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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Peter, Had to remind myself all day "don't get mad, get even!". If I were you I'd stay in Arizona for about 20 years and possibly I will either be gone from this earth or chilled by then...Ha! I will keep you posted. Seriously, it was an honor wearing Frank's suit coupled with a lot of fun for a worthy event: "Your club's "Night at the Museum" gala" held at Your Club's Museum". If I posted the comments received from attendees from the low end to the top end of the scale, I would have to edit my own post...LOL! Brad (Silverghost) may have something: "Wild Pete's Used Car Lot". Frank's suit is another example of the treasures retained at our AACA Library awaiting the old car hobbyist inquiries. Some rather unusual items such as the suit to vehicle paint chips to very rare literature for correct restoration questions. I have been around the AACA long enough to know how we all think. No, there was no title to a Brass Era car in the suit pockets. No, there were no keys to a '20's or '30's car in the pants pocket. One slight glimmer of hope for you folks is ask our Executive Director if there were any items as he had access to the suit a long time before I did. Best, Peter J.
  2. Hi, Bob. Thank you for the time and effort to post your slideshow. Very good overview of the vehicles especially for those who could not attend. Regards, Peter J.
  3. Dave, That is old news. Hershey Company announced about 2 weeks ago, maybe longer, that they are closing the "old plant" and will be relocating it to a "new", more efficient plant to be constructed a short distance away. Back to the thread's intent...Had a super time not to mention the great weather as others have echoed. Besides the enormous amount of fellow hobbyist attending I was very pleased with the amount of "new" members that joined, or, discussions with recent members on how the greatest club in the world operates. What a great time!! Peter J.
  4. Mike. Sorry to hear of your inconvenience. FYI...to improve services for next year your issue should be directed to the meet host "the Hershey Region". They welcome input such as yours and take it seriously. In all fairness to your questioning "AACA Officials" with no satisfactory response, well, the AACA is not running the meet, the Hershey Region is. Our AACA Forum will not garner prompt or official response as region personnel do not monitor this web site for complaints. Regards, Peter J.
  5. myhudson48...Welcome to the AACA Forum! Place it under a windshield wiper arm. When the judging team arrives at your car they will take it and use it as a check list. Do not fill out anything yourself. Regards, Peter J.
  6. About average over the recent years, Ted. In my observation there is no reliable factual statistical barometer. Some years around 1100 if weather is a washout scenario, other years 1800 + with 1300 being the average. One thing for certain Hershey is a great experience with great people...that is what I look forward to every year. The vehicles on Saturday are icing on the cake after 4 days of seeing old and new friends sharing a common interest. Regards, Peter.
  7. Registration for the car meet was closed in late August if I recall. As for the number of registered vehicles someone from the Hershey Region or AACA Headquarters would be the most reliable source, however, they are extremely busy as can be expected. I have seen the numbers in the range of 1200 to 2400 and various numbers in between over the years. The meet brochures are on sale at Hershey however one woulld have to count all the cars listed. Regards, Peter J.
  8. Hello, Frank...Welcome to the AACA Forum. FYI...removed your duplicate post so this one garners more attention. Regards, Peter J.
  9. I am sorry to hear this, Dick. Family comes first. Thoughts and prayers to you. Regards, Peter.
  10. Ralph...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Take Matt and Al's advice. Personally, I would take it off at home and leave it there until later. After your car is judged for the Meet awards there will be National Award Judges looking over vehicles. Good rule of thumb is the judges look at what is displayed to them and judge everything as displayed. Regards, Peter.
  11. Ken and Steve, Communicated this thread subject to the proper people. As I had mentioned everyone is very busy preparing for Hershey so we will get back for sure possibly 1 week after the meet. I will follow this up and respond accordingly. Regards, Peter J.
  12. Steve, Give me a chance to follow protocol and see what may develop with Ken's request. I fully understand and appreciate Ken's point not to mention a great idea, however, I am a staunch supporter of our AACA Library and Research Center / AACA Museum services that already exist on this AACA web site. Getting people to utilize them is another subject. If I read your suggestion correctly it may be a simple creation of a "hot link" in the General Discussion Forum to the already existing "Book Review" service your AACA Library already provides. You folks that posted so far may have something here. As we are in the hectic week prior to Hershey a response may or may not take time however the customer service driven Directors and Committee personnel take these suggestions seriously. We will respond... Peter J.
  13. Hi, Steve. Suggestion: Why not submit a book review to the already available "Book Review" forum available on the "Library" site. One could then make a post in the General Forum to the effect: "Please check out my book review on a 1909 Wutchamacallit authored John/Jane Doe in the Library Book Review forum. On this site's Home Page, click on "Library" in the far right column then "Book Review" found in the header bar. Regards, Peter.
  14. Ken, Had I seen the post originally it would have the same impact on me that Steve had. On the bright side. Your AACA has a Book Review arena. On the home page click on "Library" in the right column. When the AACA Library site is open click on "Book Reviews" in the header bar. Scroll down a bit past some recent book reviews and there is a "Submit a Book Review" link with instructions. Forward it to our Librarian, Mr. Chris Ritter. [submit A Review Have you read a good book about automobile restoration, history, a special marque, people or anything else that relates to the hobby? We'd like to include your suggestions and reviews on this Library site.] Trouble I have seen and actually became quite frustrated with over the years is everyone systematically goes to the "General Forum". We have all sorts of services available on this AACA web site however no one dares venture out of the General Forum. Take the "Search" function for example. No one bothers with it however many queries are constantly repeated. All one has to do is take the time and venture out of the General Forum. Regards, Peter.
