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How do I get my AACA sign in to use my email?

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OK maybe I am missing something?  Maybe I should just never log out?  Anyway when I go to log in now it shows my user name, but I would like it to use my email address (maybe I have to reset it?), now that we have to log in with the email name. 


Guessing it is something simple?


Thanks for the help.



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I didn't think I needed to do anything. That should have been in the banner warning that an action HAD to take place. I just thought if I needed to log in after 3-1 I would use my email address. So like Graham Man, do I need to do something now?🤔

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20 minutes ago, plymouthcranbrook said:

I never really sign out just close the site when I am done.  I was surprised on the first not to have to re sign in. I guess I expected everyone would be automatically signed out and forced to re sign in on next return. 

Yeah, this is what I assumed also. I have not done anything and not logged out, so the site automatically logs me in with my old user name.

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44 minutes ago, hidden_hunter said:

It means you’ve saved your user name and password within your web browser, do you know if you use chrome, Firefox, edge or on a phone?

Firefox on both the computer and on my phone. My point is that I've never changed that, so apparently the forum is still accepting the old username sign-in from my browser.

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15 minutes ago, joe_padavano said:

Firefox on both the computer and on my phone. My point is that I've never changed that, so apparently the forum is still accepting the old username sign-in from my browser.

I don’t think they forced everyone to relogin so it might be a saved session

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After messing with trying to sign in for an hour and then getting locked out (the original email address is long gone after twelve years of membership) I ended up making a new account. I've spoken to three other long-time members about Peter Gariepy's new sign in method and they've said they're not messing with the headache and quit the forum. In addition, the sign in credentials for this website are more secure than any of my bank accounts: upper case, lower case, punctuation, character count, captcha photo proof, email confirmation, robot check, etc.. The security of this website is absurd and absolutely unnecessary.

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7 minutes ago, Tom999w said:

After messing with trying to sign in for an hour and then getting locked out (the original email address is long gone after twelve years of membership) I ended up making a new account.

Which is why for weeks have been notices to check & update if necessary your email

That was not hard to do.



"You don't need to do a thing as long as your email address on file is correct and you know your password!    


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10 minutes ago, 1939_Buick said:

Which is why for weeks have been notices to check & update if necessary your email

That was not hard to do.



To reiterate: the email address is long gone, forgotten and lost about ten years ago. So no email address = no account access.

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46 minutes ago, Tom999w said:

To reiterate: the email address is long gone, forgotten and lost about ten years ago. So no email address = no account access.

Just had to update in your profile

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19 hours ago, Tom999w said:

After messing with trying to sign in for an hour and then getting locked out (the original email address is long gone after twelve years of membership) I ended up making a new account. I've spoken to three other long-time members about Peter Gariepy's new sign in method and they've said they're not messing with the headache and quit the forum. In addition, the sign in credentials for this website are more secure than any of my bank accounts: upper case, lower case, punctuation, character count, captcha photo proof, email confirmation, robot check, etc.. The security of this website is absurd and absolutely unnecessary.

The 1400 logged in users from yesterday alone prove you wrong.  


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On 3/5/2022 at 7:24 PM, Tom999w said:

To reiterate: the email address is long gone, forgotten and lost about ten years ago. So no email address = no account access.


It doesn't matter if you don't have control of the email address anymore. It doesn't matter if it no longer exists. It doesn't matter if you abandoned the email address, or if the company who provided it abandoned you. It doesn't matter if the domain your old email address was on has been sold 13 times in the last 10 years and now belongs to a Japanese company selling space helmets for owls.


Whatever that old email address was, just type it in the box. Use the same password you were using here on the forum prior to March 1.


If you don't even know what your old email address was, and can't figure it out, then I think you will need Peter's help.


On 3/5/2022 at 7:02 PM, Tom999w said:

I've spoken to three other long-time members about Peter Gariepy's new sign in method and they've said they're not messing with the headache and quit the forum.


Wow. I have to type about 14 letters in the little box now instead of four (Bloo), but I didn't find that an undue hardship. I hope they reconsider.



Edited by Bloo (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, Bloo said:

Whatever that old email address was, just type it in the box. Use the same password you were using here on the forum prior to March 1.

To reiterate again: no email address = no AACA account address or notifications three months ago that things were changing. There's not alot of backlash about this because the disgruntled members NOW CAN'T ACCESS THIS WEBSITE...

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2 hours ago, Tom999w said:

To reiterate again: no email address = no AACA account address or notifications three months ago that things were changing. There's not alot of backlash about this because the disgruntled members NOW CAN'T ACCESS THIS WEBSITE...


Sorry, but youre mistaken.

The forum REQUIRES and email. Everyone who uses the forum had to enter an email address when they registered.  No one can join the forum without an email address.  

 I am 100% sure EVERYONE has an email address.  If its valid or not is up to the owner, not the forum moderators. 

I posted a notice on the change in December. It's been in the header of the site virtually the entire time. Its been a sticky post the ENTIRE time. I was crystal clear you better update your email address.

I honestly do not understand your persistence on this issue. 

If someone can't get in they can contact me. My phone number is in my signature. Has been for 23 years.



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On 3/6/2022 at 3:11 PM, Peter Gariepy said:

I've spoken to three other long-time members about Peter Gariepy's new sign in method and they've said they're not messing with the headache and quit the forum.

Curious... why would people bother to message YOU to complain?   They can contact a forum administrator instead.  ODD! 

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Thank You To West Peterson

and Peter Gariepy 👍


Somehow I had changed my email

address of record here to a valid

one and had forgotten it completely.


i hadn’t logged out in years.


When I went to log back in

I had problems - but that was my fault.


