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Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow....

Dandy Dave

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We're here in sunny Florida; arrived February 1. It's been beautiful. We've been working in the yard planting flowers and doing some clean-up. I gave the car a good bath and quick waxing yesterday and it looks terrific. Talked with our son back in Maine earlier this afternoon. He had just finished blowing out our driveway and said there was easily 24". We used to get at least one storm a year like this, usually during February vacation. This storm only seems huge because we haven't had one this big in quite a long time. Im just glad Im in Florida, waiting for the AACA Southen Winter meet in Lakeland in a couple of weeks.

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Guest Lincoln54Capri

No snow here in Louisville but we did get a couple of inches about 6 weeks ago. It's sunny and 45 here today but on Thursday it was 67 and it missed the record high by two degrees. Hang in there, New Englanders.... ;)


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How 'bout earthquakes? The only time I ever experienced one - a mild one, fortunately - was in NZ. That was before the monster one that wiped out that beautiful city of Christchurch. But what a spectacular country! If you took all the national parks in the U.S. and Canada, minus the desert ones like Death Valley, and crammed them all together, you'd have a pretty good idea of what NZ looks like.

Gil Fitzhugh, Morristown, NJ

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To all those in the East, Wishing the best for you all!

Being in Southern Ontario, Canada I have occasionally experienced a blizzard or two but nothing like 2 to 4 feet and that wind!

We might have received 3-4 inches here (just across the Detroit River) on Thursday night into Friday morning. With a bit of rain mix to start, made things sloppy and heavy. I used to have a 78 Chev 4X4 heavy half ton and plowed for 10 years till we just didn't get enough snow to justify the costs. (sold it in 2005)



There have been times at our cottages (on the North shore of Lake Erie) when.......


Then there was a time when I was too young to remember out on the lake after a storm blew the lake ice close to shore on the sand bars that used to be back then....


Not trying to out-do here just saying....... the weather has sure changed! And then some do get hit hard out of the blue!

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Opened the front door Saturday morning and before I could stop her one of the Shepherds bounded out and within seconds had sunk up to her neck - so here I am barefoot, in sweats and a T-shirt shoveling to get to her before she panicked and hurt herself! Well they eventually made some of their own paths - proof there is strength in numbers!!

This is one time of the year I am glad we are down to 4 cars here, at least 2 are in a garage!

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Ha, Steve, I can picture all of that!

That was one of the first things we started worrying about on Saturday morning--where were we possibly going to be able to lead our dogs to, to "do their thing" outside?!

We've come a long way since then, on our own property, that is, but the town must be having tremendous difficulties, since I was out this afternoon driving my daughter someplace, and the "lane and a half" clear path on normal two-lane roads makes for some "interesting" situations when you have a car coming in the other direction.

Hoping things start improving on the roadways soon....

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Amazing how much snow melted around here in South-Central Shoreline CT after a mild day like yesterday (Tuesday, 2/12).

Also amazing, however, is that our town's schools are closed for a third straight day today (Wednesday 2/13).

Seems a little excessive, but I guess not totally unexpected in today's world (of hyper-sensitivity to lawsuit potential, if God-forbid, a schoolbus accident were to happen).

I am fairly sure that our town has already cancelled the February break too.

Kids are going to be in school until July at this rate!

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Opened the front door Saturday morning and before I could stop her one of the Shepherds bounded out and within seconds had sunk up to her neck - so here I am barefoot, in sweats and a T-shirt shoveling to get to her before she panicked and hurt herself! Well they eventually made some of their own paths - proof there is strength in numbers!!

That reminds me of this video, posted a few years ago:

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Guest Lincoln54Capri
Here in MN we get 2 feet of snow and schools are only delayed 2 hours.

Here in KY we get 2" of snow and in several rural counties schools are closed for anywhere from 1-3 days because they can't afford snow plows or salt for their roads so they simply cancel school until it melts off the roads.... :confused:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Well it has finally come the the North East. A coating today and 29F at 9:00AM DST. The Weather folks are calling for 51F tommorow. Looks like our friends out west are having a time of it with delays, cancelations, and car pile ups and such. Everybody be safe. Dandy Dave!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still no chance for a snowball fight here...

Sunny and 60s today, and warmer through the week..

My antique Flexible-Flyer is still hanging in the shed !

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We had 9" of snow Saturday night into Sunday; another 2"-5" is forecast for tonight. It started snowing about 5:00PM. This morning, the low was -10° F, about the coldest it has been in a couple of years. What gets me is the media makes it seem like it's never been this cold or snowed before.

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Danny, No it doesn't have 4 wheel drive but it does have a big Ben wrecker attachment on it with a 2 ton cast iron weight hanging off of it and a 2' X' 2" X3' concrete block on the deck plate.

I was pulling something and it did a 3' wheely before the chain broke.

Well Roger, At least you can winch youself out if you get stuck and something to tackle to is handy. I use to drive a 1957 FWD that had a 501 Red Diamond engine. It got about 3 Miles a gallon if the snow was not to heavy. Dandy Dave!

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Winter Weather in New Orleans Dec. 20, 2013


Wow !! Good thing tomorrow's New Orleans Bowl -


will be played indoors at our SUPERDOME

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Guest Peter Bird

Ah, guys...you can have your snow this Christmas. I'll stick to hot sand and diminishing bikinis. Brrrrr. Damn, those pictures look cold. Glad we all aint brass monkeys

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