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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Good job again, Matt. Well balanced and informative content. Thank you, Peter J.
  2. Excuse me, sir. I have trying to locate an enterprising gent from years ago that aspired to sell bottled Hershey mud. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Peter J...
  3. Thank you Peter Gariepy for the upgrade to the Forum. Certainly a thankless job however you always come through with great results to keep it updated. Peter J.
  4. Folks, For we veterans of this Forum since close to its inception this is about the 4th maybe 5th time the site has been either upgraded or a new server installed. When Peter Gariepy informed us about the spam protection project the first thought coming to my mind was "here we go again! No matter how many times in past upgrades Peter pleaded to have "patience" it was like speaking to a brick wall. Some upgrades in the past have taken well over a week or two before the tremendous amount of data is transferred so please just relax and make your demanding requests for problem resolutions in about a week. For now be "patient". The massive amount of data in all of the General Forum and Sub-Forums is not a simple "OK...just plug it in and all is well in a few minutes". Thank you, Peter G. for your current and past hard work not to mention criticism from those not in the know. Regards, Peter J.
  5. After reading your what I consider an attack against the Hershey Fall Meet and the AACA in general are you the same "Al Capone" that due to health issues last year possibly the year prior requested the assistance of "anyone" to find parts at Hershey? Obviously you do not sleep in a van...good for you Al... (until you plea for assistance to find a part at Hershey down the road). By the way there are "no admission fees" to any AACA Meets. 1937hd (Bob): Great response! Until needed again Al we will continue to assist you even if the parts you need are not found. Peter J.
  6. According to the meet brochure the awards are after the banquet dinner. At most meets with awards after the banquet quite a few people will dine elsewhere then wait in the hallway or line the banquet room walls until awards for their class are announced. Up to you however the banquet dining is a great place to meet new people at your table. If you absolutely must leave for home after the meet you can fill out the form authorizing a friend to pick up the award for you or pay to have it shipped from HQ. Regards, Peter J.
  7. Hi, Andy. Thanks for the therapy suggestion. It worked!! Have 25 inches here in Mt. Penn, PA however good melting temps in the forecast. Hang in there... Peter J.
  8. Silverfox...for all intents and purposes the Christmas Holidays & New Years with off time for the staff could cause a delay. Personally I would not be too concerned however if you feel uneasy just call Headquarters in Hershey at: 717-534-1910 Regards, Peter J.
  9. As Chris & Tom are doing you also did a great job, Tommy. Relaxed with very interesting dialogue. Thank you for participating. Peter J.
  10. Hi, Jeff. From the day the first cell phone was sold we had our first of many driverless cars. I was thinking on the same wave as capngrog. Picture walking down the show car entrance carrying a lawn chair then tell the officials that your car will be arriving later. Peter J.
  11. Totally agree with the comments of Matt and real61ss. Enjoyed both episodes and really did not expect to hear 100% good assessments from many on the Forum. Why? Simply past observations of practically every new venture of the AACA. --AACA Museum: Long before and during ground breaking all sorts of naysayers appeared. "It will never work", It will fail and take the AACA with it", and more I can no longer recall. Well look at the world class museum we have today that is an affiliate of the Smithsonian. --Library & Research Center and this AACA Forum did not escape unscathed by critiquing at first glance by detractors. Simply they did not give these services a chance to continuously improve to the point they are the best within the hobby IMHO. I recall past AACA President Ron Barnett tell me that when he and our Webmaster Peter Gariepy approached the board to bless the Forum concept they were shot down so badly that Ron stopped and drove around Gettysburg just to get his mind off the failure. Well look at this Forum today that is open to members and non-members. --Look at the success of the Elegance at Hershey and other AACA functions of which no other club I know of comes even close to the AACA efforts to be a leader for current and future hobbyist. I am going to watch all the episodes before making any judgement calls. Based upon all the above observations I had from the past it would not be fair at all and I hate to eat crow. Regards, Peter J.
  12. Gents, it is legit. I have a copy of the last publication and it is interesting reading not to mention informative. Peter J.
  13. Glad you folks had a good time. I agree that Mitch's photo is really nice. One could spend a week or two in the Virginia Beach area with all the museums, ships, planes, Oceana NAS, etc. Regards, Peter J.
