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April Buick Bugle

Guest sconnors

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Maybe he is a new member and was not aware that the Bugle is a publication that ships the start of the month listed.

I know that I was a little concerned when it took 8 weeks for my first Bugle, I just joined at time of publication and missed the first one then it normally takes 4 weeks to recieve one as I live in Canada.

That being said they come about 30 days apart now, no matter what month it is... ;)

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The Bugle, by contract with the printer, is mailed on the 4th of each month, which means most members in the U.S. receive them the second week of each month. The contract gives the printer a day or so of leeway, in case the 4th falls on a Sunday or a holiday, which is the case this time (Easter Sunday is the 4th). So, I don't expect the April issue to even hit the mail until Monday the 5th, which is okay.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Bugle Editor

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What is your opinion?

The Bugle is generated electronically (like everything else today)... is sent to the printer, who does his job, then it is mailed (at increasing cost) and we eventually get it.

I for one like a hard copy to read.... sometimes it puts me to sleep at night, so I read the same article several times. Anyway, there may be others that would get along just fine with an electronic copy.

I feel that in particular, our foreign members might like to get both. As noted in some post, the members in Australia wait 6-8 weeks for their Bugle. If they are looking for parts, they are probably sold by the time the Bugle arrives. An electronic version would greatly improve their search for Buick parts.

The BCA Board has talked about Bugle options and I would be will to propose we "try" some options.

My thoughts......... (1) we start by giving the foreign members the option of getting an electronic Bugle. I do not know if this would be in addition to the hard copy, but that could be a second option.

Once we get a feel for how this serves our members, we could proceed to the rest of the membership.

One big concern........ If a large number of members choose to receive ONLY an electronic Bugle, then the number of Bugles printed goes down and the price of each copy goes UP.

We COULD have three Bugle options..........

(1) Electronic only ........ with an adjusted price.

(2) Hard copy only ........ with no change in price.

(3) Both Electronic and Hard copy .... with a slight increse in price to cover the cost of someone maintaining the email database.

Lets have your opinion so myself and the rest of the BCA Board has a feel for what the members want.

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What is your opinion?

(3) Both Electronic and Hard copy .... with a slight increse in price to cover the cost of someone maintaining the email database.

As a computer junkie I like most things digital but I would never want to give up my hard copy Bugle. If any move would threaten the hard copy then I'm not for it but if it can be done side by side then I say great....and I would pay more for that.

After all a membership is about the cost of a tank of gas, well at least up here anyways. So I am ok with a little more, if a little more is what I get..... ;)

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I love the hard copy of the Bugle!

The hard copy is the only way to go, I hand one out at almost everycar show I go to during the year. I have a lot of friends that dont have computers and they would not be able to get a copy unless they got the hard copy. Just my opinion


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I suppose I sound negative and all. The Bugle is a great magazine but I just threw out a bunch of old one. What I need out of the Bugle is event happenings, maybe some classifieds. The other content not so much.

I know I know - we want more content, Pete's got articles from now until forever, but at some point the small print set requires a lot of work to comfortably read.

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Pete's got articles from now until forever, but at some point the small print set requires a lot of work to comfortably read.

You need to get your eyes checked or new glasses... I got new glasses a while ago and I have no issues now with the Bugle.

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You need new friends

I cant argue the fact that I need new friends, but I would bet that there are a lot of members in our club that don't use a computer, it is more than we know. I don't know the numbers but I have talked to members who are over 60 plus and they don't use the computer, or are very uncomfortable using computers. To older members computers are not user friendly. Lets pose that question at the next BCA meeting at Ames and find out.

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I'm glad you realized I was messing with you, Boo.

Even computer savvy people don't necessarily want to sit at their desk and read if they have been at a computer all day. I DO like the option of a net based format for the reasons that have been stated i.e. faster access to the classifieds. Barney, I doubt that it would be a financially sound idea to replace the hard copy, but an extra cost option would be a win-win for people like Stuart and Rooster, as well as others. Like it or not, the computer is an invaluable tool in the restoration and upkeep of our cars.

