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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Hi, Mark. Likewise, Merry Christmas. Leather vs. Kevlar and many other experiences from forum members have been posted over the years. If you click on "Search" in the header bar and type in "Leather Cone Clutch" there are many posts over quite a few years to be found. A lot of experiences from folks with the same questions you post. http://forums.aaca.org/search.php?searchid=328120 Regards, Peter J.
  2. AJ, Yes they do exist and are really nice. Manufactured by renown jewelers, Jostens. They have a booth every year at the AACA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. For quick answers give AACA Headquarters a call (717-534-1910) and they could assist. Regards, Peter.
  3. Just saying' Very true. Watch where you park an "antique vehicle" especially.
  4. Agree that Bob does have a good post here. Interesting in that the President of my company had the same problem of short life with tires on a 2005 Dodge Magnum all wheel drive. His theory was all tires are drive tires vs. vehicles with 2-wheel drive regularly rotated tires. He could only achieve 15-18K per set. I know absolutely nothing about this theory however it makes sense to a degree. Regards, Peter J.
  5. Dana, I feel compelled to apologize to you for posting an interesting query. Never heard of a Panhard. Found it interesting. Thank you to Dave Hendrson, Rusty O'Toole, and, Marty Roth for some factual input. Sincerely hope you harvested some intelligent input from them. Not all threads on the AACA Forum turn out this way so please keep posting when you find interesting subjects like the Pandhard. As for the digression of the thread? Well, rude participants that totally hijacked your thread with comedy from the start, the first post referred to the vehicle off in the distance, lack of the hijackers knowledge that all they have to do to start a new thread concerning "safety driving old vehicles" by clicking on "New Thread", etc. I have been following it from the beginning and this is a sorry situation at best in my opinion. Again, as a member of the AACA I personally apologize. With that on the "Home Page" click on "Library" and follow the prompts to see what literature the extensive AACA Library retains. Sorry for my rant however I agree this turned into a bazaar thread. Peter J.
  6. Try to keep within the OP's question, Keith or a Moderator will haul it away with a Thread Wrecker.
  7. Jeff, Close guess, Jeff. My memory from the 1960's is Kutztown, PA. Reason being I inherited 2 or 3 copies many years ago and at the time not really into preserving old vehicles. Gave them away a long time ago. Regards, Peter J.
  8. Rich, Contact AACA Headquarters in Hershey: 717-534-1910 If Mr. Heimes is a member of the AACA you may receive contact info "if" HQ will release it (been awhile since I held any official capacity thus not up to speed if current SOP). Regards, Peter J.
  9. Weather was beautiful!! Yes, there were quite a few no-shows not enough to ruin it totally. I would guess 250-300 vehicles. It was very nice overall. As to the gent on the other thread who is quite pessimistic and negative about many things we do I did not see any mud, grass, etc., on vehicles. He probably does not believe it that the old golf course drains quickly but it did. Crowds were also very good. Regards, Peter J.
  10. Tried to reason with facts to assist satisfying your idea, Keith. I can see it is tp no avail. No further advice or response from me. Have a nice evening. Regards, Peter J.
  11. Who said that, Keith. I certainly did not in my response to Ted. Try this...you come up with a plan using the property layout from the meet brochure. Suggest it to the Hershey Region and copy AACA HQ plus HERCO. Never know. Maybe it could come to fruition. One thing for certain to air out either suggestions or complaints on this AACA Forum will not garner a response to you or many others for that matter. So many over the years air out here on the Forum then expect the people actually in charge to respond. Not going to happen. They do not sit here 24/7 with a staff at the ready to assist you. One must contact the appropriate AACA Director / Officer, HERCO Management, any Meet sponsors, etc., etc. So many simply go here to the General forum area thinking their good or not so good suggestion will receive a response. Take the time to go to the horse's mouth. May take some effort however if you believe this is a good idea then contact the Hershey Region or HERCO.
