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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. jgmets. Did you check off "Trailer Parking" on your registration card? Trailer parking is free if you remember to do it next year. If not then it is like showing up to a hotel without making a reservation and saying you see some rooms with no lights lit.
  2. Phil, There never has been a designated "day of show drop off area". Only the trailer parking field which is well publicized in the brochure that it takes "checking off the box for trailer parking". Sent you a PM to help you out hopefully. Regards, Peter J.
  3. Roman, I did not suggest e-mailing. Again, with the short notice phone HQ as there will be at least a person to speak with you. Not certain how offering money to the Region will work however buying or selling of vendor spaces is totally illegal and could get someone banned from future meets. Just call HQ (717-534-1910) and go from there. I would hate to suggest just driving there and try to buy your way in as security is run by Hershey Entertainment and Resorts the property owners NOT the Hershey Region of the AACA.
  4. Due to little time you may want to phone AACA HQ for advise (717-534-1910) as most if not all officials are obviously very busy and may be out of communication. Give it a shot and hopefully you can work something out.
  5. Roman, Do you know of any friends vending that you could contact and see if they could accomodate a bit of room in their space? Possibly someone from your Region/Chapter.
  6. Nope...too busy having a good time. On the other hand I do not let such things bother me and seldom notice. As this is a yearly complaint list any chance you could finally walk over to the announcer or Hershey Region officials and air out then get back to us with their comments? I doubt you will receive feedback on the forum.
  7. Bob, Having read all of this so far I am compelled to apologize to you for past issues we had when I was under conflicting marching orders on this site with those in effect today. I do see one benefit to those coming to Hershey on tight budgets to make them aware of gas prices in this neck of PA. Especially those towing which drastically drains tow vehicle mileage. "Sincerely"... Peter J.
  8. Hello, Den. 2013 - October 9-12 2014 - October 8-11 2015 - October 7-10 Regards, Peter J.
  9. Susan, Good points. Could you provide how other large venues handle the terrain and crowd control for such large venues?
  10. Susan, What do other venues you know of have in place to control roughly 200-K in attendance over 4 days concerning carts/scooters/dogs, etc? Based upon the respondents this is a major issue and possibly it would help in the future.
  11. Davelet...Welcome to the AACA Forum. On 7/9/05 there was a National Meet held in Warren, Ohio at the Packard Museum grounds. One of the greatest meets I ever attended. The Packard Museum and Music Hall not to mention the town opened the door to hospitality. Hopefully they can either provide photos from their archives or put you on the right direction. Check this Packard Museum site: National Packard Museum - Warren Ohio Regards, Peter J.
  12. Dick, I do not think you have a flawed way of thinking just asking questions in the not so direct arena. The Hershey Region runs the Fall Meet to include the incredible logistics provided by extremely hard working member volunteers. This AACA Forum does not run the Fall Meet thus for decision making facts I would contact the Hershey Region. Just a thought. Peter J.
  13. Eric, Give the AACA Library & Research Center a try. Huge amount of info not to mention a full time staff should you care to speak with anyone. Chris and staff are absolutely thorough and great in actual research. (On the Home Page of this AACA website click on Library) or... AACA Library Regards, Peter J.
  14. Tom, Please take the time to read this link from start-to-bottom. Thousands of documents, original literature, and, reference books are at your service: AACA Library
  15. Anyone have an idea of where this thread or the "Idiot Driver Revenge" thread are going or what is the end goal? No one is moderating the forum or the BOD has changed the rules and brought back R&R / Misc. Chat. so I will offer my 2-cents. Everything I have read so far happens every day. I drive between 50-55,000 miles per year and have done so for 41 years in my sales area. If I kept a logue of the nonsense I see daily it would be a full time job. To those (Bevins, Shop Rat, etc.) that have mentioned retaliation or "I showed that SOB" by forcing them into mud, highway medians, squeezing the rude drivers at merge points you apparently can live with risking looking into your rear view mirror and potentially watching the vehicle wreck. I am certain you would all pull over and tell the police you caused it (possibly killing, maiming, damaging) and cite your "ego" sure won. Yes, I agree that there are very rude or inattentive drivers out there however you are in the wrong for not allowing 2 lanes to merge at the "merge point" or becoming a self appointed highway police officer due to your temper or ego at the time. Knowing you possibly wrecked, killed, maimed someone would that make you feel better if you read about the action in the newspaper the next day. Check your tempers and egos, bite the bullet, and forget about it or you will regret it some day.
  16. Reminds me of the old days when Rants & Raves / Misc. Chat was alive and well.
  17. Jerry, Many moons ago there was a topic about oil bath air cleaners. This sort of stuck in my mind out of interest as I never heard of it before. I am quite certain someone with more knowledge will chime in here in time. Regards, Peter J.
  18. Hi, Matt. Carbs or Fuel Injected? My reason for asking is the early 1970's is when the U.S. imposed all the air pollution, ugly bumper overriders, etc. on imports. Possibly the gent bought the car without knowing or trying to circumvent the issue? I have a 1972 Triumph TR-6 since new and it is considered an early TR-6. It retains tell tale signs of the gas guzzling early 1970's especially with the charcoal canister (the canister has 2 male intake points with no return hoses, 2 Stromberg S.U. carbs, no bumper overriders, etc.) I investigated this 35 + years ago and was told by many within the AACA and British clubs that I just missed the import hammer.) This was also the same time frame of which many acclaim to be the end of the U.S. muscle car production due to the oil imbargo . Possibly the original buyer had it shipped to circumvent the early 1970's U.S. regulations? A few minutes ago I checked the British Motor Industry Heritage (B.M.I.H.) and they tout not having build sheets for the Morgan however do have them for many others (MG, Triumph, etc.) I ordered one many years ago and it lists everything such as build date, dispatch to the States date, port received in the U.S., all equipment, tyres, color, etc. You still may want to google the B.M.I.H. as they promote Morgan functions on their web site. All of this may be a start point to back-track. Who knows... Regards, Peter.
  19. Good point, West. I think the problem is it is easier for some to post assumptions on the forum instead of a simple phone call to HQ, receive a quick factual answer, and, instant stress relief. Regards, Peter J.
  20. Pat and Administration staff, Thank you for all the hard work in finalizing and publishing the results. I know it is quite an undertaking. Great job by great people. Peter.
  21. There was a thread on the AACA Forum recently inquiring about "Three on the Tree". Dave showed us "One on the Tree".
  22. Folks, For those interested only 1.5 miles from the Reading Expo Center (show field) is Duryea Drive. May be of interest to some to drive the route that Charles Duryea tested his cars before approving them for sale when he operated a manufacturing facility here in Reading, PA. For 60 years Duryea Drive has held the annual Duryea Hillclimb up to the top of Mt. Penn. Very scenic serpentine drive up to the Pagoda at the summit. Check it out: http://explorepahistory.com/hmarker.php?markerId=1-A-3A2 Regards, Peter J.
  23. Sure is, Matt. Glad to see Wayne and the people had a great time at another AACA Meet. I recall past National Director and super guy Randy Stone had some musical talents as well as past President Earl Beachamp. There were many more however I cannot recall. These fun displays simply add to the AACA experience. Many make wonderful memories. Regards, Peter J.
  24. Tommy, Ask them if the special rate is made for "Ontelaunee Region". Experienced this at other meets where the host region's name was used and not AACA.
  25. Are you using any "scented" products such as polishes, waxes, interior scent sprays? The reason I ask is I used a wax with a cherry scent to it many years ago and it attracted bees. Stopped using that wax and it stopped. Some of the interior cleaning products are heavily perfumed. Something to consider. Peter J.
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