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National Anthem

Guest windjamer

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Guest windjamer

I posted on this several months ago, but I cant find the original so will start over. Most of the meets I go to and esp. Hershey have a pa system and remind us at least (it seams like) every ten min. that golf carts race cars and motorbikes and skate boards and maby rooler skates are not allowed on the field. I know Im streching it a little, but you get the point. WOULDNT it be nice to play OUR NAIIONAL ANTHEM at OUR MEETS?? AS someone else pointed out we could make it a class act with an Honor Guard. I bet a cold Miller there is a Military or evan a scout grp. at or near every meet that would be proud to do it if asked. Yes we may have some foreign guest that might not aprove though I doubt it. If we do they are in the wrong place. How about it HQ. Make it mandatory.

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Seems to me they did play the anthem, with honor guard, at Cumberland. I think your idea is excellant. Personally I consider it both an honor and a privlege to observe the playing of our anthem. As for foreign nationals, the idea of them being insulted shouldn't even be a consideration. I think most would show respect for their hosts. I know I would.....Bob

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">by announcing and playing their national anthems. </div></div>

We might need to make the Hershey a two day event. whistle.gif

Seroiusly, it would be nice to have our national anthem played at the start of judging. (If I were attending a meet on forgien soil, I'd naturally expect them to play thier national anthem.) It lets both judges and car owners know that it is time to srat the process. Color guard optional but should be able to get local ROTC, fire dept., VFW, american legion or scout troop to do it.

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As a oversea's member of the forum , i can't see any visitor from another country objecting to you guy's playing your national anthem , its your country after all , if they did perhaps they shouldn't have left home in the first place

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also Wayne it's not called down under, under , its down under and across the ditch , the ditch being the Tasman sea that seperates Aus @NZ by approx 1200 miles

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: oldcarfudd</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Most of the people who sing it at public events aren't qualified to sing it, either.

Gil Fitzhugh, Morristown, NJ</div></div>

I couldn't agree with you more! Some of the ones I see on TV prior to sporting events are just awful...I wished someone would tell them this is not an audition...Just sing the song to the music as written!

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Like the poor young woman that sang it before the races four years ago down at the Lonesome Pine Speedway in Virginia.

A friend and fellow racer, Steve, had a beautiful Basset Hound named "Fred". The young lady started to sing, as it were sick.gif , and "Fred" decided to make it a duo. Luckily they were on opposite sides of the track and she didn't hear him. But we did!! whistle.gifgrin.gif

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Problem is most people don't actually know the music it is "written" to. the lyrics are "Defence of Fort McHenry" by Francis Scott Key It was a british drinking song "The Anacreontic Song" written by John Stafford Smith for the Anacreontic Society, a London social club. Most people tend to sing it too slow. The tempo should be just about the same as if your were simply reading it out loud. Pay attention to the military's tempo compared to other singers.

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Late night posting strikes again. blush.gif

It should have read:

"the lyrics are <span style="color: #FF0000">to the poem </span>"Defence of Fort McHenry" by Francis Scott Key<span style="color: #FF0000">.</span> It was <span style="color: #FF0000">then put to </span> a british drinking song "The Anacreontic Song" written by John Stafford Smith for the Anacreontic Society, a London social club. ...."

Helps when you can stay awake long enough to actually wrtie the whole post at one time.blush.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: novaman</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Late night posting strikes again. blush.gif </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Helps when you can stay awake long enough to actually <span style="color: #FF0000">wrtie</span> the whole post at one time.blush.gif </div></div>

Dude, you seriously need some rest. tired.gif

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Guest windjamer

A vary tuching letter to the editor in this mornings paper. The anouncer for a major hocky game between two h/school teams anounced to the crowd to please stand for the playing of the National Anthem. After a long pause he ask for a moment as there was a problem with the system, at this time the entire audiance started to sing the Anthem. Kind of makes you choke up a little. www.pressconnects.com

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Interesting part is that the bombardment of Ft. McHenry took place rather late in the war - September 13-14, 1814 - and was primarily a night engagement. Being on an island in the middle of Baltimore harbor, the darkness & cannon smoke made "Oh say can you see" a real question and people really did not know until the next morning that "the flag was still there".

To me, that image adds to the power. Sometimes a song can transend its origins.

BTW, the "rocket's red glare" takes on a different meaning when you realize that they were so inaccurate that people watching from shore were in as much danger as the fort.

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Please consider our approach -- St. Bernard Parish lies just downriver from New Orleans, and suffered more damage percapita than just about any other area in Hurricane Katrina - much of the Parish was under salt or brackish water for weeks, as were the antique cars of our members - entire collections were wiped out. Estimates are that with approximately 97 families, and an average of 3-1/2 cars per family, the loss was dramatic.