  12. Ted, I am responding to you out of total respect for the so many positive comments you make about everything and every meet the within the AACA. To add to Steve's response you must remember that we are "guests on the Hershey Entertainment & Resorts property". As for refusing to change anything has me totally confused. HERCO (Hershey Entertainment & Resorts) has gone above and beyond to accomodate we guests. Besides the Fall Meet they are at the absolute top when it comes to support of the AACA to include HQ, L&RC, and, Museum. Now, such as a special reserved parking lot for antique vehicles what do you have in mind? Think for a moment as to the shear volume of modern iron visitors in the very large parking fields already utilize. Where would you suggest HERCO places about a 3-5 acre "special lot"? Who is going to staff the attendants to be certain the vehicles are AACA 25 year old and older? Should HERCO create such a lot I would bet you and others here would complain that it is not the closest to the pedestrian crossing on Hershey Park Drive. Who would pay to put up special fencing to isolate this lot? Last, who would field the complaints if "visitors" need parking spots, see that the special lot has only a few vehicles in it at any given time? Not as easy as you and Keith think. The logistics involved and years of work by the Hershey Region, HERCO, the AACA, and others is mind boggling. With roughly 250,000 people over 3-5 days in a "SET ACREAGE" can yield only so much. Regards, Peter J. Peter J.
  13. Good, Steve. Look forward to seeing it.
  14. Steve. As with any AACA Meet you have to be pre-registered which has long expired. As for the High Wheeler race query I have no expertise except adise you immediatlely phone HQ to receive the official answer. I would not "Do It..." only to be turned down after trailering for many miles. Regards, Peter J.
  15. Hi, Bill...hope all is well. You should have no problems at all. I have taken the same route for months now on business trips out your way and Ohio. (You will go underneath all the bridge reconstruction without any issues.) What I would do however is watch the speed limits through Clarks Ferry over the Susquehanna River after you come off I am assuming Rt. 15 South. Practically all summer there have been speed traps set up around the Red Rabbitt restaurant. Regards, Peter.
  16. Any British car owner coming to Hershey this sure makes you feel welcome does it not? It is funny. I agree however certainly does not apply to my hunk of junk as I am sure respondents would call it. Own a 1972 Triumph TR-6 since new. Has 56,534 miles on the odometer and roughly 36,000 of those miles were put on in the 1972-76 time frame. It is loaded with Lucas electronics. In 41 years I can absolutely attest to the fact it has never had an electrical or mechanical problem. For example I took it out 2 weeks ago after being stored since August of 2012. Pulled the choke and it started up. Has the original fuel pump, started motor, wiring, lights, etc. Only electronic parts I replaced are plastic electrical clip covers that turned color due to age. Having never taken it apart for any sort of restoration it has done quite well within the AACA and British clubs: --4 time "repeat Senior Grand National" and all awards leading up to this level. --Was going for my 37th Repeat Preservation at Hershey this year until I read this thread. (Leaving it home as so called Mastertech, Marty. and others now make me nervous about driving the undependable clunker 162 round trip miles.) --Over the years I ventured outside of the AACA judging system 3 times to show at "all British meets". It received 1st in class at all 3 and I assure you the judging was extremely more rigid than the AACA system. No Lucas problems here not to say others have had their issues with British cars or any car for that matter. Peter J.
  17. vstol...Welcome to the AACA forum. Yes the AACA has such a process. I presented 2 over the years to 50 year members as a past Chair of Development & Support for the Eastern States. I personally traveled to the the member's Region meetings to do so in person. This is a very special occasion and well worth be recognized. First, where is your Region/Chapter located so a Development & Support Chairman could posssibly visit for a presentation? Two, contact AACA Headquarters with the individual's name, location, membership longevity, etc. The Headquarters personnel will research the years of the person's membership to validate them. Regards, Peter J.
