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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Hi, Pomeroy. This is a Buick Club of America sponsored meet not one hosted by an AACA Region or Chapter. I would contact the BCA South Bend meet registration officials directly so you receive accurate info: 2013 BCA National Meet Hope this helps, Peter J.
  2. Hi, Judy. Hope all is well with you and Barker. If I recall correctly Old Cars magazine advertises a notice for interested parties to submit their publications similar to how they do it for photo submissions for their calendar. I do not keep my copies of Old Cars so no big help. Possibly you could go on-line to Old Cars or ask Chris at the AACA Library & Research Center for his input. Regards, Peter.
  3. Not trying to go off topic but did they find anything old vehicle related?
  4. Though I have not had the severe slow problems others reported I must note that the site on my system is even faster than in the past. I do not know who or why however if the AACA personnel had a hand in this "thank you very much". Peter J.
  5. (Just a quick departure from the critiquing of TV shows. Thought I would interject this observation.) Though not too many however I do recall seeing a few vehicles on Pawn Stars, too. They were candidates for the AACA this AACA Forum that is dedicated to vehicles 25 years old minimum and older.
  6. On occasion Pickers shows vehicles at least 25 years old with the average going back to the 1930 - 40 era that I recall. They certainly would fit into the purpose of this website of which is to discuss the old vehicle hobby versus the reality of TV.
  7. Henry, The only iota I can add to Jeff's and Marty's very good response is the AACA encourages getting your vehicle (s) out and drive them after seeking the initial awards you strived to attain. With that being said the reduced minimum of 350 points for Preservation is intended to allow for some chips from being on the road however you must strive to keep the vehicle as it came from the factory to include component condition as best you can. My 2 cents... Peter J.
  8. Hello, Phil. Vapor lock has been an age old topic on this forum. A popular check that has come up often is looking at how close gas lines, etc., are to heat sources such as the engine block and exhaust manifolds. If you do a "Forum Search" above in the header block you can read many past posts on vapor lock. This one is a good example: http://forums.aaca.org/f120/can-boiling-point-gas-raised-289338.html Regards, Peter J.
  9. Josh...Welcome to the AACA Forum. On the Home Page in the header bar at the top you will see "Community" then click on Regions and Chapters. Check these out: Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) - Regions & Chapters | Community Regards, Peter J.
  10. Chris, Mike, and the whole Library and Research Center Staff...Thank you very much for a great idea to create this Library Forum. This is really interesting, entertaining, and, informative plus a super media to draw attention to the Library services. Keep up the good work, Peter J.
  11. Dwight, for the right price I am confident one could be found.
  12. David, I must stop by my office in Boyertown briefly in the morning and could meet up with you around 9:30. Thank you your support of the AACA. (Sending you an e-mail with my contact info.) Peter J.
  13. Could be, John. Maybe not. That is the reason I suggested Dave contact an authoritative source in each state he is traversing. We are all offering opinions here, myself included, thus if it were me I would go to the horses mouth to be certain. Regards, Peter.
  14. Dave, I googled "towing a vehicle in Delaware laws" and if I read this correctly, the towed vehicle must be on a dolly or hoisted at one end: § 2101. Operation of unregistered vehicle; exceptions. (a) No person shall drive or move, nor shall any person, being the owner of a vehicle, knowingly permit to be driven or moved upon any highway any vehicle, except trackless trolley coaches, of a type required to be registered hereunder, which is not registered and for which current registration plates have not been issued as provided in this chapter or for which the appropriate fees have not been paid when and as required by this chapter, except that when application accompanied by the proper fee has been made for registration and certificate of title for a vehicle, the same may be operated temporarily pending complete registration upon displaying a duplicate application duly verified or other evidence of such application or otherwise under rules and regulations promulgated by the Department. ( A motor vehicle or vehicle being towed by a motor vehicle registered as a tow truck or wrecker shall not be in violation of subsection (a) of this section or § 2115 of this title if such towed vehicle has 1 end hoisted off the ground while being towed. The term tow truck or wrecker does not apply to a vehicle registered as a truck tractor. To avoid trouble or bad advice, I would go to the source. Call AAA in each state, or, a State Police barracks in DE & MD. Regards, Peter.
  15. Having read the posts so far and the humor attached plus some sarcastic responses in some we are failing miserably when the age old question comes up: "How do we get the youger generations interested in the old car hobby?" I have been around the block quite a few times and in most circumstances noted in the posts just like you I have been asked similar questions. What I do is smile, chuckle if appropriate, THEN, ask if they have a minute for me to explain the vehicle, the history, etc. As a depressing reminder with our years going by quickly, what appears to be a jerk water question from the ignorant of the hobby is in reality "your vehicle is an unknown to them and a little time to explain just may garner a future custodian of our vehicles". Peter J.
