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Sounds like they know me

Dave Mellor NJ

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For all men and women that remember the past, how different we are!
A wife was curious when she found an old negative
in a drawer and had it made into a print.
She was pleasantly surprised to see that they were of her
at a much younger, slimmer time, taken many years
ago on one of her first dates with her husband.
When she showed him the photo, his face lit up.
"Wow, look at that!", he said with appreciation,
"That's my old Ford!"

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With comments like that, it's no wonder that so many guys have to enjoy our hobby alone.

The kind of things overhead at car shows.  "They ruined that car".  "No trophy here", "What a junker",

"Bondo Bucket", "Ugly color",  "Who let the dogs out?, I mean IN".  Is it the same insensitivity?

Maybe we should learn to be more careful in what we blurt out. 

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Maybe we should learn to be more careful in what we blurt out. 




For myself the blurting things out is not a newly acquired habit, I grew up in Da' Bronx. I think it goes way back to my formative years. So my wife knew what to expect, if anything I perfected it. I have been accused of many things, but never of hiding my emotions

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Interesting comments. I was born a Canadian Redneck.  I have had my car for 56 years and been married to my wife for 50 years.  No way would I see, say or put my favorite car ahead of my love.  There are not many sacred things in my world but one of them is Dixie (my wife).  I often say things to bait people but not in this case.

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  Hey Dave Mellor,it can come from the gals too....one time in Spring Park in Florence, AL., we were at a Street Rod meet with my in-laws.  As we walked around this one large 30ish 2 door sedan with the owner standing beside it just beaming, my Mother-in-law said " look at that place on the side, it looks like a cow backed up to it and laid a pile"....  Just a weee bit embarrassing for the rest of us and the owner I suppose, but I never looked up to see his expression.  Seems kinda' funny after the fact, but I still feel bad for the owner after all these years, ha !

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LOL!!!!  I'm only laughing because I've done nearly the same thing ... many times.  BUT, luckily, my family & friends are usually showing me such pictures BECAUSE of the cars in them. ;)



Cort :) www.oldcarsstronghearts.com

pigValve, paceMaker, cowValve | 1979 Caprice Classic  (awaiting new owner)
"Maybe I'll drive so far they'll all lose track" __ Dolly Parton __ 'Hard Candy Christmas'
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I do. I have a cell for emergency's and when I want to make a call.  I refuse to be joined at the hip the phone.  

The only time I carry it full time is when my wife and I are at Hershey. 

I use mine for car shows as well,  mostly because everybody leaves their space or car they are selling and just leaves a phone number.  I still don't remember what my number is and can't remember how to retrieve it from the phone. I have it written on a business card in my wallet.   The only other time I use it is when I need to call the wife to come pick me up when the car breaks down on test runs.  That usually only happens when I forget to take the phone.

I still have photos in my wallet.  Just of the kids though. The cars come and go to quick to keep up to date. 

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I do. I have a cell for emergency's and when I want to make a call.  I refuse to be joined at the hip the phone.  

The only time I carry it full time is when my wife and I are at Hershey. 


That's exactly how I use my cell phone.  I don't want to know if someone is contemplating fried carp over roasted emu for lunch.


Just a Dinosaur,


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I was showing someone a picture of one of my cars, probably in a bar, and they told me I was full of crap. They said "That's and old picture. Look at the old car in the background." My Wife's daily driver '62 Electra was parked by the house.


Oh, four years after that '39 Buick picture was taken I bought my '64 Riviera. 26 years old in the first pic, still have the Riviera, the girl, AND a smartphone. When you don't adapt one becomes exclusive. And the root word of exclusive is........



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Guest AlCapone

Some of you guys should lighten up. I thought there was some humor there, that's all

Dave. I couldn't agree with you more! Too many frowns and not enough smiles. It was a joke and not worthy of criticism! Good post Dave! Wayne

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That is how I was until 2012. Of course I have been using scan tools since the mid-80s but in 2012 it turned out my cell phone could support Torque Pro. Have also had a GPS for years but now in the Cell Phone (Google Maps) and ths one can warn/reroute if there is a problem. Finally there is the 20 GB of CDs, many not on any radio station (and satellite sounds like AM to me).


