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Have you driven your classic today?


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Did a tiny little bit of shopping while out doing some pleasure driving with the '69 Bug this past Saturday, July 6th:


Decided to vary the look a bit the following day by removing the trim rings and installing some black-painted (Taiwan special) dome hubcaps; super-low-quality rattle can krylon gloss black--definitely need to strip and re-do those with some good quality automotive paint:


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A little dicing with the big trucks out on wild & wooly I-95, on the way to work this morning...


"...What we, uh, 're-quire' is that you get your g*d-d*mn *ss over into that right lane..."

(w/apologies to mountain man in "Deliverance")

Pictures were from around West Haven, CT, on the southbound side.


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My brother was in town over the 4th weekend and we took the '39 Buick to Cars & Coffee Saturday morning. He had never seen the Coupe except in photos, so let him drive the 15 miles home - he really enjoyed it! There were well over 200 cars at the Cars & Coffee - saw some of everything.

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Guest Old48Truck

It's been so wet here that I haven't been able to get any windshield time for a month...:( Hopefully, this weekend brings some dry weather.

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Super Stop & Shop shopping plaza, Leetes Island Road, Branford, CT, on a very hot & muggy afternoon, Tuesday, July 9th, 2013...


Yup, that Friendly's in the background has been out of business for what must be a year or so now. Sure miss their ice cream, and reasonable prices for occasional sit-down meals with my kids...


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Super Stop & Shop shopping plaza, Leetes Island Road, Branford, CT, on a very hot & muggy afternoon, Tuesday, July 9th, 2013...


Yup, that Friendly's in the background has been out of business for what must be a year or so now. Sure miss their ice cream, and reasonable prices for occasional sit-down meals with my kids...


The Friendlys in Great Barrington, Mass. also closed up a while ago. Always seemed to do good business. Must have been a higher up management problem as the parking lot was full a lot of the time. Dandy Dave!

Digging Around the Web.... Bankrupt... http://www.iberkshires.com/blogs/thewatercooler?bid=1462

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The Friendlys in Great Barrington, Mass. also closed up a while ago. Always seemed to do good business. Must have been a higher up management problem as the parking lot was full a lot of the time. Dandy Dave!

Digging Around the Web.... Bankrupt... Great Barrington Friendly's Casualty in Bankruptcy / iBerkshires.com - The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.

Bad economy took down a lot of businesses.

It appears the Branford one closed in January of 2012, ref: UPDATE: Remembering a Friendly Place - Business in Branford - Branford, CT Patch

Like your observation, Dandy Dave, this one also seemed to be very busy all the time...

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Drove the 37 Pontiac on Saturday, the 49 MG TC on Sunday (and barely made it home), the repaired TC again on Monday (spark plug issues), and the 67 Cougar yesterday in heavy traffic (bumper-to-bumper local gridlock makes that automatic tranny a belssing. Now if it only had air!)

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Shortly after 1:30 PM we showed up at the Iola Old Car Show (a 17 mile drive one way) wit da '19 Model T.........dude at that particular gate says "You should register this car".......I said "Nah........I didn't drive it here to show it"......dude says "You HAVE to register your car".......I said "Nah, it isn't good enough".........dude says "YOU HAVE TO REGISTER THIS CAR."........I said "OK then".......(while literally LOL).......so $20 later the THREE of us are on the grounds just east of the F&W Publishing office building, the T is in a prime spot and we had a VERY short walk (NONE) to the grounds....... YAY....... ^.^


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Guest Nancy DeWitt

We took the museum's 1910 Whiting out for a spin this morning to celebrate Collector Car Appreciation Day. A beautiful day for a drive in Fairbanks!


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Sprang for another set of Taiwan special chrome dome hubcaps for the '69 Bug, and like the look on the black wheels with the whitewall tires (photo from Saturday, July 13th, 2013):


The following day I drove out to Westbrook, CT, to participate in the CT VW Association's very cool (that's figurative, of course, since it was a scorcher out there) all-VW event at the Elks Lodge. Fun times, and very nice work by the CVA folks organizing and running the event! Ref: Connecticut Volkswagen Association



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The '58 Super was overheating (again). So, I had a rush job done on a recored radiator. Installed that today and drove to Dayton, OH and back, about 75 miles. Never got above about 215 and stayed around 200 most of the time. I'm tickled pink and ready to drive her to South Bend Wednesday for the BCA nationals. Looks like we'll be taking the '58 and '59 this year.