  15. Scott...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved your thread here. The "Forum Questions" forum is for web site navigation assistance only. Regards, Peter.
  16. Rattiac... You do not have to send remuneration upfront. On this web site's home page you will see "Library" in the right column "below Forum". (click on "Library" then in the very top bar you will see "Request Form".) Fill in your questions with as much detail that you have available and your Library will respond via e-mail what research material may be available. I copied the on-line instructions as follows: _________________________________________________________________________ Research Request Form In order to identify your vehicle with certainty, please fill in the form below as completely as possible. We will search our collection and send you an e-mail containing a list of the available information and the applicable duplication fees. You may then decide which items to order. Research requests may take 4-6 weeks to process. Duplication requests are fulfilled via the US Postal Service only. Because we are a nonprofit corporation, our archival information and research services must be self-supporting. The following schedule reflects our fees in time and materials to fulfill your request. Please note, the processing fee must accompany this request form and be in US Dollars. We accept: major credit cards, PayPal, and checks made payable to the AACA Library. __________________________________________________________________________ Keep us posted should you have any further questions. I have also sent our Librarian Mr. Chris Ritter a memo to better address your request. Regards, Peter J.
  17. Rattiack...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Thousands over the years have had "good luck" with AACA Library & Research Center automotive info request forms. Your L&RC retains an enormous amount of literature for research. If you are a member of the AACA you receive 1 1/2 hours of free research time per year. If not the research fees are nominal and very well worth the fee. Have you tried a research request to-date? If not you could contact our Librarian, Mr. Chris Ritter at 717-534-2082 direct or critter@aacalibrary.org Regards, Peter J.
  18. That is wonderful, Melvin. Sounds like you folks are cranked up. Reminder that there is the "Youth Program" for your grandson. Also, the Race Car & High Wheeler condition runs in the stadium, plus the AACA Library/National Headquarters/ and, just up Rt. 39 North (1 Mile) is the AACA Museum which is an absolute "must see". Have a good time, Peter J.
  19. {Copying back Quadfin's post from the original deleted thread} Re: Next season. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I'm over the "Trolling for Trophies" phase, so I only put my car is as "Do Not Judge" or "Display Only" at local shows. I look for shows that have potentially large spectator traffic. I enjoy chatting with the natives, and sharing the car with them, maybe inspiring a few youngsters into Car Culture. (See my comments in the latest issue of Hemmings Classic Car...) It is also nice when there are activities that interest kids, so my 9-year-old will be interested in going with me. At the Richmond Region show in June, I saw a herd of kids flock around several different cars, as the Youth Program Leader explained the finer details and components. THAT was great to see. My daughter enjoyed the kids program at Blacksburg. Also, more than that, she LOVED the way she was treated - virtually adopted - by the other AACA members at the show. She can't wait until the next one. I'm not really into modifieds, but if they will draw more spectators, I can be pleasant. To each our own. The perfect show, to me, was New Bern. Shows in a "Downtown" setting seem to draw more outsiders in, rather than just the entrants, sitting in our chairs back by the trunk. Another thing that is a necessity, is enough room to spread out. Cars crammed together look more like a retro parking lot, rather than a car show. I like to have lots of room between cars, so spectators can view the car from all angles, and not have to slither between doors. Sometimes, I know, these are difficult to reconcile. The large remote field in the fairgrounds provides lots of room, but is usually lacking in road appeal to draw in spectators. A city park or parking lot may generate more interest, but the cars may be too close together. I have left several shows because they became too impacted, and I knew that I would not enjoy them. I'll post again Sunday, after the Northern Neck Region show. __________________ Jim Eccleston 1961 Coupe de Ville BATILAC
  20. Marty, Could you post a photo of a Founders Tour banner? It was perfect old car driving conditions today in Pa and to see old vehicles on the road on a Monday would grab my curiosity, too. Regards, Peter.
  21. Hi, Bob. I do not know the details however the 2010 Founders Tour was held this past June in the Greensburg, PA area. Perhaps they left the banner on as a token. The Glidden Tour is the next one however held in Michigan. Regards, Peter.
  22. Susan and Dick, I agree the National Anthem should be played each day. Have you contacted the Hershey Region yet? They are the hosts of the Fall Meet and I would not assume all of these suggestions by you and others on this Forum will be answered here! Contact them and let us know how you make out. Peter.
  23. Hi, Judy. You are an Administrator so just do it! My advice is you should send Susan a PM and explain your reasoning. Regards, Peter.
  24. laddy...Welcome to the AACA Forum. May benefit to post in the Dodge Forum (scroll down a bit and you will see it.) To check with "your" AACA Library & Research Center as Susan mentioned click on "Library" on the Home Page. It is self explanatory how to make a research request. If you join the AACA which is a great deal you will receive 1 1/2 hours "per year" of free research time. We retain the finest automotive archives within the old vehicle hobby. Your Librarian, Chris Ritter will handle any requests. Regards, Peter.
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