Our St. Bernard Chapter of Louisiana Region, AACA is recovering and rebuilding. I had the honor of serving as Chapter President for 3 years. During that time, and continuing to this day, St. Bernard Chapter starts each meeting by having a member hold our AMERICAN FLAG while all present recite the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. This behavior is also commonplace on Region tours and activities. Perhaps this is one area where others could follow Louisiana's lead.


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<span style="color: #3366FF"><span style="font-size: 14pt">Hey Docsgal,</span></span> <span style="color: #CC0000"><span style="font-size: 20pt">Hats Off To You! </span></span> grin.gif

<span style="font-size: 14pt"><span style="color: #3333FF">For Freedom, Justice, and the Great AMERICAN Way!</span></span>

<span style="color: #CC0000"><span style="font-size: 14pt">Dandy Dave!</span></span> smile.gif

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Guest windjamer

May we also hear a respectful version?? The guy that murdered it on nascar yesterday should be fined and the version Rose Ann gave us with her spiting and grabing herself should land her butt in jail

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: windjamer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">May we also hear a respectful version?? The guy that murdered it on nascar yesterday should be fined and the version Rose Ann gave us with her spiting and grabing herself should land her butt in jail</div></div>

I agree...that is the one song that people should not make "their own".

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  • 7 months later...

My wife was asked to sing the National Anthem at the Glenmoor Gathering of Significant Automobiles this year. When asked, she had only sung solo in a University choir, never before a large crowd.

She took the task seriously, practicing often with her summer group. My advice to her was to make it about the history surrounding the Anthem, not about her ability to sing it. Personally, I think she nailed it. Oh yeah, she was also a judge.

YouTube - GlynetteW's Channel

There were several thousand people there. You could have heard a pin drop all the time she sang. I took this video with my still camera. You hear the wind at first, but that goes away.

Edited by Barry Wolk (see edit history)
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I just opened this thread for the first time. It upsets me greatly to hear it butchered. It's a beautiful song with beautiful words. Sure, it goes higher than some voices can reach but those people should recognize their limitations and leave the public performance of it to those who can. Everyone volunteering to sing it at a public function should HAVE to audition and prove they are capable of doing it justice before making a mockery of it. Any professional that purposely butchers it in public should be punished. Too many people sing it in a purely unprofessional manner and the public should not have to listen to them. I have reached the point I hate going to public functions and hearing how bad it is going to get torn up. My thanks to the lady that visits the VA facilities. More power to her. There is not a VA hospital near me but I visit three nursing homes regularly. Two every week and one every other week. Those folks need cheering up also.

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Guest Timthemailman

Like John Dameron (grew up w/one of those) this is the first time I've read this thread.

I still get misty when it's sung at a sporting event.I've seen some who could make ya cry.

It dosen't matter WHO sings the Anthem,( a little kid or a Grammy winner),the IDEA of the singing is to bring together ALL who are there together. You should be singing it too.

Like the Kiwi said, foreigners should not be offended. It's OUR country. If an official function of 2 nations then both are played, visitor's first. It might be nice to show foreigners some recognition, just like you'd like a tip of the hat if you were in another country.

Thanks to all who have posted and a tip of the hat to Docsgal and thanks to all you vets.

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Guest windjamer

Well I got them ducks all in a row, but befor I express my h.o. I want to thank all the members of the Hersher region for anouther excellent show. WELL DONE!!! Now,,

IMHO I can not understand why the National Anthem can not be played EACH AND EVERY MORNING of the meet. I stood proud,faced the speakers and held a salute from the start to the finish Wednesday morning, sadly to say thursday morning was bussness as usual, and to he** with playing the Anthem, who needs that stuff anyway?? We sure dont want to offend any of them foreign visitors,they might get upsit and not take anymore of the money we send. I think you get the pic.

I have one outher thought, I wish there was some way to control the food vendors gougeing. I paid $4. for a slice of pizza,thats one slice, on a paper plate and to be honest I should have thrown the pizza away and eaten the plate. I wanted to buy a bag of ice from a vendor and was told $5. $3.00 for a bottle of water is criminal, I dont mind paying rent,but I dont want to buy the whole damm bldg.!! Thats my 2 cents, once again GOOD JOB REGION.:)

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Yep,Heard it all the way back @ AVE 14 [HPOF]...come to think of it, that was the only thing I heard all day on the speaker. Gremlin John

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Guest abh3usn

Just use the music to avoid butchering of the lyrics. To those worried about 'offending' those from other countries, they're visiting our country and should respect our traditions and customs as we do when visiting theirs. When in Rome .. That said I like the idea.

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