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When you think you have seen it all


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Yeah , that brought about the best laugh I've had in a while ! Almost begs for some of the great art and poetry from days of yore. Old fart that I am , I still can recall the first poem I memorised almost 70 years ago. Off the wall of a Wisconsin 2-holer. Couldn't quite read and understand it all. Mom and dad had to help my innocent literate inabilities with a bit a bit of laughter. Fortunately merely scatological in content. So young , it made a lasting impression on me. "Here I sit in solemn bliss , .............." . "Not PART" , they corrected me. "It's not a "p" , Carl , it's an "f". Hey , Jack , thank you so much for the humorous link ! Yeah , I've still got a good smile from that one ! - Carl

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Oh , boy , I should have put in some automotive content to make the above deviancy forum compatible. Here : that was back in the '40s in Door County , Wisconsin. We would camp there Summers form Chicago. Dad had a '39 Pontiac. I remember him racing steam trains , and losing to those high speed flatland locomotives with their huge drivers. One day dad showed up to camp with a brand spanking new '50 Willys Jeep station wagon. Struck the tent , and drove back to Manitowoc to board the ferry at night. Crossed to Luddington , and did pass through Sarnia on our way to Vermont before crossing back to the U.S. at Niagara Falls. Hey , do any of you guys know if the ferry back then was steam powered ? I expect it still was. Anyway , my parents were great long distance car cruisers for the day. If this is not enough old car content to camouflage the above vile offering , I can go on about the trip to camp on Sanibel Island in Florida for a month back in '52 , or '54 when he drove to Mexico City and Acapulco. Then driving across the country to Seattle in '55 by way of Salt Lake and 'Frisco. But didn't I do that elsewhere ? I can't remember. Funny how we have such clear ancient memories , but......... you know how it is. Let's see , what was it I had to do today ? Better get to it. - Carl

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Does a restored outhouse meet the criteria for any of the AACA classifications?  It looks like someone did some really good work on this vehicle, but it is still in the  polishing  a "_urd" category.  I can only imagine what the driver's toilet seat looks like.


I hate myself for liking it,


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Does a restored outhouse meet the criteria for any of the AACA classifications?  It looks like someone did some really good work on this vehicle, but it is still in the  polishing  a "_urd" category.  I can only imagine what the driver's toilet seat looks like.


I hate myself for liking it,


The toilet seat is above and behind the driver's seat....

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