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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Steve, Very nice. Besides Youth Membership the AACA also has scholarships. Check the Youth Forum on the Home Page. Regards, PeterJ.
  2. Not quite as "off topic" as the History Channel is today but a close second. Possibly some of the entertainment toys in mini-vans, etc., will qualify down the road. Now this thread is somewhat relative to "Vehicles" 25 years old or older.
  3. Agreed to a point, Barry. Then I thought for about 2 seconds. From personal experience at many AACA National, Library, and, Museum board meetings I am convinced the club initiated the "Baker's Dozen" (a.k.a. 13). Have not attended one of the meetings that did not have donuts galore. You should join the AACA and attend some of the National Meets and Tours. Guaranteed there will be a "Bakers Dozen 13+" donut stop somewhere. Another first for the greatest club within the old car hobby!! Regards, Peter J.
  4. Delivered plaque this a.m. to Pottstown Region's President - Gail deMauriac. She indicated the Region's display at the AACA Museum in Hershey would be a good place for it. (For anyone visiting the Museum check out the Region's/Chapter's displays on the upper floor.) The Pottstown Region certainly has a rich history. Glad you brought it up. After the AACA's founding in Philadelphia (Fairmount Park runs) it gravitated to the Hill School meets which is the predecessor of what we know today as the huge Fall Hershey meet. Regards, Peter J.
  5. Jim, Thank you on behalf of future generations within this great hobby and in my case the Pottstown Region's archives. The 1957 Galen Hall 3rd Annual Spring Trial Run dash plaque and the Reading Hospital plaques will be given to them this week. My point here is these would not mean much if anything to someone not in this area of PA. However, albeit small items they will enhance the heritage of the Pottstown Region considering it was chartered by the AACA only 5 years earlier. Misc. note here: Galen Hall was a turn of the century beautiful hotel / spa located near Wernersville, PA. Catered to the well-healed. Today, the only thing remaining is the excellent golf course. The hotel burned down many years ago. Best regards, Peter.
  6. Hello, Harold. Our AACA Library & Research Center in Hershey houses various materials belonging to quite a few clubs. One of which is the SPAAMFAA (Society for the Preservation & Appreciation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus in America). Quite a collection I might add. You or your friend may want to contact our Librarian, Mr. Chris Ritter who may be able to give you a contact within the SPAAMFAA for an opinion. Worth a try. Library & Research Center: 717-534-2082 or critter@aacalibrary.org Peter J.
  7. Kent, Why not contact the AACA Library & Research Center. It is well noted on the home page and they retain a huge amount of reference material. It always amazes me how everyone goes to the General Forum and even veteran participants never scroll around the whole of this AACA Web Site to see what we offer. On the Home Page, on the right you will see "LIBRARY". When open you will see "Online Catalog" at the top. Click on "Research Request", type in "Garford Trucks" and wella...there appears about 18 reference books, material, etc., on the 1st page alone. Not knowing if you are an AACA Member I venture to add a member receives 1 1/2 hours of "free" research time every year. Copies of whatever you are interested in receiving will be mailed for a nominal fee. Check it out.
  8. Bob, I checked the "Search" drop down in the header. Is this the one you are referencing? http://forums.aaca.org/f120/window-glass-polishing-280868.html Peter J.
  9. Hi, Jim. Not certain what you have in mind however I believe it would be nice for the Pottstown Region to have the "Reading Hospital" and "Galen Hall Trial Run" plaques. If you are interested in selling them please send a PM to me or if you are interested in donating them I could provide Region Officers to contact. Regards, Peter.
  10. Hello, Jon...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Please direct your query to our AACA Headquarters in Hershey, PA. Ask for Lynn. 717-534-1910 Regards, Peter J.
  11. Judy, Thanks to you and Wayne for your time and effort. Peter.
  12. alfourfire, On the Home Page of this website click on Library in the far right column. When open, at the top of the header you will see "Request Form". You can do an online request per the form displayed or phone the AACA Library & Research Center at 717-534-2082 or contact our Head Librarian Chris Ritter at critter@aacalibrary.org As noted on the Request Form, if you are an AACA Member you receive 1.5 hours per year of free research time. Regards, Peter J.
  13. Try the AACA Library where we house the literature for the Fire Apparatus Society. Contact Chris Ritter, Librarian or do an on-line search request found at AACA Library Peter J.
  14. Hi, Bob. Sorry I missed you and Patty this year. I agree with Dave. Glad he is on the mend. The Hershey Medical Center is excellent. Regards, Peter J.
  15. Thank you for bringing this up, Gil. Noticed the same and was amazed. Just another example of how the Hershey Region works so hard to improve every year and "take seriously" issues of the past for future improvement with such a huge endeavor. Peter J.
  16. If this was the worst thing that happened to me today, I believe I had a good day. Had a wonderful time. Glad to see you finished with you will be back next year. Peter J.
  17. It is a major no-no to sell spaces. You might want to check the rules first.
  18. 36chev... Think I can speak for the whole of the AACA Family that your tenacity to get to Hershey is admirable. None of us wanted to see you walking or hitch-hiking up I-81. (Heck, I don't like driving up I-81 let alone shoe leather express...) Regards, Peter.
  19. 36Chev...you may want to contact the Appalacian Region in the Bristol, TN/VA area to see if any members could assist you. Antique Automobile Club of America Appalachian Region
  20. Tom...Welcome to the AACA Forum! Matt, John, and, billybird have good advice...attend Hershey this year without a car. I am quite certain you will leave with a wealth of information and hopefully we can welcome a new member. On the grounds there are staffed Membership Booths located throughout. As you walk around you will also see many AACA affiliated Tents & Booths of which folks can assist or put you in the right direction for questions about the club. (Where are you located in PA? I am in the Reading area.) Regards, Peter J.
  21. Hi, Marty. I have used EZ Pass while towing a 2-axle trailer in PA, OH, NY. A few years ago I was told the same thing that I could not use it. Now, they have those "trip plates" in the surface as you enter the EZ Pass lane. They register each axle as you pass over it. Just to give you guys some laughs because there are no alternatives the way I see it: "I was told last week while on business in NYC that the Verazzano Narrows Bridge will cost 18-wheelers $70... Peter J.
  22. oilpan (Art)...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I moved your thread here. No big deal however the "Forum Questions" section is for navigational queries, posting photo problems, etc. Thank you, Peter J.
  23. Hello, Michael..."Welcome to the AACA Forum". Bob had good advice and I moved your post. Regards, Peter J.
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