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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. I’ll remove the rod and see if there is any play
  2. No, but she likes going to museums and 'period' places - she doesn't like 'dangerous' machinery (like saws etc) but will give most stuff DIY stuff a go like tiling etc.
  3. Absolute crap, 30+ day delivery times and they charge tax at double the actual rate - I try and buy directly from stores where possible and I find the insurance on my credit card is as good as anything that I get through paypal or fleabay
  4. 5 passenger coupe - given the whole motor has been apart perhaps it's just something finding its home - performance seemed to be pretty solid. It pulled well to about 35mph at half throttle (local speed limit!) and maintained it with little effort, so it doesn't objectively feel like there is anything wrong. We checked the push rods gap and most of them were now slightly too large (0.004"-0.005" rather than factory 0.002" to 0.003")
  5. Don't get a lot of choice but to buy through ebay for us internationals, a lot of people don't want the trouble of shipping overseas so you either use a package forwarder (costly and slow) or ebay I only know of 2 other type 61 cadillac's in Australia, so our options for parts are pretty limited.
  6. nope, fuel is delivered via air pressure
  7. Trees starting to look a bit less dead now, my Banksia and bottlebrush tree is looking a bit healthier.
  8. Took it out for a drive today and it seems to have abated for the most part, so perhaps something just finding its new home (or ground itself off ) It drove really nicely and pulled well so not sure what it is at this point
  9. I'm struggling to pin point it even in person, I can't even think of what in the generator would click - worn bearing perhaps?
  10. Hey guys, I've got the car my 1922 Cadillac starting readily and idles nicely, however there is an occasional clicking sound. The whole motor has been apart, so I'm not sure if it's just something finding its new home or something more major I should be worrying about. Oil pressure is inline with what the book say it should be so I don't think it's that, could be a tappet but I would have expected something a bit more regular if that was the case. I can't hear any sort of pattern and struggling to think what could be making the noise https://1drv.ms/v/s!AhZpPcMu-n3MipMqYLp8f87qd5J10A
  11. Really neat looking car, for some reason I was expecting something much larger Not sure about Bendigo, I can't remember if I'm away for work that weekend or not - are you coming across for it?
  12. Hey Kelvin, do you have any pictures you can share?
  13. Going through the paper work for my car, they had two exhausts made up and shipped and the freight only cost something like $75 - I'm not sure the shipping savings would be worth it compared to getting it from whomever does the best job?
  14. I like the body style of my 1922 Cadillac Type 61 5 passenger coupe, very large windows that open both front and back - has the practicality of a sedan (lockable storage!) but a little more style.
  15. That would be a very rare occurrence, you are generally by far better to be wearing a seat belt than not
  16. My 22 Cadillac actually kinda has bucket seats I can't think of anything in it you could easily secure to, and the seat is only connected to the car with a bunch of wood screws
  17. They’re normally much better value than the cadillacs of the era and not a million miles away in terms of quality
  18. Its crap, 30+ days to get stuff - you’re better to use a parcel forwarder They also double dip on import duties
  19. We have had stuff go to Austria before as well, that's always fun - Austria's post office even has a stamp for it
  20. On the flipside, I've had stuff from UPS take 2 days to be delivered from California to Melbourne - but you sure do pay for it
  21. At least you don’t have the “fun” of shipping international - where things getting arbitrarily take a long time for no reason (two weeks in LA then shows up 2 days later)
  22. The museum is one of the most touching places I've been in all of my travels I was 13 when it happened, and despite it being the other side of the world (and somewhere I'd never been) I can vividly recall the next day (it was late evening in our time zone)
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