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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Hi, Roger. On the Home Page in the gold colored header you will see "Community". Place your cursor on it and a drop down box shows. You will see "Junior AACA". As for a forum for Juniors it was in development some years ago however remains on-hold. Regards, Peter J.
  2. Steve, Getting this back to the topic. Check for 5 tickets in the mail. Regards, Peter.
  3. veridian6...Welcome to the Forum. Moved your thread here for more exposure. Regards, Peter J.
  4. Hi, Ken. I am sure they would look nice and shiny however not as they left the factory for judging purposes. That is why I want the original bolts that still have the heat treat and/or standard bolt markings. In the New Bern AGNM case I noted below the gent with the late 1960's Triumph could have received point deductions if he had removed the bolt markings. Regards, Peter.
  5. Hi, Dave. You are not wearing out your welcome. Our officers welcome any and all queries. Reference my error previously of noting Hulon instead of Herb may have come from an instance I had at the AGNM in New Bern. Hulon used my 1972 TR6 to investigate a late 1960's Triumph question about proper bolts after another participant challenged about correct bolts. My car has never been taken apart and remains the way it was since I bought it in 1972. The question in my case here was heat treated bolts used on the steering wheel shaft vs. non-heat treated body bolts in the engine compartment. To make it short turns out the other gents bolts were correct with the "on-site" comparison of my car to his. Hulon informed the gent his car was correct based upon this comparison. As for Charlotte I would not worry if I were you. As you alluded your car is what it is at this late stage. Just keep referencing other similar vehicles at the meets you attend like Hulon did. Have a good trip and hope to meet you in person around the Reading, PA area one day. Regards, Peter.
  6. Matt, Thank you. Stand corrected. Using an I-phone. My suggestion remains for Dave that he could be doing laborious bolt replacement for naught. Regards, Peter.
  7. Dave, Agree you have received many opinions. I suggest you contact our VP of Class Judging, Hulon McCraw for facts: hcmccraw@morrisbb.net Regards, Peter.
  8. 51Dyno. This AACA Website strives to be dedicated to vehicles 25 years old and older "as they left the factory". I would think it best to Google your query for late model vehicles. Regards, Peter J.
  9. Hi, Paul...hope all is well. FYI...I am certain Steve or the staff will respond shortly. Wayne and other Directors are at the Homestead, FL meet so it may take a little time to answer your question. Regards, Peter J.
  10. huptoy. Unlesss rental companies changed their legal agreements hauling a car inside a rented van could cause a major problem. It has been a number of years since I dealt with a rental company however had the same idea. The clerk said if the rental van breaks down in the middle of nowhere their company authorized towing outfits are required to see what is in the truck before towing. If they find a vehicle inside they will make you unload it somehow "on the side of the road". Sort of agree with their position in that a rental van is normally used for hauling goods and they are not set up for tie down straps to properly haul a vehicle. I shutter to think of a panic braking situation with a vehicle inside any tow vehicle that is not equipped. Regards, Peter J.
  11. Thanks for the update, Susan. That gives me hope that I can start looking at vehicles 25 years old and older soon...
  12. Pauyl...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I moved your query to the Buick Forum. In short order you will have some replies. Regards, Peter.
  13. The "Cowtown" Swap Meet has been moved some years ago to the Salem County Fairgrounds, Woodstown, NJ and is scheduled for Sunday, March 27, 2011 Very nice event sponsored by the South Jersey Region of the AACA (One great group of people I might add). Dave or Sue Birchmire may chime in for more details. Regards, Peter.
  14. Wow! Wonderful, Steve. Many thanks to Mr. Gibson and Mr. Bowman. Very nice gesture that will certainly be a great tool in spreading the wealth of information retained by the Library. Peter.
  15. Hello, John. You could contact AACA National Director Tom Cox tntoldcarz@aol.com Tom served on the board of the Virginia Transportation Museum and I would believe him to be the best person to steer you in the right direction. Please note that he and many other AACA directors are winding up the Annual Meeting in Philadelphia so give him a chance to respond if you so desire to contact him. Regards, Peter.
  16. Not at all, Bob. There have been many critiques of the Moderators over the years for deletions of threads whereas the actual author of the thread deleted it. If anyone, I have egg on my face as only recently was I informed that when an author delete's I assumed "everyone" sees the reason and by whom. Not the case apparently. Only the Moderators/Administrators see it on their screens. Bottom line, let's give Peter G. and others a chance to travel home from the Annual Meeting and address the question posted by others: "Eliminating the edit function after, say, a few days". To other people not knowing about your User CP and basically many functions or AACA services offered on this web site: Please venture off the General Forum and see what is available. The General Forum is a miniscule part of everything available here. Regards, Peter.
  17. Our Webmaster would be the person to answer your questions. As for a thread's author going back and editing I tend to agree. In these cases it usually is someone that gets criticized for a statement within a post then tries to hide it by deleting it when the heat becomes too much. As for deleting your own thread any one of us can do it. Go to your user CP. In this case the author opted to delete it and that is what he did. He authored it and has the right to delete it if he so desires. Regards, Peter.
  18. The thread was deleted by the author NOT the "handlers". On the screen of which Moderators have access it reads as follows: "Thread deleted by Dave B. (the author)." "Reason: Thread deleted by the originator".
  19. ms...Taking a wild guess. The logo O.D. appears to be a diamond..."Diamond T" ?? Regards, Peter.
  20. Very interesting, George. Have you tried our AACA Library & Research Center to see what is in the huge archives? On the home page, click on Library on the immediate right hand column. Peter.
  21. Dick, The author of both posts deleted them--not the moderating staff. Peter.
  22. Well stated, Matt. Like others I highly doubt we can satisfy the majority. Constant negative comments about a hobby (or club in this case) would have "driven" me to find another 56 years ago and I am 63 now. Tried golf at one time and immediately reverted back to the AACA which is the finest organization within the true meaning of the old car hobby. Regards, Peter.
  23. I referred to the references that the $30 registration fee Bob is questioning came across that the AA Magazine is worth the membership (which is $35 per year). Never mentioned names. Point is: Let the South Florida Region respond and go from there. Peter.
  24. Bob, With due respect I believe the negative PR coming out of this thread is very unfair to the hard working volunteers that put on meets and the Homestead Meet in this case. Why not contact the South Florida Region, get the facts, then, post them. People thinking about attending are reading this and the reason I really believe it unfair that already there is misinformation. You do not like the price of $30. Well, only the Region can explain it and I would bet it is due to costs out of their control. The people noting that $30 is worth the AA Magazine are not correct. Current AACA Annual Dues are $35 and "well worth the cost of the AA Magazine". The timing of the Meet and a race: I will bet it is also due to circumstances out of the Region's control. The Region does not own the property where the meet is held. The owner's of the property tells the Region when they can hold meets. Again, out of the Region's control. Please, in all fairness to the South Florida Region, contact them, get the facts, then post them here. Thank you, Peter J.
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