  16. Marque or Author: Gleason 1910? jpgtoo...Welcome to the AACA Forum. I checked the AACA Library On-Line catalog (Home Page, "Library" in header bar). Found the following: Title: (no title) Summary: One 8x10 black/white photo; notes on reverse. Illustrates a Gleason model in a race; models were built by Kansas City Vehicle Co., Kansas City, Missouri, from 1909 - 1914. Subject: Photographs Call number: 96-G0424 I will do a little more checking and post if anything else is on-line. Of note, check the Library site out thoroughly. You can request a research for a nominal fee or if you are a member ot the AACA you receive 1 1/2 hyours per year free research time. Forgot to mention, your Library retains thousands of pieces of literature thus not everything is in the on-line catalog. Follow the easy instructions should you opt to have our library staff search the huge collection. Regards, Peter J.
  17. In your original post you had mentioned the "name" of the company.
  18. Bleach, Bob is absolutely correct. This website is paid for by and OWNED by dues paying AACA members. It is provided "free" to anyone to participate within the spirit of the hobby. Not sure who moderates this site however I thank you for quickly taking it down so a huge "XYZ" company does not litigate our club for being the "vehicle / media" that allowed the negative comments against their products. As for an "splaining (sp) due. Forget it. When signing on to this site it is well noted that the moderators will and can delete any detrimental thread. For the record, I read the original thread and reported it. Why? Well I do not want my dues going up for legal fees. Can the club be sued for allowing disputes or negative PR about a company or vendor? You bet it can. The legal-beagle chains were rattled a few times over the years thus I thank the AACA moderators for being prompt. (FYI...I reported it to protect our dues paying members not to mention the fudiciary responsiblities to our membership that the AACA officials are held accountable.) Peter.
  19. And I'll bet you forgot the Grey Poupon again...lol. Nice to see you and Sue had a relaxing time in Hershey. Anytime I ever saw the two of you in Hershey you were doing volunteer work in support of the AACA and Library. Thank you for your efforts. Likewise, Merry Christmas.
  20. Trenton, Welcome to the AACA Forum. I would plan to wear a sport jacket or suit so you do not feel out of place if you wore bluejeans. The National Awards banquet is a prestigious afair honoring the "best of the best". The AACA holds about 8-10 meets throughout any one year plus tours of which there are probably 4-5,000 vehicles judged. Out of that about 350 are picked out for National Award consideration, then, through the process of elimination you are of a very select few to receive one. Sincere congratulations are in order. When visiting Philadelphia there are hundreds of places to visit. For example, the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, the Franklin Institute, the battleship New Jersey just across the Delaware in Camden, NJ, the outstanding Constitution Center, the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Automotive related the Simeone Museum is a must for very rare racecars, sportscars, etc. Regards and congratulation, Peter.
  21. Jeff, I suggest you contact HQ for a quick and factual response: 501 W. Governor Rd P.O. Box 417 Hershey, PA 17033 [ map ] Phone (717) 534-1910 FAX: (717) 534-9101 Regards, Peter.
  22. Tony...Welcome to the AACA Forum and hopefully a new AACA Member. I live close to Lebanon and will be there Friday for a business appointment. No problem in looking it over as I have done this for a few other folks over the years. Sending you an e-mail with my contact info. Will not give you a value however will go over it within the AACA Judging guidelines and let you know overall condition. Forget about remuneration as we are all in this hobby to help eachother. Peter.
  23. Interesting, Matt. Thanks for posting plus getting the thread back on track.
  24. John, I fail to see how this is possible at a show the size of Hershey though I think it is a nice concept. Problem as Jeff alluded is depending on the class size some judging goes on to 1:00-1:30. Then judging is not over. If your vehicle has been judged, say, at 10:30 a.m. and then close your hood and trunk well the National Awards Judges will not consider it for a National Award as they cannot see the engine, etc. These National Award Judges walk around all afternoon and at every meet throughout the year. (National Awards are the pinnacle and totally separate from the show awards. You probably already know all of this.) Peter J.
  25. Must be karma, Dave. Only put on 93 miles on my 1972 TR6 since Hershey 2011. Put 21 miles on it today. Ran around country roads and of course up Duryea Drive to the Pagoda (Charles Duryea's test track around 1900-05 or so). Put it in the garage for the winter. Did the usual ritual of Sta-Bil, oil, inflate tires to 50 p.s.i. to prevent flat spots, anti-freeze/oil check, W-D 40 on non-painted hardware, dash pot oil, etc. Regards, Peter J.
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