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Why I never get time to work on my cars!

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I think I finally figured out why I never get time to work on my cars.  

About 3 weeks ago my wife had been bugging me to move the kids play house back about 30 feet.  There is a natural grade there that it would set nicely in and put it out of the lawn and back in the woods a little.

At the time we dropped it,  it was solid woods behind where we had it.  Last year I cut and chipped a large area all around, so now it was open behind it.  

Moving it wasn't too bad and only took a 1/2 a day with the forks on the tractor.  Most of the time was in setting it on new blocking and levelling it.  

Well about a week later my wife comes up with the idea to put a shade garden in.  

Later that day she asked me to help her move a rock.  She was just going to lay rocks on the ground. 

Now probably 35 hours later and several tiered gardens made out of rock scavenged around our 7 acre property I finally finished tonight.  

I took over after about the first 1/2 hour when she was ready to give up because she couldn't envision how it should look .  

A few of those rocks were real back breakers.  I hauled most of the large stuff up our driveway / long hill on a hand truck.  ( I should have just got the tractor with the bucket out)  I kept thinking well this will be the last one. 

Now maybe I can get back to work and get something done on my cars.  Oh wait there is another garden she wants to replace out front, as well as a large area that should  really be done like this off to the other side;) 

She said she wanted something that looked like what you see in a magazine.  I think it came out good enough to pass.  Just a few more stone steps and line the underneath of the play house with a stone looking foundation.   I don't even want to think of how many ton of rock I moved by hand.   You can see the rejects in the background of the one photo.  

Well our Daughter Auburn likes the little paths and steps.  She uses the big rock in the front as a table with the neighboring rock as her stool. 

Maybe next time I specify I want an Auburn,  I should clarify that it needs to have atleast 4 wheels.








Edited by auburnseeker (see edit history)
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So you really are multi talented.  Looks really great.  Your cars will still be there when you find your way back to the shop.

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Whew, I'm relieved ! 

When I saw the title of your thread, I thought you didn't have time to work on your cars because you were helping a guy find a Corvair.

As already stated, you certainly are multi talented.

Your daughter should be very pleased,

I'm certain her house and property could be placed within the pages of Better (Little) Homes and Gardens.


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12 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

If it was a boy it was going to be Pierce Jordan.

I'm pulling for your next child to be a boy!


Do y'all know that AACA Librarian Chris Ritter named his son Pierce?  A great choice! :-)

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Been there done that.  The wife insisted the next house we bought wouldn't be a project house.  Well the house wasn't but the 7 acre property was never finished or even taken care of after they built the house.  When I bought it the lawn hadn't been mowed in 3 or 4 years (I even found a mower in the woods between the house and garage)  There was brush starting to grow up in it.  Fortunately the lawn in the photo is covering many truck loads of beach sand the previous owner brought in, so that didn't have much of anything growing in it.  Even after 3 inches of top soil over it,  I'm having a tough time getting grass to grow on it.  

I think today I can do what I want.  Of course that's cutting a bunch of trees up so I can put down silt fencing for the new shop project.  

Again nothing on the actual cars.  Does working on the new garage count? 

Edited by auburnseeker (see edit history)
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Time spent with / for kid projects is priceless!  My wife and I had our only child much later in life, about the same time our friends kids were in college or getting married.  The best choice I ever made was putting my hobbies on the back burner to spend time with him doing stuff my dad never had the luxury of time and opportunity to do with me.  This included my time as a Boy Scout leader as he worked his way up the ranks to finally get his Eagle Scout rank.  All wonderful memories that no hobby could top.


I was able to include him in my auto and motorcycle interests when we could and now that he is out on his own he continues enriching those interests in all things automotive including a keen interest in antique autos.  So without bragging too much I am proud to say he is employed as a mechanical design engineer for the premier electric automobile manufacturer in the US.  So yes those times spent with our kids can be well worth our time many times over.



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My son sent me a picture of his engineering assignment for the weekend, evaluating some new design concepts in real time use.  And I thought I had it made when I worked in TV display engineering, no comparison!




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25 minutes ago, mercer09 said:

for the short answer................


you guys spend too much time on this site!


Ron, I do too, but my build thread here,  makes me get WAY more done.  :) 

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My Business in internet parts sales so I have to be on line a bunch of times a day.   But yes I probably spend too much time on here between listing selling and shipping parts.   I also don't sleep much or go anywhere so I have a little more free time when every one else is sleeping or commuting.   No TV either.   That frees up alot of time. 

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On 03/06/2017 at 2:55 AM, auburnseeker said:

I think I finally figured out why I never get time to work on my cars.  

About 3 weeks ago my wife had been bugging me to move the kids play house back about 30 feet.  There is a natural grade there that it would set nicely in and put it out of the lawn and back in the woods a little.

At the time we dropped it,  it was solid woods behind where we had it.  Last year I cut and chipped a large area all around, so now it was open behind it.  

Moving it wasn't too bad and only took a 1/2 a day with the forks on the tractor.  Most of the time was in setting it on new blocking and levelling it.  

Well about a week later my wife comes up with the idea to put a shade garden in.  

