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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. I always pay in USD, my credit card generally has a much better exchange rate than paypal offers. 4% on a large transaction is a ridiculous amount
  2. Mine has the ports blocked and I've had my car sitting idle for about 40 minutes on a 90f day and it didn't even make it to the summer section on the motometer... so if the rest of the cooling system is working i'm not sure how much it effects the cooling - perhaps it doesn't go that way in the head (though i'm not sure how it wouldn't)
  3. From memory it had a piece of plywood either side of it, but it had clearly had something heavy and pointed dropped on it because it was broken apart. We pay an extraordinary amount to get stuff like that shipped here (generally a base cost) so an extra 1" in packing doesn't change the price very much
  4. Here's one that annoyed me, I asked for some more detailed pictures of something on ebay and the guy took the photos then relisted the items at a higher price because they're "valuable" still for sale months later....
  5. I think I saw them do it on an episode of wheeler dealers, seemed to have pretty good results
  6. Very neat looking car, and looks like its been well cared for until recently. The Buick heritage alliance has the books for a fairly reasonable price https://www.buickheritagealliance.org/index.php/archives/browse/1912 The other source of information is also if you look at the manufacture of individual components, quite often they had guides for multiple makes with more specific information (e.g Delco or Marvell etc) - generic repair manuals from the period also have more information than the cars did (the 1912 Cadillac manual is something like 50 pages)
  7. I had a problem with Olsens where a head gasket was damaged in transit, they sent me a new one but UPS was difficult with insurance (they wanted photos of it prior to opening it which I didn’t have because it wasn’t obvious it had been folded at some point) - can’t fault what I ended up with but felt bad for them
  8. Even without an airbag, i'm not sure i'd be putting my feet on the dash - can't imagine it would be great having your feet go through the windshield either
  9. Whenever I've gone, we just walk everywhere - you see more anyway and go to places you might not have otherwise
  10. Certainly playing up the 1920’s aspect of it, but the faqs/photos indicate it’s actually a hot rod of some description
  11. In one of Jay Leno's videos he mentions that a lot of them were originally sedans or limos that were chopped down
  12. The owners manual for the 22 cad finishes with this statement under the driver tips ”ABOVE ALL NEVER TAKE A CHANCE”
  13. My 1922 Cadillac is a left hand drive import and to be honest it really isn’t that much of a problem, you sit so high and the car is so narrow that it really doesn’t feel that much different. I suspect some of it’s down to the fact that the Cadillac 5 passenger coupe has excellent visibility compared to some of the other body styles of the time. Even shifting with the other hand doesn’t feel that weird after about 5 minutes. I recently did about 1500 miles driving around the UK country side and for a lot of the roads in the older towns it really wouldn’t matter what side the traffic was supposed to drive on because it’s wherever the car would fit... France was pretty much the same It comes down the vehicle, sometimes it might be the only way you can afford to get into a particular make/model and generally it doesn’t matter that it’s worth less because you paid less.
  14. 1922 Cadillac has the same setup, I have original heads and NOS Victor gaskets on it - from memory it had a disk that was riveted in place with a small gap around it
  15. Not too much hassle, you can have it cleaned stateside and then an inspection on arrival (though you may need to do a reclean) didn’t have any problems with asbestos or wood
  16. BMW have the service data in the computer, and you can reset it as an end users - e.g I got my brakes done at the local brake shop and replaced the wear sensor myself then you just hold down a button when you start the car to access the resets for everything.
  17. Obviously I'm biased, but GM's half hearted effort with the G8 doomed it for failure - Holden were finally making a car that for the segment and price truly was market leading, even the basic fleet v6 versions we had for work drove quite nicely and they were available in a variety of body styles. A lot has been written about it already, but they had a bunch of different brands and approaches they could have taken to sell the car and they did a woeful job of it.
  18. I love the instructions for ford owners, really helpful installation guide
  19. Heritage style plates (enamel) here cost $12,000 and if you want a low combination they routinely sell in the $100,000's Consequently my caddy just has the next off the shelf permit plates
  20. Great write up Hugh, we bought a steel case distributor for our 26 and have an original pot metal that is still intact if we ever so desired to use it....
  21. Things have gotten a lot worse since the initial fires in QLD/NSW in November as now most of the states and territories are impacted by these fires. Entire communities have been cut off and are expected to be isolated for potentially weeks, so the navy has started evacuating people via the ocean on HMAS Choules The maps on this news article really show the scale of the destruction where you can overlay the size of the fires over major cities. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/datablog/ng-interactive/2019/dec/07/how-big-are-the-fires-burning-on-the-east-coast-of-australia-interactive-map I hope all of our members are above all safe
  22. Are you sure it’s water not fuel? Early cars had issues with crank case dilution from fuel getting into the oil, was solved from about 1925 on premium cars onwards
  23. Ideally yes and I will in private messages, but from a privacy point of view I can understand - we don’t know what some people do for a living etc. Same reason I guess phonebooks and clubs let people be unlisted I also agree we do seem to get a bunch of posts where it seems more like an estate valuation service, but I actually think that people seem to get a kick out of those threads trying to work out what a part is and what it’s worth.
  24. I've seen on some technical forums, they have the option for the original poster to mark the issue as resolved which might also help sift through search results over time We've also had a few instance where people have been asking for help and when they've been offered suggestions they almost seem hostile to the person offering up ideas, very strange.
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