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Young kids and old cars. Please share your photos, old or new.

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I wish that I had a slide scanner. I have a slide of my son

standing on the drivers seat of my 62 Corvette "steering" taken when he was about 2 years old. I let him drive it for the first time when he was 15. I let him drive it by himself with his girlfriend when he was 19. He is 22 now and does not know it yet, but the car will be his 25th birthday gift, with the stipulation that he keep it and pass it down to his son when he is 25. I would like to be around to see those pictures.

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Not as young as the little tykes, but here is me with my first car at 16 years old. 1931 Dodge Brothers DH 6 business coupe. Still got it. Then me at 55 with my second 1931 DB DH6.



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Guest EMF-Owner

If this works, here is a collage of pictures we have been taking since 1998. There are actually a few more recent years that are not included. I wanted to have an unchanging object so you could see the change in the kids. I take this shot every Easter.

The kids are Michael born 1990, Matthew born 1993, McKenna born 2000 (and a week old in one shot) and a Model T Centerdoor Sedan born 1920.

Notice that the car is still in the restoration stage in the first shot.




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  • 3 months later...
Guest wk's_olds

We had several nice days in late Nov and early Dec this year here in SE Wyoming. I found it necessary to test drive some of the antique autos that I attend to. I like to have kids ride along some times because the kids nowdays have little knowledge of the vehicles of yesteryear. They enjoy the fun that goes with it, too! Here are a few pix of those activities:









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Guest wk's_olds

And, a couple of short videos.........

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://img.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vidmg.photobucket.com/albums/v129/poobie2/112508c.flv">

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://img.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vidmg.photobucket.com/albums/v129/poobie2/120208d.flv">

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So here is this yers Christmas card that we sent out. It was my wife's idea to have it taken around the Dodge. The kids (and all the neighbors) love this car. The Z3 is the second favorite and the 72 Eldo conv. is the least favorite - I've had it over 17 years and including it in a family photo has never been an option! So the Dodge has the most miles on it this year.


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This was an out-take from our 2008 family Christmas card photo session (November '08). Getting two kids and four dogs (including three collies and one mini-poodle) all to look reasonably good AND at the camera is a mini-project in itself. The car is our 1954 VW Convertible, long-running Hershey car show veteran. Happy Holidays!


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I may have found the reason for my interst in old cars.

This picture was taken at Christmas 1955 (when I was 10)

It's a 1906 Autocar at the old Bellem's Cars of Yesterday in Sarasota Florida.

The equate that to today, it would be like a kid born in 1998

(10 years old) getting to sit in a 1959 Cadillac Convertible

and get his picture taken with his bother & sister.

That's me in the back seat.


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Took my 1954 Buick Roadmaster Riviera down to the local school when they were learning about " old times "

They loved it and some of the comments and expressions were priceless. They were seated 4 across the front seat so they all could get a turn at sitting in it.




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It was hard to miss. When the photo came up on my computer screen that was what showed up first. I had to scroll to see your daughter and the big car.

I remember my dad telling me about the local "playboy" getting a new Stutz Bearcat, twelve cylinders all in a row. He said that car had the longest hood he had ever seen. And the car was bright yellow. My dad was born and raised in a very small town that is the county seat of Ritchie County, Harrisville, West Virginia.

So for that guy to have a car like that was a very big deal back then. Most people if they had a vehcile at all it was a Model T of some sort. My dad was born Dec. 14th, 1916. He died March 18th, 2008. I am not sure what year the Stutz was but I bet someone here could give a pretty good guess.

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Here is my son at his first car show at 5 months old. He will be 34 in a few weeks. He didn't ride to the show there his Mother brought him, in our daily driver, in a car seat.


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Here we are trying to figure out how to get Grandson Hunter into the back of the Reatta at 3 mos old. Obviously, this didn't work; had to strap his car seat into the back of the Bonneville. He's now 3 yrs old and loves to sit in the Reatta & ride around our driveway.


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