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Dad In The Hospital

Guest shadetree77

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Guest shadetree77

Just as the title says, my Dad is in the hospital. He was at work yesterday and began having chest pains. The pain progressed until it literally brought him to his knees. He DROVE HIMSELF to the hospital, walked in, and said ,"I think I'm having a heart attack." He was indeed having a major heart attack. They transferred him to another hospital in Rome that has a comprehensive heart unit and he immediately went into surgery. He had a major artery blockage and they put in two stents. He spent the night in CCU and they moved him to a private room today. He's doing good. Just sore. If everything is OK tonight he will go home tomorrow. I can't believe he drove himself to the emergency room. The chest pains actually began the day before while he was mowing the grass. Then later that day we were moving the Buick around the yard, lifting heavy blocks, and even lifted the Dynaflow! He just thought it was indigestion. Miracle that he is OK. Just thought I'd let you all know since I share our lives with you guys quite a bit.

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Guest 4 bufords

what a lucky man,to be able to drive himself to the hospital shows how tough he is. really wants to help with dynaflow,best wishes for a speedy recovery, 4 bufords from ct

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I don't want to say NEVER, but using upper parts of your body, like (ARMS), is not what a person should do when an alarm is going off, been there, done that, although I didn't drive myself, wife did.

They are doing so many wonderful procedures in heart hospitals, God Bess your father, and the good hospital folks.

Robert I am fully aware you are a close family, Sharon and I will be thinking of him and your family in the days ahead.

Dale in Indy

P.S. My wife when I told her about your father said this. " I AM A VERY GOOD PRAYER, I WILL PRAY FOR HIM ". She will, and it will help.

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Guest wildcat465

Robert, your dad has been added to what I think is now page two of our prayer list.

Hoping to see you both in S.B.

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Guest Henry White

Thoughts and prayers to you and your dad from Maryland.

Folks, please take the symptoms seriously. eight years ago I felt like I had a Roadmaster parked on my chest. I almost didnt make it to the ER. I got a stent that night, I think they shocked me. I quit smoking that very night. Had I not been transported by ambulance I would not be here.

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Guest BigDogDaddy

Robert, we will be saying a prayer for your Dad and your family. He will recover quickly !

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

My dad was in a similar situation about 15 years ago. MONTHS of "indigestion", especially when he bent over. Went to the doc and he was sent directly to the hospital for a double by pass, old school style. STill kicking.

The tough old guys can take it!

Keep us posted.

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Robert, I know how close you and your Dad are and how often you mention him in your posts so I know all this must be very scary. Please let him know we are all concerned and pulling for him to make a quick and complete recovery.

I wish I had said this.

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The good news is that the stints will make him feel a lot better. My dad had stints put in and he felt 20 years younger. He would tire out quickly before the stints, but after the stints, I couldn't keep up with him. He will survive this and feel much better. It's just a little road bump in life that will be behind him quickly.

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Robert; sorry to hear about you dad,I know first hand as I am sure there are others that can relate to this.I had A complete blockage of my right coronary artery,long story short I was tinkering on my tractor in the garage,got short on breath,sweating like A stuck hog,jaw pain,neck pain,and severe chest discomfort into my back,felt like I swallowed a brick and was stuck in my chest.Went in the house put on A t shirt lied on the bed thought I was over heated, about 2 minutes later I hopped up went to the bathroom and threw up,hollerd to my wife something is wrong,she called an ambulance,they got me in,opened up the blockage(clot)and my heart stopped.I was paddled 7 times,they got it going, I guess I wasn't ready yet!!! Came out of it with 3 stents and permanent scarring(part of my heart doesn't work or move the doctor said what I had is usually fatal,moral of the story,recognize the signs, act quickly,stay up on meds.and regular check ups!! Do not let him get better and forget about it and go back to old ways.YOUR DAD WILL BE FINE,mine was 5yrs ago,I was just turning 50.A big clot in a bad place was what I was told.Been there and done that,and even dead for A while,and no I did not see A light in a tunnel(I dont remember anything only that 2 hrs went bye).Just thought I would share that with you,your dad will be A OK!!!!!!!!!! Mark M

