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BCA Roster question


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Refresh my memory. The latest edition of the roster I have is 2014.

Is this the latest published edition?

If so, what is the frequency of publication? or when is the next due out

Are there plans to make it available on line.


One reason I bring this up is that a 2 year BCA member contacted me asking about contact info for someone with a Buick he had read about in the Bugle. Thus I wonder, wouldn't it be nice if "new" members didn't have to wait 2-3 years to receive or have access to a BCA Roster.

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The next Roster is scheduled to be delivered in May 2017.  But I do not believe it will be put online. The file for this is a list at a certain point in time, in this case as of December 2016. So changes after that point would not be reflected in any search.

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44 minutes ago, g-g-g0 said:

Believe I saw something requesting that your info be updated with the BCA office as a new roster was coming in the spring. I know I emailed them some info and it was acknowledged as received.


uhhhh, I think I saw something about this also but never acted on it. Is it too late and if not I assume the info that is needed is home and cell and current email and current Buicks owned correct? Just email to the office? What is that email?

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46 minutes ago, JohnD1956 said:

The next Roster is scheduled to be delivered in May 2017.  But I do not believe it will be put online. The file for this is a list at a certain point in time, in this case as of December 2016. So changes after that point would not be reflected in any search.


Thanks JD!! Any particular reason(s) why it can't be put on line?

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1 hour ago, BUICK RACER said:

Even if it is a secured space, do any other clubs do this?

 There's a member roster on the Riviera Owner's Association website.  Last I looked, it's a downloadable Excel file.

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You might check and see how AACA does it. AACA members can sign in and look up members as shown here:

"You can search by first or last name but not both at the same time. You can search by City or State, but not both at the same time. Finally, you can search by both Name and Location at the same time."

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Seriously y'all? Most of us access our banks and transfer monies and buy things on line with secure PASSWORDS. What would be the difference in a member going on line with a secure password and accessing the roster than pulling it off their desk and squinting to try and read the ever shrinking print on paper. My eyeglasses aren't strong enough to read it anymore, it gets smaller every time. Try reading the Senior Cars section with 2.75 readers, I have to get out my magnifying glass.  Someone in the BCA office is probably spending hours upon hours collecting and maintaining all this data every two years at a substantial cost when it should be able to be maintained on a MONTHLY basis electronically. And is it fair that new members may have to wait two years to receive their roster and and be privy to who else may own the same car as they or who close to them are members ? And just think how out of date it gets in TWO years.  Not to mention the money that could be saved in printing costs every two years. Do we have a cost of how much it literally costs to gather the data, do the layout and print.  Would it not be something the BCA Webmaster could set up and maintain? 

Me thinks the BCA is a bit behind times on this and could save a few bucks if they would go online with it.



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7 hours ago, g-g-g0 said:

Believe I saw something requesting that your info be updated with the BCA office as a new roster was coming in the spring. I know I emailed them some info and it was acknowledged as received.


7 hours ago, MrEarl said:


uhhhh, I think I saw something about this also but never acted on it. Is it too late and if not I assume the info that is needed is home and cell and current email and current Buicks owned correct? Just email to the office? What is that email?


Anybody have anything on this?

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9 hours ago, MrEarl said:

Seriously y'all? Most of us access our banks and transfer monies and buy things on line with secure PASSWORDS. What would be the difference in a member going on line with a secure password and accessing the roster than pulling it off their desk and squinting to try and read the ever shrinking print on paper. My eyeglasses aren't strong enough to read it anymore, it gets smaller every time. Try reading the Senior Cars section with 2.75 readers, I have to get out my magnifying glass.  Someone in the BCA office is probably spending hours upon hours collecting and maintaining all this data every two years at a substantial cost when it should be able to be maintained on a MONTHLY basis electronically. And is it fair that new members may have to wait two years to receive their roster and and be privy to who else may own the same car as they or who close to them are members ? And just think how out of date it gets in TWO years.  Not to mention the money that could be saved in printing costs every two years. Do we have a cost of how much it literally costs to gather the data, do the layout and print.  Would it not be something the BCA Webmaster could set up and maintain? 

Me thinks the BCA is a bit behind times on this and could save a few bucks if they would go online with it.




Valid points and concerns. These ideas have not escaped the board. There are a good number of members online and it might help to get an idea of just how often a member accesses the roster.  I know I have used mine at least 6 times to review the By-Laws etc. Maybe I used it 4 times for addresses. 


Can we get some idea how much each of you have used it? and for what purpose?    

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Good to know a board member is here to open-mindedly hear thoughts on this and perhaps bring it back to the attention of the Board, thanks JD. I think now (over the next few months) would be a prime time to try and work on this given the office is currently working on it and the data is new and up to date.


I probably use the roster on average of 10-12 times a year. One use of it being of course in trying to follow who owns a certain year of Buick and where they are. Also to try and get an idea of how many of a certain year and series Buick might exist within the membership. (That being one of the times I have to get out the magnifying glass to be able to make a count)   I might also use it to research chapters and  direct members and non-members to Chapters in their local. One of the main uses however is/was when we make long or cross country trips, as I know that help with a breakdown or other problem from a fellow BCA member could be just a phone call away. Because of this my Roster generally ends up residing in either my Buick or in my Buick hauler, and it never fails that when I need it at my desk it is out in the truck. With it online it would be just a click away on either my cell or computer.


And as I pointed out earlier and the initial reason I brought this up is I had received a PM from a BCA and forum member who had read an article in the Bugle and wished to contact its author for possible discussion about their car. This individual has been a member for going on two years and had no way of accessing the Roster. I would bet that new members would be the ones who would  probably be the most frequent users and get the most  benefit out of an up-to-date, friendly to use and easy to access Roster.


