. Shame on me for allowing such "negative comments". I'm sorry, I thought they were simply "differences of opinion" in discussions geared toward making the BCA an even better club.

Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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Without the forums, I would not have known about the BCA.

We can always lament the bickering in the BCA and on the forum. But we are HUMAN. We are hardwired that way. I don't have to agree with anything said, and often I don't, but will fight to the last for anyones right to say it. And I did not originate that paraphrase.


Be happy.

Be friends.


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We can always lament the bickering in the BCA and on the forum. But we are HUMAN. We are hardwired that way. I don't have to agree with anything said, and often I don't, but will fight to the last for anyones right to say it. And I did not originate that paraphrase.


Be happy.

Be friends.


So glad to see you back in the saddle again Ben and with such words of wisdom. I am sure we probably all have the same ultimate goal in mind here...to make the BCA and the Forum better. But THANK YOU for reminding us that through out all the disagreements, disputes and sparring that might go on we must remember your four words "be happy, be friends". Life is short and getting ever shorter for many of us.... we can't afford to not heed those words.

I indeed was disappointed to see those disparaging remarks made toward the forum in the letter in the Bugle, the main artery of communication of the BCA. It was rather upsetting to me when I read it and realized that the BCA members reading this will now think that our forum is just another typical on line forum of a bunch of rebel rousers and totally not seeing all the great camaraderie, fun stories and helpful technical assistance that goes on.(Not to mention all the Girls on Buicks) In an effort to learn something from all this, I will attempt to communicate privately with the author of the letter to try and get some idea of what "negative comments" he feels I should have moderated. I have gone back through some of the recent threads and while I do see that some responders choices of words and ways of social speaking may come across as a bit crusty and abrupt, they apparently felt they needed to sound that way to get their point across. I have edited and deleted quite a few posts when personal attacks have been made or when I consider them to be blatantly out of line for the good of the BCA, but I stop at deleting someones words simply because they think that is the way to get their point across. Otherwise all I have seen is as Willie so eloquently put it, some great "contemporary dialogue".

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I received my copy the other day and have already read a few pages. This was a great issue, loved the cover art and all the stories.

Good job, Pete, Lamar & Father Buick. Makes me want to get a 54 Buick, its the only gap I have from 53 through 58.



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Crusty and abrupt? Who, me? (brushing off dust from hidey hole)

It was an inspiring issue...wish I'd been on the ball, but my '54 was in the Bugle previously with an article written by the previous owner. It did help to get me to get the Century out today and drive it into the city...it made its way onto my National registration now too....




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  • 2 weeks later...
Crusty and abrupt? Who, me? (brushing off dust from hidey hole)

It was an inspiring issue...wish I'd been on the ball, but my '54 was in the Bugle previously with an article written by the previous owner. It did help to get me to get the Century out today and drive it into the city...it made its way onto my National registration now too....


You're driving the wagon to Portland!? AWESOME!!!!

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as this thread nears the end of it's life, I'd just like to say GREAT job Father Buick and Avgwarhawk on y'alls write ups. And also that I really enjoyed working with Cindy and Pete with editing my two articles, picking the best photos that ended up looking great by the way, and your help making it all fit.

The poster used for the centerfold is a rare one and not often seen, Cindy was wise to have procured it and the rights to it when she did.

I can tell y'all, it's really something and a proud feeling to see your car and story in a magazine, I'd encourage everybody to consider watching for when your year/model is to be featured or just writing up a story with good high res pictures and sending to Pete.

Can't wait for the July issue. buba.gif

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