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Model T Haven Auction


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16 minutes ago, 1912Staver said:

Something tells me this collection is not for sale due to not making money. More likely would be that the owner ran out of time.



I'm trying to figure out how the auction company will cut this collection into piles. Hope there are people that still want to build a T. Bob 

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I have known of Model T Haven for almost thirty years. I only ever bought one item from him, and he was very honest about the condition of something I needed and priced it very reasonably considering flaws he was aware of and told me about. So My dealings with him were very good.

For most of those thirty years, he traveled considerable distance to many many farm auctions, sometimes a few states away. He also went to many large swap meets including as a regular at Chickasha. At swap meets, he would often buy whatever other sellers didn't want to take back home and were willing to sell cheap. 


Scuttlebutt is that he is semi-retiring. He is moving to Florida, and planning to continue buying and selling antique automobile parts on a much smaller scale. In Florida (I have been told?) he will have to keep it limited to what he can manage within warehouse walls.

Rumor is that most of the viable car projects had already been sold (I had heard of several being sold a couple months ago?). Just a guess, but I would imagine that he has already taken the best parts for future selling. 


The sad thing, at least to my way of thinking , is that he has for many years saved tons of model T Ford and other parts from being shipped out for scrap metal. However, most of the rusty stuff left will probably go there now. Frankly, that eventuality was pretty much unavoidable. He did buy time for thousands of model T (and other) bits and pieces to be found and put to good use.


Over the years, I have seen many dozens of photographs of his piles of rust. I often see parts I wish I could pick up cheap, and likely put to good use. Unfortunately, my distance from him made that impossible to do economically.

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11 hours ago, 58L-Y8 said:

And at least one 1937-'39 Lincoln K factory-bodied sedan.




It's a 1937.   1938/39 had horizontal vents and no doors on the hood sides.   The wheels on this car are from a 1934/35 as Lincoln had stamped steel wheels beginning in 1936.   It appears to be a 145" wheelbase.  It's basically a parts car.       

Edited by K8096 (see edit history)
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There are other people and companies pulling out of the T business also we will miss. 



https://www.chaffinsgarage.com/     will be missed if they do not find someone to take over the manufacturing end of it.





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