  14. Bill, Sending the photo to a friend who has a foundry in R.I. that could possibly help. With the Easter Observance I will phone him Monday morning. These are obviously mirror image (a left casting and right casting). The photo does not show it however the "arm" feature appears to be offset (not flat). If he can do it I believe a follow block would have to be created in order to support the samples being used as working patterns in order to create the near net shape parting line accurately. Will send you a PM Monday. Peter J.
  15. That's the spirit, Mitch. I attended the 2006 Virginia Beach Meet and it is absolutely great. You have beach, air show ongoing especially if an aircraft carrier is unloading before coming into port, excellent virginia aqarium, and more. One has to remember that with many AACA Meet cites the Host Region is at the mercy of who owns the property for either the show, trailer parking, etc. Due to the huge amount of acreage required for meets to be successful and and enjoyable the "Piper must be Paid" and is out of the control of the Host Region or the AACA National. Peter J.
  16. Hi, Bill. Received you e-mail and I am doing fine. Thank you. Hope all is well with you, too. Pondered your query and I lean towards cahartley's suggestion to start with Tomahawk. Checked Tomahawk's website and the first thing I had in mind was to check their experience with ductile. Ductile is spheroidal (a.k.a. nodular) graphite iron and requires good, even displacement. To assure the chemistry metallurgical procedures prior to pouring the mold are critical. Know this from some disasterous misrepresentations for ductile of which offshore and "3 domestic" foundries attempted to pass off as ductile when under the microscope the castings were in reality a poor grade of cast iron (graphitic flakes). Just mentioning this as I do not know if the 2 castings you are in need of are under any stresses in their working atmosphere. Also the grade of ductile comes into play depending on the application. In short, could you post a photo of the parts? Not sure if these are the same parts our good friend Pat Thorpe (ex98thdrill) asked me about a few months ago. Regards, Peter.
  17. Bob, That's easy. First one has to have absolutely no courtesy, respect, or consideration towards the Sales Person trying to make a living to support themselves or family. To waste the Sales Person's time and efforts when they could possibly be making a sale to someone else would not make me feel too good at the end of the day. I think your original plan to lease one from Enterprise would be more rewarding in that you could relax and have fun checking it out on your own instead of having a Sales Person ride along with you. Peter J.
  18. Never knew Curley of the Three Stooges first name was Walter.
  19. There you have it, Lee. Graham Man (the OP) needs the full extent of the end costs so he has the best answer to his query. As for ExOne they are not looking too good for survival based upon the losses they are suffering.
  20. No one has mentioned the cost of machining the "sand cast" manifold mounting flanges to include bolt holes and facing precisely the vertical face so they do not leak especially going up against an old block in this case. In my over 43 years in the industrial sand cast foundry business the cost of the casting is the cheapest part...the cost of machining is a lot more. You will have to find a machinist who will have to charge for low volume set up costs, time, labor, etc. (Parting Lines are down the middle thus the flanges for example will have roughly 2-3 degrees of draft from center so this will have to be machined for the flush finish desired and you will be responsible to tell the machinist how much machine stock to take off.) As for ExOne google them. Wall Street is slamming them due to terrible losses as recently as 3/15/15. Wonder why...
  21. Martin, Have you ever ventured outside of the General Forum? On the Home / Menu scroll down to the Domestic Makes forum and there is a Desoto site. You may be better served there for opinions. Peter J.
  22. I punched my AACA Pin Number into an ATM once. About 5 tons of Fall Hershey wooden nickels poured out.
  23. Yes it was, Tommy. I'll never forget reading the Philadelphia Inquirer and the article that the St. George's Restaurant and the whole block was to be torn down for some development. When I told the DF'ers on this Forum I was concerned that the tear drops would short out my computer. From there we went to one of the Parlor rooms at the hotel graciously provided by Steve Moskowitz, Mike Jones, etc. To answer Dave A's post to meet somewhere the Parlor meetings crashed as so many seminars and meetings go through the lunch hour that we had a hard time keeping anyone in the lunch meeting. Maybe someone can get creative quickly for a brief meeting in the lobby area or elsewhere? As for reserving a Parlor room it would be a hard pressed task with such little notice. Peter J.
  24. Hi , Tommy. That was the now torn down St. George 's Restaurant. Regards, Peter J.
  25. Take a black Sharpie pen and color them or some semi-gloss latex paint.
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