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Yesterday I finally dove into replacing my '60 Bug's generator, with a very nicely rebuilt unit from "Joe's Auto Electric II," which is located in Middletown, CT, ref: Auto Repair Middletown, CT - Joe's Auto Electric II

My '60 Bug's red generator idiot light had been on for a while, and I did some minor fooling around (replacing the voltage regulator, etc.) with no success to deal with it, so I decided "it was time" to get the spare "bad" generator, that I had removed some years ago (for whining bearings), finally rebuilt. Mr. Jonathan Albert, who is the "head guy" at Joe's Auto Electric II was recommended to me by another old VW friend, and I was very pleased with the customer service I received, the price, the turnaround time, and ultimately the *jewel* of a rebuilt generator that I received when I got the call that it was ready.

It sat for several weeks while other stuff went on in the garage, and finally yesterday, which looked pretty open, I dove into it, knowing I wanted to remove the engine to do the job, and knowing how long all of that would take. I took my time and worked methodically. It was a tough job, and perhaps could have been done w/o removing the engine, but I figured overall it was the way to go for me. Approximately 7 hours later I was ready to start up the car, and, what do you know--no more red generator light! Yay!

Here are a couple of photos from after I got the work area cleaned up again, and got myself cleaned up again also (I was a greasy, sweaty, gasoline-smelling mess).


That gorgeous generator sure makes the rest of my engine look crummy! I should add that Jon also asked me to supply the voltage regulator and fan belt pulley halves, so that he could verify the system was working properly, and also for the additional cosmetic refinishing that he did on all of those pieces. I definitely would recommend "Joe's Auto Electric II" highly. Jon also said that if I had any problems doing the installation that I could bring the car to his shop and he could also do it for me (and in probably a lot less than seven hours)!

It is also worth adding that Jon's company also positively supports our hobby, as shown by the *full page ad* he purchased in the show booklet for the recent AACA Central CT Region Glastonbury car show, that was held June 9th, 2013.

Thanks again Jon and everyone at "Joe's Auto Electric II" in Middletown, CT!

Almost forgot to mention that I drove my gnarly '69 Bug to work today! Gotta take advantage of this nice summer weather while we can...




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Finally got the electrical gremlins fixed on the Packard and took it out for an early (cool) morning ride yesterday. Later I took the Starfire out and needed the AC bad! Lastly my wife's Miata had been sitting in the driveway for a few days so I gave it a little exercise. Then I parked all three of these hot cars in the garage and closed the door, I think it got to about 1000 degrees in there!

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Saturday I drove the 48 Anglia down to a benefit car show and down through town on the ocean front road. There was a great turn-out of cars, several bikes, a herd of 4 wheel drive "lifted" trucks, a "bunch of bugs", little slammed imports, and even a jet powered dragster ! There were a few of us entered in the "most original" class including a beautiful A Model Phaeton that looked completely original and preserved. A 2005 Chevy SSR won our class...........I felt sorry for the old gent in the A Model, he should have taken it without even considering the others - - including mine, which is also original. We had a great time, and the benefit was very successful for the family in need. It is still so amazing how many cars I see at each event here (and occasionally driving through town) that we have never seen before. Lots of folks just don't use 'em much, I guess. Now, I need to find a puddle or something to drive through or something that drops "stuff" to park under so I can get my car back looking normal, ha ! John

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Guest Nancy DeWitt

It was a little soggy out, but there was a great turnout of old cars for the Golden Days Parade in Fairbanks on Saturday. That's our 1919 Pierce-Arrow Series 31 tourer up front.


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Just got back today from Woodstock, Ontario. The North Jersey and Southern Ontario Regional Groups of the HCCA have an affinity going back decades, and we try to have one joint week-long tour a year in pre-'16 cars. This year, the Canadians hosted it. We had a marvelous time - pleasant back roads, interesting destinations, good food, lots of ice cream, fabulous weather, and - first and foremost - a great reunion of old and new friends. There were several second and third generation families, including lots of kids who love to meet up with each other. My trailer is long enough for two cars if they're not too big, so I took the '12 Buick and the '07 one-lung Cadillac. Drove the Cadillac 2 days totaling 117 miles, and the Buick 3 days totaling 297 miles (plus a few extra miles for getting lost!) Now I need an early night! Next year's tour will be from Princeton, NJ; I've been volunteered for the committee.

Gil Fitzhugh, Morristown, NJ

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Drove 2 hrs south to Delaware for a little All-Ford show with two of my truck club buddies. One '62 F100 unibody, my '65 F100 and my friend Wayne's "$500" '66 F100. None are 'show' pieces but were all well received. People just like old trucks. Photos were taken but haven't been posted yet for me to link here. Truck performed flawless as usual but I do need to replace the headlight switch because I have no rear lights when the headlights are on, just brakes. Not suitable for after dark. Terrible quality; only lasted 108,000 miles and 48 years!