Edited by buick5563 (see edit history)
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Like it or not, the computer is an invaluable tool in the restoration and upkeep of our cars.

Words of wisdom Mike. When the shop has been working on my cars, occasionally they have come across parts that require replacing that they can't get through the usual sources...I turn online and have frequently been able to get what was needed.

Another thing, depending on how it is assembled, it may work better for those who are finding the Bugle typeface increasingly more difficult to read - on the computer, you can generally set things up to view magnified views or use the accommodation aids built into the operating system to change default font sizes. So, among those with deteriorating eyesight, it could be a selling feature.

I find there is a mix among the older crowd. Some are like my father was - swearing off computers altogether, while others have really embraced it. There is a mix, but I don't know what it is.

Our local club has PDF version of the newsletter available and the hard copy is optional. Due to the discussion involved (one ornery fellow stood up and called a dual dues system discrimination against those who don't use the Internet), I have refused to give up my paper copy until such time as there is some benefit to me.

I still don't know how I would go with this idea. I like the concept of getting things earlier, but since I already pay a higher cost for mailing, I wouldn't want to give up the paper Bugle unless there was a financial benefit (i.e. not so much getting back the incremental cost of one less Bugle printed, but the fact that the mailing costs, which are what differentiates my dues from the US members needs to be reflected if I elect to take no printed copy). I waffle on whether or not I would really want to give up the hard copy.

Ultimately, I guess my decision rests upon how the cost structure would wind up.

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What is your opinion?

The Bugle is generated electronically (like everything else today)... is sent to the printer, who does his job, then it is mailed (at increasing cost) and we eventually get it.

I for one like a hard copy to read.... sometimes it puts me to sleep at night, so I read the same article several times. Anyway, there may be others that would get along just fine with an electronic copy.

I feel that in particular, our foreign members might like to get both. As noted in some post, the members in Australia wait 6-8 weeks for their Bugle. If they are looking for parts, they are probably sold by the time the Bugle arrives. An electronic version would greatly improve their search for Buick parts.

The BCA Board has talked about Bugle options and I would be will to propose we "try" some options.

My thoughts......... (1) we start by giving the foreign members the option of getting an electronic Bugle. I do not know if this would be in addition to the hard copy, but that could be a second option.

Once we get a feel for how this serves our members, we could proceed to the rest of the membership.

One big concern........ If a large number of members choose to receive ONLY an electronic Bugle, then the number of Bugles printed goes down and the price of each copy goes UP.

We COULD have three Bugle options..........

(1) Electronic only ........ with an adjusted price.

(2) Hard copy only ........ with no change in price.

(3) Both Electronic and Hard copy .... with a slight increse in price to cover the cost of someone maintaining the email database.

Lets have your opinion so myself and the rest of the BCA Board has a feel for what the members want.


I think this is an interesting idea. I enjoy getting the Bugle in hardcopy, but I am also an internet guy who be happy reading it online, if it was available in "real time" and not delayed.

I would be curious to know, what is the cost per year to print and mail a copy to each member?

And at what reduced number of copies does the printing cost increase, and by how much per issue does it go up?

Also, I think rather than maintaing an email database and emailing a PDF version out to members, it might be easier to simply store them online with password access required. The password could be supplied when the member renews their membership and selects an option to have electronic access to the Bugle. Electronic access to old Bugle's also provides an excellent resource for research.

Thanks, Chris

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Guest sconnors

Just got my copy of the April Buick Bugle. Great issue!! I was excited to find an article about my car on page 18!! It was also great to see and read about all the great 1950's out there!! Awesome edition!!


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Definitely agree. They are unique cars. Thanks for all those detail Pete. I never realized how special the 50's were.

And nice car Scott. Still can't believe you found this less than 10 miles from where I live and I never knew about it.

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Guest sconnors


Thanks for the compliment! I can't wait to get her back from having the wiring harness done. I look forward to coming to some upstate New York chapter events this year. Please keep me informed.



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