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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. I had a crack on the one for my Cadillac, and took it to a guy that normally specialised in aviation repairs at the local airport. It took him a while to get it right but manage to repair it just fine
  2. It seems to be running much hotter than with just plain water? I'm curious if that would cause damage?
  3. Cadillac called it a 5 passenger coupe or 4 passenger victoria in 22
  4. something is not right, I can easily maintain that in a car 15 years older
  5. Lovely part of the world, I got engaged to my wife there in mid November and it was cold but nice and sunny
  6. A set of basic lock picks is like ten bucks as well
  7. Cost is a huge factor, even storing the things in a reasonable size city is expensive. If you want house with room for a workshop, most of Melbourne would be in the realms of US$1.2-$1.8 (most of which is purchased by 'developers' who put a tonne of of flats on them) That and part availability, people wanting huge money for rusty untested junk that they paid $2 for back in the day. There are people out there that would prefer to sit on stuff till it ends up going to the scrap metal place when their estate needs to be settled (or my personal favourite, jacking up the price when you ask about a specific detail because it's somehow worth more now). In my case, it's not like there is a heap of early v8 cadillacs out there so the people buying parts is already small
  8. Unfortunately they also have some of the worst road safety in the world, so not sure about the not hitting you part
  9. We had really bad fires 12 years ago (nearly 175 dead) and you can still see signs from it - That said, places that were badly affected did recover and in some cases are bigger than they ever were (there were a lot of grants etc that helped everyone get back on their feet) - will never forget the day for the rest of my life, 120F and 60mph winds you could barely see the end of the street and everything had an acrid smoke smell for months
  10. That was pretty much what I suspected with it, haven't had any issues with temps in the cad so kinda put it in the not worth it basket. I just use penrites rust inhibitor in mine because ti sits for a while
  11. I always wondered with that stuff if it lets the engine run too hot because of the higher boiling point, I guess it doesn't?
  12. Yep, was only used for a very short period and as far as I'm aware there is no replacement for them. Our fittings were quite porous on and had some cracks in it
  13. Having just gone through a hellish summer, we certainly feel for you guys - stay safe. Some of our cities had smoke lingering for months, and just as we got to the end of the season COVID picked up
  14. Feel sorry for you guys, it’s super straight forward for us you either get a roadworthy inspection or club member to certify it’s safe (for the really early stuff) and pop down to our DMV equivilant, pay your money and you’re done. Pre 1930 cars only have to display one plate as well (I’m guessing the people who set up the scheme were old car guys given everyone else needs front and back plates) We don’t really have a concept of titles here and ownership disputes are a civil matter not our DMV equivilents
  15. It's one of those truly global events, even 10,000 miles away the effect was profound and most Australians would be the same as Americans in remembering that truly horrific day and exactly when and how they found out.
  16. G’day, yep I have a 1922 Type-61 5 passenger coupe Your spark plug tubes are the same as mine, there seems to be some cars floating around with plated tubes
  17. I feel for you guys, we had a disastrous summer here - my wife and I did a few flights between Queensland, New South Wales & Victoria and it's hard to comprehend just how destructive fires are and the amount of area destroyed
  18. they did enough other weird stuff on the car they were bound to get something right
  19. It has a shroud but also the fan blades have a metal circle around it
  20. I haven’t had a problem using GSP other than the cost, there’s plenty of other places that provide a similar service. Biggest problem I have found with International shipping is that things are packed really inefficiently and what is cheap for domestic shipping isn’t cheap internationally.
  21. No evidence of anything other than black paint on the cad, though it’s fan is enclosed with a circle of metal (for safety I guess?)
  22. I would assume tax would play a huge part on why you see a different fleet than the US, cars sourced from within the empire had considerably lower tax here (which I’m guessing was the same everywhere) - making some brand that were prevalent in the US almost non existent here.
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