Later that day she asked me to help her move a rock.  She was just going to lay rocks on the ground. 

Now probably 35 hours later and several tiered gardens made out of rock scavenged around our 7 acre property I finally finished tonight.  

I took over after about the first 1/2 hour when she was ready to give up because she couldn't envision how it should look .  

A few of those rocks were real back breakers.  I hauled most of the large stuff up our driveway / long hill on a hand truck.  ( I should have just got the tractor with the bucket out)  I kept thinking well this will be the last one. 

Now maybe I can get back to work and get something done on my cars.  Oh wait there is another garden she wants to replace out front, as well as a large area that should  really be done like this off to the other side;) 

She said she wanted something that looked like what you see in a magazine.  I think it came out good enough to pass.  Just a few more stone steps and line the underneath of the play house with a stone looking foundation.   I don't even want to think of how many ton of rock I moved by hand.   You can see the rejects in the background of the one photo.  

Well our Daughter Auburn likes the little paths and steps.  She uses the big rock in the front as a table with the neighboring rock as her stool. 

Maybe next time I specify I want an Auburn,  I should clarify that it needs to have atleast 4 wheels.








Lucky girl , your a great dad. 

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Here in South Central Pa the reason there's not enough time to work on my cars because we've been stuck in a Weather Pattern were it Rains most of the week and when the Sun comes out it's time to Cut The Grass, followed immediately again  RAIN RAIN RAIN Cut the Grass RAIN SOME MORE over and over. Now that the pattern seems to be changing to HOT HOT HOT Really HOT.


One thing I'm doing is parting with my beloved '84 K5 Blazer that I've had since 1987. It has rusted beyond repair, or my capacity to deal with what it would take to restore. This was an on going battle that was taking away too much time from the other cars. However, I'm selling the Blazer to a restoration shop hoping they can bring it back to life, and if so who knows maybe I'll buy it back?

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I retired 2 years ago, my job was in heavy high steel new construction in NYC, involved about 4 hours of commuting time besides working 8 hours a day 6 days a week, I seemed to have gotten more done on my cars with less available time when I worked then I do now. I made better use of my time then

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The wife came up with a new project.  Another garden with retaining walls made out of pavers to match our front walls.  I thought,  that won't take too long.  I should have known,  now we are going to curve it,  so I have to buy a concrete saw and cut several of them so they match the curved walls out front. 

I think i just go around finding work for myself to do.   You would think it would get me on her good side,  Doesn't seem to. 

I'm going to wait for the heat to break first though.  

THe saw I'm buying actually has to be shipped in so I won't have that until Wednesday. 

The closest to working on my cars will be getting my Grandfather's simplicity  Walk behind tractor going and fitting the Sickle bar attachment to it that I just bought so I can trim the front field.  No one has used it much since he passed away so the fuel tank is all gunked up. 

It's in remarkable shape for the age.   I think it's from the 1950's. 

Then I have to service the excavator and replace the tracks so I can get the footings dug for my new shop.  I guess all good things to do in the garage while it's so hot out. 


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On June 4, 2017 at 11:32 AM, mercer09 said:

for the short answer................


you guys spend too much time on this site!


I spend multiple entire days in succession doing nothing other than pursue self imposed obligations resulting from contacts made here. It has really snowballed. At least I am almost finished with a rather demanding task I volunteered for. Anyone know a good home at $300 for this ? Located near Tacoma , WA. 1928 Graham Paige 612. Not frozen up. Then maybe I can start to catch up. Thank you , Carl  408-621-8261


P.S. : This does not generate any income to me. The reverse is the case. I did not want to see any of these engines go to scrap. I just happened to be in the right place at the time or necessary liquidation. This seemed to be one of the jewels in the crown , but has not generated any interest.the other jewel was this 1916 Cad engine only , which went for $3000. Huh ?   - CC




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5 minutes ago, C Carl said:


I spend multiple entire days in succession doing nothing other than pursue self imposed obligations resulting from contacts made here. It has really snowballed. At least I am almost finished with a rather demanding task I volunteered for. Anyone know a good home at $300 for this ? Located near Tacoma , WA. 1928 Graham Paige 612. Not frozen up. Then maybe I can start to catch up. Thank you , Carl  408-621-8261


P.S. : This does not generate any income to me. The reverse is the case. I did not want to see any of these engines go to scrap. I just happened to be in the right place at the time or necessary liquidation. This seemed to be one of the jewels in the crown , but has not generated any interest.the other jewel was this 1916 Cad engine only , which went for $3000. Huh ?   - CC






Here are the '16 Cadillac pics. Sure. I can see $3000 for this. It has comparatively little use. What I CAN'T understand is why someone has not jumped to get the G.P. I will try to get creative to save it. I have a couple new ideas. Any help to relieve me of this final obligation will be quite welcome. Thank you.





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C Carl, I am still trying to ignore that Graham engine, but yes, it should be saved. My situation is precarious at best, and expected to remain so for awhile yet. I cannot at this time pay anything for something I do not have to have. I could only offer a decent storage spot where it could sit, probably until I die (which could turn out to be not very long). As long as it was there, and I am still here, it would be available to anyone that needed it for a Graham Paige.

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