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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Hi, Bill...hope all is well. In the "Annual Plea" thread in the Judging Forum, Ron Heberle posted the following: "Yes that is correct the CJE follows the judging school on Wednesday and Thursday at the Music Box threater. I always attend both judging school and CJE on one of those days, works out real well." Regards, Peter.
  2. Dick, As West noted it was moved to the "Garage/Towing" forum. When you see "Moved" just click on the destination forum. "Towing" in this case and it will automatically open the thread. Peter J.
  3. Charlie...as usual nice seeing you at Blacksburg along with your brother Chris. Hope you had a good trip to Hagerstown. You have been to a lot of Meets. Let's take Blacksburg for an example however it applies to all meets that I have attended plus non-AACA events. There was absolutely no fencing around the premises. No entry gates at all. Question: How many signs would it take at Blacksburg and how would you propose that every visitor read the signs not to mention adhere to the listing of rules about show cars? You may have a good idea here however I am at a loss as to how it could be enforced. Hope your idea was not generated by damage to your car. (I cannot fathom how many signs or other media it would take to get the message across to the thousands of spectators at mega-meets let alone the cost and army of volunteers to police it.) Regards, Peter.
  4. You are welcome anyway, Max. We tried... Peter J.
  5. Max...have you contacted the AACA Library & Research Center? Click on Library on the Home Page or contact out librarian Mr. Chris Ritter: critter@aacalibrary.org (Ph: 717-534-2082). Regards, Peter J.
  6. Likewise, Mike...Welcome to the AACA and our Forum. Thank you for the time it took to post the great experience acquiring your car. Really nice! Peter J.
  7. Jack, I was just the messenger. Thanks go to Karl Krouch. Glad you received his professional assessment. As for the plug wires you may want to post it in the "Packard" forum. On the opening forum menu page scroll down to the Packard forum. Regards, Peter.
  8. jw...Welcome to the AACA Forum. A long time member of the AACA, one Karl Krouch is a highly regarded source for lug wrenches, antique jacks to include antique security devices sold or utilized thoughout the history of automobiles. I just sent him an e-mail to bring your thread to his attention. Regards, Peter.
  9. Larry, I am absolutely not a scientist however what I wrote works. Use nitrogen on my company car and tow vehicle with the same "very satisfied" results. The constant pressure of nitrogen for such a cheap price has definitely reduced having to hook up a compressor in bitter winter weather or going to the storage facility monthly with a compressor to cap off the trailer. Another note is the tire dealer I have used for years will add nitrogen "if needed" without charge if the tires were purchased from them. Also includes "free" balancing and rotation even on the trailer. What I posted is from very satisfied results over a long period of time. Too each his own. Regards, Peter.
  10. Good points, Matt. I never thought about the axle alignment. What I do: --Nitrogen instead of air. Nitrogen does not create moisture as does air and thus prevents possible rusting of the trailer rims from the inside. Also it is cooler to keep tire heat down. The other advantage is constant pressure of Nitrogen. Have pressure of 50 p.s.i. in tires and after 7 months of winter storage each tire was around 49 p.s.i. Nitrogen costs only $2.00 per tire at a local tire store. --Rotation: I have this done every 6,000 miles if for any other reason than to give myself the benefit of the doubt. 21,000 miles on the trailer without any problems. Regards, Peter. --
  11. Robert. I just googled Skagway Aklaska History. Found the following interesting if not the whole web site: Quote: " Bobby Sheldon, 14, builds first automobile in Alaska for 1905 Fourth of July parade. He will later drive first car and run tours over Alaska's first highway between Valdez and Fairbanks, where the Skagway car will end up in the University of Alaska museum. In December, a meeting is held in Skagway about building a road from here to eventually connect with the Valdez road." If the Skagway car is in the University of Alaska, possibly the trail of inquiry may be better defined. (Maybe I have too much time on my hands today but I must admire whomever wrote the very detailed chronoligical history of Skagway...really interesting. References the first roads built into Skagway although your photo vehicle is a later model.) Re: Skagway History Regards, Peter.
  12. Dave...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Please see the procedure to research "your" AACA Library holdings of original & factual automotive materials of which I just posted in Bill K's "Military Vehicles" thread. Regards, Peter.