  18. Matt, My advice would be to receive an official response from someone in authority. To haul a 6500# vehicle from Ohio only to be turned down for being modified would be a gamble. John mentioned that if it has a modern running gear it would not matter for example (In some clubs he may be correct however the mission of the AACA he left out.)
  19. Hello, Tommy. Very considerate of you to think of a fellow Forum contributor. I believe you are referring to "Dave A." who is heavily into the Crosley and the Farm-O-Road. If I recall he is or was the President of the CAC. As Dave posted not to long ago he unfortunately lost his wife this year and old autos is not his concerns for now. Hopefully your consideration will give him some meaning to come back to our "family of like minded individuals"...the AACA. Best regards, Peter J.
  20. Marty, You have a legion of friends within the AACA and on this forum. Myself included. The fact that you are asking us on this forum for advice tells me you will regret selling it. Why do I say this? Well, you would have made the decision yourself if you woke up one day and said to yourself: "That's it. Tired of it. One of these has to go. Need the room for additional projects." I vote that you keep it at least for now due to the "very" obvious affection for both vehicles. Regards, Peter J.
  21. LINC400 is addressing "NON-AACA" clubs. I would contact the un-named clubs as to why they do this if LINC provides the names. Then we could receive the reason from the club's officials as to why they hold their meets during the week. As for the AACA we have 8-10 National Meets during any given year. They normally run from Thursday thru Saturday with "SATURDAY BEING THE CAR SHOW". The only exception is the wonderful "TOURS" which run normally from "MONDAY - THRU FRIDAY". The tours are family vacation calibre events held all over this great country. Only reason I am posting this is to clarify so anyone reading it does not assume the AACA holds "WEEKDAY EVENTS THAT HAMPER YOUTH INVOLVEMENT WITHIN THE HOBBY". Regards, Peter J.
  22. kdancy, I agree totally with your thread's intent as I have been burned on a few occasions within the hobby. I offer some insight from when I served as a Director years ago. As for this AACA Forum and to add to Wayne's reasoning of which he is 100% correct: FORUM: --It is "owned" by the AACA. Paid for by the "dues" paying members of the AACA and sponsors of whom are very much appreciated. --It comes at a huge expense to the AACA however very important to the club's purpose to serve "members" and "non-members" with a discussion arena on the internet to share experiences within the hobby. --Ironically the majority, repeat majority of the regular participants on the AACA Forum are not members of the club. This is fine as it is a service to the hobby provided by the AACA for members and non-members. ISSUE OF GOOD / BAD VENDORS: --This topic has come up a gazzillion times since the inception of the AACA Forum about 13 years ago. --The club Directors and Officials have discussed this many times over the years to include legal advise from the AACA's attorneys. In short: "The AACA owned Forum will not be the media vehicle (no pun intended) for disputes between VENDORS & CUSTOMERS. MISC: --You might ask "what is the big deal or why not?": Yes, the AACA has had past experiences of legal nature regarding allowing people to argue about bad vendors on the AACA "owned" Forum. --The AACA to include our Library & Research Center and Museum fall under the I.R.S. guidelines as a 501-C. This is the most critical reason the club cannot allow arguing or libel / slander directed at any private enterprise. The club is not going to chance losing the status or take on legal issues. --The AACA Forum as others have mentioned above provides the Private Message (PM) feature to get such points out to the hobby. In addition there are a gazzillion sites out there who do not care what is posted on their forums. Regards, Peter J.
  23. hellerc...I would phone HQ @ 717-534-1910. Should be a simple fix in the database. Regards, Peter J.
  24. You are welcome. Possibly Bill Stoneberg from Texas could help. Do a search for his profile and send a PM to Bill. I know he has attended various BCA meets. Peter J.
  25. Pomeroy, I do not have to re-read your post. My attempt to help you was based upon your asking for rather detailed meet info of which the AACA has no control. Hopefully someone from the BCA with South Bend Meet decision making authority will happen to read the AACA Forum and this thread. Regards, Peter J.
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