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Guest shadetree77

Thanks for all of the prayers and best wishes guys. I took my laptop to the hospital to let my Dad see them. He couldn't believe how many people know him from here. He's actually never looked at my Me and My Buick thread as he does not have internet access. He was very appreciative of all of the comments and wants to thank everyone. He is doing as well as can be expected and they discharged him this afternoon. He is resting comfortably at home and is expected to make a full recovery.

I came into his house after he got home today and he looked at me and said, "You're not gonna' like what I have to tell you." I said, "What!??"(expecting bad news about his condition) He says, "The doctor told me I can't lift anything over a few pounds for at least a month. I'm not going to be able to help you work on the Buick." He seemed really upset about it. I was relieved that it wasn't something about his condition and I smiled and said, "Well I wasn't going to let you out there to work on it anyway!!":) Apparently, he had this whole plan worked out in his head that he was going to work on the car every day with me during the next 3-4 weeks of home recovery. He didn't know that wasn't possible. So instead, he said he is going to pull up a folding chair and "supervise" while my Wife and I do all the work. I told him that was fine with me and that I am glad he is there to "supervise". Thanks again for all of the comments guys. They are much appreciated.

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Thanks for all of the prayers and best wishes guys. I took my laptop to the hospital to let my Dad see them. He couldn't believe how many people know him from here. He's actually never looked at my Me and My Buick thread as he does not have internet access. He was very appreciative of all of the comments and wants to thank everyone. He is doing as well as can be expected and they discharged him this afternoon. He is resting comfortably at home and is expected to make a full recovery.

I came into his house after he got home today and he looked at me and said, "You're not gonna' like what I have to tell you." I said, "What!??"(expecting bad news about his condition) He says, "The doctor told me I can't lift anything over a few pounds for at least a month. I'm not going to be able to help you work on the Buick." He seemed really upset about it. I was relieved that it wasn't something about his condition and I smiled and said, "Well I wasn't going to let you out there to work on it anyway!!":) Apparently, he had this whole plan worked out in his head that he was going to work on the car every day with me during the next 3-4 weeks of home recovery. He didn't know that wasn't possible. So instead, he said he is going to pull up a folding chair and "supervise" while my Wife and I do all the work. I told him that was fine with me and that I am glad he is there to "supervise". Thanks again for all of the comments guys. They are much appreciated.

Things will be a bit different for your pop. Eating habits will change. Regiment of pills. I experienced the same with my pop. Congestive heart failures twice. Silent heart attack once. Toss in high blood pressure for fun. Quite the study for cardiologist. He was not much one for lifting though. :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear your dad is down because of not being much help in lifting a transmission into the Buick. As one gets older their minds are still acting and thinking like a 20 year old. Unfortunate the body does not follow suit. There is other things to do other than lifting 300 pound transmissions. Handing tools to you. Cleaning up a few more parts as he sits. The one best thing he can do at this point is look after himself for the moment. I'm sure you will see to that.

If anything comes of this episode, walk away from it knowing life is precious. Times spent together are even more so. His desire to get under that car and lift transmissions tells you he is still full of life and upbeat about his situation. That, my friend, is half of the key to making full recovery. The second is listening to his new found buddy called the cardiologist.

By the way, has your wife been alerted to the idea that she will be bench pressing a Dynaflow in the near future. :rolleyes:

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Guest BigDogDaddy

And maybe when he is supervising, he can also provide live up to the minute updates on your progress by using your laptop. Maybe stream a video or two also.

I'm kidding ! :D

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Sounds like he is on the road to a good recovery. It sounds like you two will be riding in that Buick and enjoying the time and experiance together soon. Dandy Dave!

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