Hopefully others will chime in on their suggestions for and thoughts on pros and cons of having the Roster online.

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I always bring my BCA Roster hard copy with me when I travel to BCA local/regional/national meets for two reasons: first is to be able to contact a member if I ever break down during my travel, and second is to find out who all has their car in my judging class while at a meet.  I do the same at ROA meets, but its way more convenient to have the info on my laptop since ROA member data is electronic (data is ID/Password protected at their website).

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Although I sent my BCA renewal application back in November, I was told that the BCA office did not receive ii.  This means I missed the end of year deadline to be in the new 2017 roster.  Last week, I confirmed that the BCA office did receive my second re-application, so the only way I could be listed is online.  The irony here is that since I am listed in the old roster, they will actually have to remove my listing for the new one...


  I agree that the roster should be available online, provided members are protected from spammers, theft, etc.  I have used the old roster dozens of times to refer prewar Buick owners to others who have the same or similar Buicks for parts and information.  However, I just send an email to the BCA member with the contact information for the person who needs help with their car.  It is then up to the BCA member to make contact. 

Edited by Mark Shaw (see edit history)
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I don't use the printed BCA roster because I can never find it when I need it and too much of the time the member I'm looking up isn't listed (plus I have old eyes). But I do quite often use the online rosters of other clubs I am a member of (one is a vintage car club and the other is a  business club). The online rosters are handy, easy to use, updated monthly with current information and cheap to maintain. Somehow other non-profit clubs and for-profit businesses manage to keep updated online rosters without hacking problems. I'm certain the BCA could do the same.


Here's a question: What do you do with your old BCA rosters? I trash mine in the recycle bin. Who knows where it ends up, but probably easier to get a list of member contact info from discarded printed rosters than breaking computer passcodes.

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I'd be interested to know what programs the other clubs are using?  Personally I don't think any of these programs are inexpensive, so I'd love to have a lead for some that are.  Keep in mind that the BCA database is more encompassing than just name address and phone #'s. And the program I heard about was all encompassing.  It would not be efficient if someone had to be in charge of updating two databases.  But I don't know enough about what's available online.

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I am sure that the BCA Webmaster could find out the details about how AACA's online roster information system works. It does not include cars, but adding additional data fields should not be a problem. That would have to be one advantage of the BCA's webmaster also being the guy in charge of the AACA Discussion Forum.

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John, I don''t know the names of the programs used for online rosters, but it probably wouldn't be hard to find out. Peter G might know of several programs. I do know that most club databases have a lot more information than merely a member's contact info. The Vintage Chevrolet Club has double-tier access. All members can access member contact info with a private password. In addition to contact info, they can see models of cars owned, etc. Board members and a few others can access the full database with all types of other info. I don't know how much the software costs, but do you know how much the BCA spends on a roster for just one year? I bet it's a lot. And it might be more than buying online software and paying someone to set it up and run it -particularly when you realize the set up doesn't have to be repeated every 2 years. Either way, seems like it's at least looking into. I suggested an online roster at a board meeting a few years ago and it went no where. Maybe we should give it another try? I can give you the name of the person who set up and runs the online database for the Chevy Club if you send me an email. He's a great guy and has been doing it for years.

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On 1/24/2017 at 3:28 PM, MrEarl said:

Thus I wonder, wouldn't it be nice if "new" members didn't have to wait 2-3 years to receive or have access to a BCA Roster.


How about printing sufficient extra copies of the roster,

and give them out to new members for a year

after the next roster is issued.  Rosters put Buick fans

together, giving them access to each other's knowledge

and friendship.  


I've phoned people from car-club rosters numerous times.

If you're looking at a specific car for sale, for example,

you can call someone who owns the same model and

ask what to watch out for.  Same when you're restoring one.


And printed rosters I MUCH prefer.  They are convenient.

Most importantly, they preserve historical information for many years.

Someone on this forum was trying to trace a car's ownership,

and I was able to look at a 1964 roster of our AACA region

to verify who owned it.  If the information was electronic,

that information would have been on a computer format

impossible to read today, or discarded decades ago!


Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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I concur that new members ought to receive a copy of the "current" roster. 


I dont think I've gotten rid of any rosters...probably part of my clutter problem...the idea of dumpster diving is certainly a potential issue but there may be limited use of that data considering there may be relatively few local members. 


As as for databases that can be accessed online, the advent of MySQL has made it affordable. Of course, you still need someone competent to set it up and maintain it. Security needs to be top of mind. That said, if it's just name / address / phone / email / Buicks and membership number, how valuable is that data compared to a bank or retail chain with credit card data?  It certainly could be inconvenient if hacked, but would be a lower value target than many. 


As as for a comparison to online banking, up here most of the banks have a national presence and report profits over $1B quarterly...they've got a bit more access to IT and security resources than a not for profit club does. 


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Oh yeah, particularly in light of data costs in the USA for us foreigners, I tend to have a copy of the roster when traveling for similar reasons as mentioned earlier. I do occasionally access it here either to look someone up or research models and such. 


I feel fortunate I don't have much reason to access bylaws like JD. 


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On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 11:09 AM, old-tank said:

It would have to be a 'read only' document that could not be copied or printed.  All it would take is one member to harvest the info and start spamming. ( I don't need any more 'enhancement' products.)


Nothing is really secure if someone wants to get the information. 

Edited by Larry Schramm (see edit history)
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