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Paul Meyer

Pete Phillips

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It hurts a lot to have to report this, but our friend and former BCA President Paul Meyer lost his long battle with cancer last night. He was one of my best and closest friends in the whole world. At least his pain and suffering are over with. No funeral arrangements yet, according to Mary Ann.

It was so good to see him at the Springfield national meet, but I knew that would be his last one.


Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

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I was so excited to see Paul at Springfield, 

so glad he made it and I hope it brought him the same pleasure to be there that it did for many of us to see him.


Thanks for letting us know.

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It was great to see Paul in Springfield. We were so glad that he and the family did what it took to get there. It seemed to be very enjoyable for Paul as he was in high spirits most of the time.

Our condolences go out to Mary Ann and the rest of the family as well.  I have already asked the Office to send an arrangement worthy of Paul's contribution to the BCA and it's members.

Please keep us in the loop as to the memorial.

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Stopped by Paul's home on the way to Springfield and had a wonderful visit. He was such a great guy and I loved to hear him tell stories about Buick's and especially HIS Buick's! He is riding the golden streets of Heavan now. May he rest in peace! God's blessings and strength to Mary Ann and the family.


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Condolences to his family.  I am going to miss that big smile and welcoming handshake.


"big smile and welcoming handshake" that was Paul. I will miss that too Willie. Plus so many other things, too numerous to mention.  I am deeply saddened to hear this, I knew it was coming but didn't expect it this soon. Makes me regret even more not coming to the Nationals, all y'all are so lucky to have seen him in his element one last time. But I'll never forget the good time we had when he visited Rita and me once as well as the fun conversations we had at the Nationals and emails. I feel blessed and privileged  to be able to say he was my friend.


Pete please keep us posted as to the arrangements and please let Mary Ann know we are thinking of her and send our prayers.

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Its hard to add anything to this post that has not already been said. I thought he looked good in Springfield and when I saw him I stuck out my hand but he said there will be no more of that and he gave me a big hug. Few men can walk as tall as he did. The last words I had with him was after the awards dinner after he made everybody face the flag and say the pledge. When Kathy and I were leaving the dinner, I told him I would see him in Allentown and he replied that he would be there. I know he will.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Rest in peace Paul you are missed

Chuck Kerls

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Paul initiated the pledge while he was on the BCA Board. 

I believe the motion was that every BCA Board and General membership meeting would begin with the pledge,  and hopefully it will continue as long as there is a BCA

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Thanks for the notification and service information, Pete.  Paul's legacy of contributions to the BCA (and members thereof) is a great one that will be fondly remembered.  Deepest condolences to his family.


Willis Bell  20811

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