Thank You West & Peter 👋




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I hate Yahoo.  I have hated Yahoo for more than ten years now. As long as they allowed me to set "My Yahoo" up my way (within reasonable parameters!) and opt out of their silly updates that I did NOT want? I liked Yahoo. But once they changed their mind and made me have to look at their stupid ideas of what news I needed to see was? I have hated Yahoo. However, I have used a Yahoo email address as my primary email since Yahoo was a small startup. I do not want to change it, because longtime friends, clubs, rosters, for more than twenty years have it in their permanent records. I like it when a longtime friend reaches out to me.

A lot of people do change their email often. My father-in-law once changed his three times in one month! He couldn't get along with anyone, tried every new startup in his area, never did find one he could get along with.

And there are a lot of good reasons to change email. A lot of people use their work email. Jobs change? Email changes. A lot of people use what their ISP (Internet Service Provider, phone company, cable, satellite?) provides with the service. You move? Your ISP changes, your email changes. A very good friend a few years ago had to change his because he got a divorce (she got the email address!).


So, it is understandable that some people will not remember what email address they signed on with.


As for not logging out? Generally, in the IT (Internet or Information Technologies) world? That is not considered wise. In truth, it probably will not cause a problem. But it could. 

For instance, if your computer were to be hacked? And believe me, it DOES happen! If your computer is still logged onto the AACA forum? The hacker would have access to any members area that you have access to. This is one of the reasons new members cannot send PMs or see restricted photo files. Needing to "survive" some number of postings makes it difficult for would-be scammers to stay long enough to acquire that access. A hacked computer already logged on gives immediate access. 

I "try" to log out every night, and usually if I leave the house unattended for more than an hour or two. Most days, I log on when I get up, and log off last thing before turning in at night. This and one other forum, I usually check several times per day.

And,  caution. When logging out? Log out, then leave the computer on for a minute or so. SOMETIMES, I find, that if I shut my computer down immediately after logging off? Even though my computer SAYS "You have logged out"? The next morning, sometimes, I turn my computer on, and find I am still logged in. I suspect that is part of the way the system works. This, I am not an expert about, but I know more than the average bear? The website and my computer need to communicate with each other. They need to complete their "goodnight handshake". Even though my computer SAYS I have logged out, it isn't official until the handshake makes it official. If at that moment, some other minor activity interrupts that handshake before it is completed, BEFORE I shut my computer off? It will still be logged in the next time I go there. That happens on several websites. And me being silly me, I have played with the timing a number of times. The exact timing is random, hence, random interruptions. The other website I frequent often requires an even longer (sometimes a few minutes!) wait before shutting the computer down. 


For me? Switching over here? My computer did something I do NOT like for it to do. I keep turning a lot of those "gamer" functions (swipe etc) OFF! And somehow, they keep getting turned back on again! (DON'T get me started!) So about a week before the March one day? My computer somehow switched me to signing in with my email address! As much as I wanted to cuss out my computer for doing so, I left it that way and it has worked fine ever since. I suspect I would not have had any trouble with it on my own since my email hadn't changed.


Hang in there! And good luck!

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13 hours ago, wayne sheldon said:

So, it is understandable that some people will not remember what email address they signed on with.



Agreed.   But to push blame on their own forgetfulness to the website and its administrators is just plain ridiculous. How is the site to know your email is old or invalid?  I've given people 3 months to make sure they profile info is up to date.  Oye.


Then to complain that the password requirements are too stringent.  It's not that complicated.  At least 8 characters longs, upper and lower case letters, at least 1 number, at least 1 punctuation mark.


Why is that so hard? Virtually every other site on the site has the same requirements. Heck, Many are now requiring even more stringent login requirements including the need to enter a code sent to your cell photo.


Using common sense to protect of YOUR OWN accounts from being hacked is a GOOD THING!


Common sense folks.


Don't get me started... :)




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Peter G, I am mostly on your side on this issue. Just trying to explain the middle ground a bit for people that are not familiar with both the IT and its ways, and the silliness of people. I am guilty of some of the same silliness myself. I have a great dislike of a lot of the information mining so common these days, and don't like any store (seems like most stores these days!) that pushes me to have to sign up for THEIR "club" card. Do they not understand that I have to deal with about twenty different store chains? I should carry twenty different cards in my already uncomfortable wallet? So they tell me to use my phone number. For various reasons, I prefer to not use my cell phone number, and used to usually use the home landline (which as of this winter's storm downing the lines, we no longer have). My problem with the landline has been that my wife has insisted on changing the number half a dozen times in just the past fifteen years. So now, I go into a store I don't shop at often, long since lost the card, and they want to know my phone number! But I don't remember which one. A few store chains I go to often enough, I do remember which one, and give them a number I haven't had for almost fifteen years! I often wonder who has that number now, and feel a bit sorry if the store is selling THAT number for sales lists. 


I do need to update my passwords. It has been awhile. But I like my old one.

The last past time I change my email password I needed to change it quickly due to some suspicious activity (see people! Hacking does happen! It was my wife's computer and accounts that got hacked.) I quickly changed my important passwords simply as a precaution, and monitored my accounts closely for a few months.


I don't say it often enough.


THANK YOU! To you Peter G, and all this site's moderators, the club volunteers that keep the offices running, make the tours possible, and everything else that make the AACA, HCCA, MTFCA, and dozens of other antique automobile clubs, all possible.


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This was literally the most seamless transition I've seen in more than 20 years of being an avid message board user. 


Some of the things I've experienced and seen: the forum being down for a week, the formatting being totally wrong, to the worst of all being the entire 15 year history, including all posts and all member accounts, being deleted. 

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