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Everything posted by hidden_hunter

  1. Jo Bo has sent me the pictures, so I've uploaded them here for all to see A very neat and original car indeed
  2. Hey Jo Bo, you should be able to put them here so everyone can see them 🙂
  3. Even if you could dial it in on a dyno then you will probably just come up against slop in another system like electrical?
  4. I just did 5 tyres for the cad and after I’d let them down I could just stand on them to break the bead
  5. What would it do for power output? Are there other “systems” on the car that would require updating?
  6. To put a slightly different take on that, “younger folk” also don’t tend to have the same amount of time available to them (or disposable income) as retirees so sometimes they have to make do with near enough. There is definitely stuff I would do to my cad if I didn’t have to balance a career and other pressures, but I did the engine to a level I’m comfortable with for driving (and it runs nice, no smoke on start up with good oil pressure and what I could achieve under the carport (new ring, bearing checked, etc)) My wife doesn’t mind coming to events either, she enjoys period dramas so often the destinations are good for her. I can say categorically the biggest turn off for me has been old geezers that are more interested in petty squabbles from 20 years ago and just generally being miserable. Thankfully some clubs are better that others (Caddy has a good strong club in Victoria) I’m 30 for reference
  7. Do you have the manual? I can’t remember if the Buick is the same as the cad but it has a checklist of stuff to do when taking it out of storage
  8. Cadillac is often missttributed to that but is credit as the first high volume v8 do you have any photos?
  9. Theyre around but reasonably rare (not crazy expensive normally but caddy’s do normally command a premium compared to other makes of the era). Most model years around this year would struggle to have more than 10 running at any given time (plentyteens and later cars are just this vintage typically doesn’t get a lot of love)
  10. Ha, I think my folks might want that - the cad has certainly marked its territory a few times
  11. I do all my work in the drive way and only get things done by someone else when I don't have the tools (or skill to do it myself) and they're not easily acquired (e.g. a mill). I rebuilt the motor for the 1922 Cadillac on the drive way and small workshop (no room for a car in there) Property prices are insane in Australian capitals, so it's going to be an ongoing problem here ($1m+ median price in Melbourne/Sydney)
  12. I don’t know if it’s a thing over there but when there are similar events here they make them fundraisers for the local community - e.g. gold coin donation for local wildfire fighters (gold coins = $1 or $2)
  13. There's nothing even special about the hammers either, it's not embossed liek the wrenches
  14. I was looking at that the other day and wasn't sure - I've bid on it so we'll see how we go. Can always chuck it back on ebay if it doesn't work Then only a few more tools to complete the set for the car (though I think i've seen the hammer before at like $400)
  15. I have a proper tyre kit (originally for the old mans 4wd) which includes the pry bar and other bits. I didn't end up needing anything other than the pry bars, after I let the air down in the tubes I could break the bead just by standing on the edges and then prying it off My car does actually have the pry bar that came with the car and it's pretty rubbish, I don't think you'd want to use it.
  16. It has a steel band you have to expand to take off and compress to get its locking lugs into the holes
  17. It's listed in the parts manual as that, but they call it a pliers tool in the owners guide. My car has probably 80% of the tools with it, this tool, the hammer, monkey wrench & screwdrivers are the only things missing (I have all the weird wrenches, tire brace etc)
  18. Hi, I’m looking for a pair of tongs for 23” Kelsey Rims (1922 Cadillac) - don’t need to be in perfect condition so long as they work. The book also interchangably refers to them as pliers
  19. My brochure for the 1922 caddy refers to the blinds as being made of the “finest silk”
  20. I was in a cab the other day that had something like 600,000km on the clock, was definitely not exactly in the best shape...
  21. As always, I'd say you guys are spot on - I found this obituary from 2015 for Angelo Falconi which mentions he ran a Cadillac dealership at some point https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/observer-reporter/obituary.aspx?n=angelo-f-falconi&pid=176388984&fhid=23240&fbclid=IwAR3AtCH1To_IA5r9LiVpvVJRCwANtvbQEe2_q36aPbMenULhtgUCUXo4M5g Looks like the dealer is long gone though (wonder if it closed when oldsmobile was shut) I'm struggling to find a generic corporate office contact, seems to largely be franchise dealers of other makes these days. I'm determined to get to the bottom of the car's history and why the wear is so uneven on it
  22. Hey guys, On the doors of my car there is an imprint of a sticker that appears to say "Falconi Cadillac 1922" My guess is it was in a dealership called Falconi or something? The car was up in the PA area as far as I'm aware Does anyone know of a dealership or where the stickers might have come from? Trying to track down where the car lived previously, the wear on the car was confusing with things like the pedals showing heavy wear (checker plate worn away) but original piston rings - my guess is it was parked somewhere people could climb in
  23. We have a 26 standard six, keeps a good pace and is happy around the 35mph-40mph mark (probably can go faster but unnecessary for most of our local roads)
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