  13. Bill...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Out of curiosity I just did an Online Catalog search of "your" AACA Library's holdings on the subject of Military Vehicles. We have a deuce and a half full of materials for researching. Procedure: --On the your web site's home page, you will see "Library" in the right column. (click on it) --When site is open, in the very top right click on "Online Catalog". --You will see "Search the AACA Library". click on it. --3 topic areas show. I checked out "Automotive Literature" and "Automotive Reference Books" by typing in "Military Vehicles". There are many listings of various War Year periods for you to investigate. Your Librarian, Chris Ritter can also be contacted at the Library: 717-534-2082 or critter@aacalibrary.org for direct contact. Regards, Peter.
  14. Please read Steve's message... It is very important and I can attest to the results to get an AACA "Family" member back on their feet. Believe me "It Works". Doug..."Hang in there. You have more people thinking about you than you know."
  15. Bryan, Just looked through the 2009 Hershey Fall Meet booklet and it lists "11 Vendors" in the Hood Ornament/Mascot listing. As keiser mentioned there are many miscellaneous vendors throughout that have some or many hood ornaments Regards, Peter.
  16. Hi, Folks. Today, we were at the AACA Museum show in Hershey. (Super event to put on your calendars. Museum is open all day not to mention a wonderful, diversified display of vehicles on the grounds for everyone's taste). While we were manning the AACA Membership booth/tent Steve Moskowitz, Sue & Dave Birchmire, and, I were discussing the absolutely beautiful area, Pat. (Lake, winery country, very scenic roads, etc.) Steve had a good point: "What a great area to host a Tour". Consider that, please with your Region. Regards, Peter.
  17. karmann...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved your questions here for more exposure. The "Forum Questions" section is for questions on navigating the web site. When you have a chance scroll around the entire AACA web site. There are many more exciting areas of the club. For example, on the Home Page check out the Library, Museum, and other topics or services. Within the General Discussion forum scroll down to the numerous marque areas of discussion. Best regards, Peter.
  18. There you go, Peter. (Thank you, Matt). Could have been lost in the mail or overlooked. The great staff at HQ will assist. (Phone: 717-534-1910) Regards, Peter.
  19. Hi, Peter. The Grand National awards do not have a "Junior" category. They are titled 1st Place GN, 2nd Place GN, or, 3rd Place GN. Only the 1st Place GN receives a grill badge. If your trophy states 1st Place then you are entitled to the grill badge. Others will probably chime in here. Check the award you received in the meantime and tell us what is on it (1st, 2nd, or, 3rd). Regards, Peter.
  20. Pat and all the GVACS team, Thank you for an excellent job well done. The people were absolutely great. GVACS members, local people visiting, and, so many more within the surrounds. Really made us feel welcome and at home. I believe everyone can attest to the absolutely great variety of vehicles present. There was something for everyone to see and discuss. Did I mention how great the people were? Really appreciate everyone's efforts that provided a super weekend in beautiful country. Best, Peter.
  21. Hello, Trevor...Welcome to the AACA Forum. Moved your query to the Ford / Mercury section so hopefully you can receive answers. Sometimes it takes awhile for respondents to post however I feel confident they will. Regards, Peter.
  22. You could try Broadway Title, Birmingham, AL. Lost Car Titles, No Car Title at All? Others on this Forum have used them. I may be off target however if I recall old threads correctly you sell the vehicle to them for a nominal fee they title it in Alabama then sell it back to you. Then you have a title to transfer properly from California to Texas. Regards, Peter.
  23. John, Thank you for bringing the topic of this thread "Car Show Fees" back on subject. Peter.
  24. Folks, Many of us have endured various weather reports and weather realities the day of meets. Some meets have beautiful weather, some have miserable weather. An example comes to mind. At the meet in Greensburgh, PA some years ago I agonized over the scenario when the rain was a downpour and temperatures cold. Upon leaving the hotel there was literally a "crowd" of car owners talking back and forth about taking their cars off the trailers or driving cars that arrived in dry conditions. What bothered me was the 2 years of many meetings and preparations for a single day of showing a vehicle that most hosting Regions & Chapter "volunteers" donated to this fine AACA organization only to overhear many say "it is staying in the trailer". I fully understand the reasons of cleaning off chassis', mud in the tire treads, etc., and I am not trying to tell anyone what to do EXCEPT think of the hard work the host people endured...SUPPORT THEIR EFFORTS as best you decide. Personally, I am yanking my car 495 miles to New Bern. Not going to yank it back 495 miles just for a joy rid towing a trailer. See you there, Peter J.
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