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Had the same problem with the light switch on my 1962 F-250 30 years ago. It was the wire that ran down the drivers side frame. Had a bad spot under the cab. Dandy Dave!

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I drove my gnarly '69 Bug over to the Guilford Fairgrounds in Guilford, CT, to participate in the VW-class, within the bit "Time Machines 2013" antique auto show & flea market, yesterday, Sunday, July 28th, 2013, ref: TimeMach

I think you can see my scruffy Convertible Bug near the center of this shot, which features many of the very beautiful show-quality old-VWs that participated:


I think the overall attendance of the event was down a bit, due to various rain that was in the weatherman's forecast, but in the end, only a few minor sprinkles near the end of the day (which I think caused the organizers to push up the awards ceremony by about a half hour or so).

All in all, a great day in Guilford!

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Boy did we drive! Went to the Buick Nationals. Drove our 1937 Buick 1,553 miles round trip from Chambersburg Pa. to South Bend Indiana and back. The photo is of our car and fellow BCA member David Balfarb's 1928 model 25 that he drove from Washington D.C. David recieved the long distance award. [ATTACH=CONFIG]205805[/ATTACH]

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Boy did we drive! Went to the Buick Nationals. Drove our 1937 Buick 1,553 miles round trip from Chambersburg Pa. to South Bend Indiana and back. The photo is of our car and fellow BCA member David Balfarb's 1928 model 25 that he drove from Washington D.C. David recieved the long distance award. [ATTACH=CONFIG]205805[/ATTACH]

That's some RIGHTEOUS old car mileage, Larry, wow! My hat is off to you!

As I am a recently-new BCA member myself, I've been doing my best to try and capture Buicks when I see them at car shows, and there were a few very nice ones at the Guilford, CT "Time Machines" event yesterday. I will probably eventually be adding several of my Buick shots to the Buick picture thread over in the Buick section, once I extract more of them from the camera and find the time to label and upload:


Keep those Buicks rolling!

Over and out for now!

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I need to ship a Stanley part for repair. Hey, that's a legitimate excuse to go to the post office in an old car, right? So I take the '13 T. I'm pulling out into an intersection, and here comes a '14 T; he'd come about 15 miles. We got into formation and I took him to yet another T guy's house, and introduced them. We kicked tires for about a half hour, all impromptu. Fun!

Gil Fitzhugh, Morristown, NJ

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I went to a car show in Boothbay Harbor, Maine (67 miles from me) a week ago Sunday so my '72 LTD was behind my '13 Taurus in the garage all week. As a result, I used it last week for errands and such instead of swapping the cars around. My garage is 22 x 40 so my two older cars reside in front of our regular cars.

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Guest crosley51

Drove the Thing to work, met a MG didnt even get a wave from the MG owner. Oh well. I love to see another old car rolling.

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Guest crosley51

East TN here. I joined the Crosley Club a couple years ago. Maybe Ill make it the Crosley National show one year.


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Had Company from Hamburg, Germany here and surprised him with a ride in the Whippet (which he had never heard of before).


And.... off we went.


Cruised right along (ha ha).




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I've been to busy, spent my drive time working on my cars instead or was rained out almost every time I had the chance to drive one of my cars this summer. Today was an exception. I finally got the 60 Vette out today. A friend stopped by that raced for years and helped me fine tune the ignition and get the Fuel injection right on. It was pretty close to begin with. Then we went for an 8 mile ride to test it out. It's the first time I have really driven it since it arrived in December. It runs really well. It's really smooth on the road as well. It actually seems to drive as well as my 57 Tbird that I sold a couple of years ago. I was surprised. I like the overall feel better than the 68 390 427 Vette I had a few years ago. I'm actually 6' 1" and it's better than I thought it was going to be for comfort and actual space. My friend had a little more trouble getting in the passenger seat though. He's a bigger guy though than me. I have a small frame. Good thing as I wouldn't fit behind the wheel or manage the clutch pedal. Now I just have to get used to driving it. Quite a bit different then the 48 Plymouth.

I actually was able to sneak that out last week for an 8 mile jaunt as well. I can drive to my shop 2 different ways so I take the long way when I get the chance. I did a valve job and pretty much everything under the hood on the plymouth late this spring. Took the top rams out and got those working, rebushed them, restored the heater assembly and just got a nice set of repro hubcaps for it. I think I have collectively put less than 40 miles on my cars this year. I need to start driving them. Having to watch the kids in the evening kind of puts a limit on the time that it's nice to beable to take one for a spin.







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