So yes it is a phone (and I have handsfree in all my cars now) and is on whenever I am out, but is only rarely used to make a call.


Did go down a dead end (Windows 8 on an 8" tablet) for a while but is clear to me that smart phones (Android) is taking over on smaller devices. Just wish I could send to a bigger display.

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^^^^^^^Agreed ^^^^^^^^^^ there was a lot of humor with this,and I am proud of myself for not blurting out what I am thinking (it's a joke guys)

Forget it John, this is the new political correct world. In their correctness people are just waiting for someone to make a ( in their eyes ) mistake instead of how the meaning could be taken. We have to straighten out the great grand kids from time to time so they can think for themselves how to take the message in its demeanor and  body language of the person giving it. To not do this would leave our world with a bunch of crybabies . 

Edited by helfen (see edit history)
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Guest AlCapone

Forget it John, this is the new political correct world. In their correctness people are just waiting for someone to make a ( in their eyes ) mistake instead of how the meaning could be taken. We have to straighten out the great grand kids from time so they can think for themselves how to take the message in its demeanor and  body language of the person giving it. To not do this would leave our world with a bunch of crybabies .

Amen my friend! Wayne

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The only other time I use it is when I need to call the wife to come pick me up when the car breaks down on test runs.   




I never had a cell phone until I bought my first Model T.

I planned on DRIVING it and knew that sooner or later something would happen that I couldn't fix on the spot.

I'm glad I had it when I ran it out of gas.......the first time.......  :blink: ........and so my 82 year old Mom can reach me if necessary.

I have a dumb phone on a pay-as-you-go plan and very few people have my cell number.

I use it more for an alarm clock than a phone.......  :P

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Guess I'm strange. I consider my smart phone as essential a tool as any I cary (and tend to carry a lot) if for nothing else than I have .pdfs of many factory service manuals and parts books in a microSD card the size of my little finger nail (also over 400 albums & other stuff). Also has a GPS and a live locator if I need to find a FLAPS.


Keep in mind that the show and cruise for Oktoberfest in Silver Springs put over 300 miles on the clock (Florida is a big state, have made 400 mile round trips in a day before to help friends).


Like many things, at first it was just a toy. Now it is an essential part of my kit. And not just to be able to make calls.

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Amen my friend! Wayne

"Amen!"!  Well that's going to push some buttons!


You know, this topic has made me reflect on my experiences with old men I have known all through the 55 years since I was exposed to them in the hobby. They have generally been a bunch of sour old stiffs. I recognized it pretty early on and I have tried to avoid the things I thought brought it on. I enjoy humor that may appear negative or, more appropriate, ironic. It's more like poking fun than the mean, hateful things I saw those old mechanics do. I swear, a chunk of craggy old wrinkled cheek would crack and fall off some to them if they ever smiled.

A little reflection is not a bad thing, especially on the cusp of a new year. Sometimes I kid about the old guy who always wore a garage uniform and left a quarter tip from a worn out snap open leather change purse. I do remember that guy. Yesterday I had coffee at the diner in town and happened to think of this topic and guys like him. I had already put a dollar tip on the table for my $1.75 coffee. I thought "That's about equal to that quarter 40 years ago." I dropped another buck on top of it an walked away thinking "I ain't gonna be that guy."


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Like the original poster, sometimes I ask questions in the improper order just wanting to get to the bottom of things. I remember a frantic phone call from my wife many years ago. It took me several minutes to get her to calm down before I could get any useful information from her. Turns out she had hit the curb of an enclosed bridge and blown a tire on our truck when someone had crossed into her lane and barely missed hitting her head-on. You guessed it!!!! My very next question was, "How's the truck"? In my mind, if she was on the phone then she was ok and I needed to know if a wrecker was needed. Boy, did I get it wrong! Many years later we had lots of laughs about it but it was a mistake that I tried never to repeat ever again!

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