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Nov./Dec. issue of AA (the magazine!)

Steve Moskowitz

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Ok, the new issue is in the mail system as of last week. There is something different about the new issue that I'd like you folks to comment on. Do you like it or not? This is important, as it does cost us extra money. If our members really like it, we will continue.

The Jan/Feb issue will be the first of our new Editor and based upon some of the completed material I think everyone is going to be overwhelmed with the changes!

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Well, we all know that I am not a nice guy! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I would be happy to do it Rick but not today, unless the plumber calls early. Yep, new house and no hot water this morning! Talk about waking up!

I cannot believe that you do not have your issue yet. I am going to have a meeting with the postal people and will try and figure out why it takes so long. They left the mailhouse last Wednesday.

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You mean that you expect everything in a new house to work? confused.gif Right off the bat? shocked.gif

I've been in this one for 1 year and 4 months and am still having call backs. frown.gif

At least my builder is [was?] a friend and he only lives 3 houses away. grin.gif


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Re;"<span style="font-weight: bold">At least my builder is [was?] a friend only lives 3 houses away. </span>"

Somebody should put him on suicide watch! Poor fellow!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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AA did not arrive 9 miles up the road. I haven't received any of my auto magazines for 3 weeks now. So after calling Old Car's Weekly and a few other magazines and learning all was fine subscription wise the mailman delivers the mother load yesterday.

Seems he was letting them pile up at the post office (3 weeks) so he would only have to make one trip. They don't seem to understand the concept of a weekly magazine.

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Wayne, Its the same old story only in this case it deals with the mail. Mailman that has been there for years and cares about his job retires. Idiot that could care less takes over and this is what you get.

I have to give the new guy credit. I have a mail slot in the front door in lieu of a mailbox. He can fit anything of any size thru this 1 1/2" x 6" opening. In fact he can turn many of my magazines and papers into confetti instead of just leaving them between the doors as I have asked. You see its to much trouble to seperate them from the bundle. Important envelopes go thru slot right into house.

Now depending on which UPS mail shows up we play hide and seek with my packages. Sometimes they are at the front door, rear door, basement door, in the bushes, at the neighbors, by the garage, across the street, etc. I wish I was making this all up!!! crazy.gif

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Guest John Chapman


We've had a similar problem...

The fixes:

--Larger mail slot. I put in one that is 3"x14". Saved a lot of magazine covers.

--UPS/FedEx/Parcel Post delivery 'box'. Built a 2'x3'x1.5' box of plywood, put little feet on it, some moulding for trim, painted it to match the house and added a small sign that said 'UPS/FedEX/Parcel Deliveries - Here'. Works like a charm. The delivery squad is relieved of having to decide where to leave things. Even if they're too big, they leave them next to it. Makes 'em happy. Makes me happy. Makes the neighbors happy. We're all happy.



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We have community mailboxes here in my new neighborhood, no more individual boxes at each house. frown.gif I'm lucky that ours is only about 1/2 block away from the house. crazy.gif The box for the building where I have my cars is .6 miles away. crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Our itty bitty box in the community collection of boxes will hold about two magazines and a few letters. frown.gif And when you put your hand in and pull out the contents there is a sharp edge along the top front edge which removes skin from knuckles like a potato peeler. mad.gif Any thing larger goes back to the post office with a "You can come pick it up at the main post office," form left in the box. Then it's drive 5 miles one way , wait in line [long this time of year] and then drive home. mad.gifmad.gif

We had a great younger postman who got bumped from the route by some old fart with more seniority who wanted the route. frown.gif He has all the charm and personality of a stopped up sink. If you are standing at the boxes when he is loading them and ask him to just hand you your mail instead of putting it in the box, for you to immediately take out, IT GOES IN THE BOX. No Christams rememberence for him. mad.gif


PS: No magazine yet on this Pony Express route.

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I have the same system, but we have a second unit next to the post boxes in our neighborhood that is two large holding bins. When something that is too large to put in the little box is delivered, it goes into one of the holding bins and the key is left in your mailbox. This is usually parcels but sometimes if something is in one of the cardboard priority mail envelopes it goes there too.

Having the locked mailboxes isn't a bad idea in this day of mail theft-leading to identity theft-credit card theft-etc. At least if someone unauthorised breaks into the locked box, you know about it.

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Guest my3buicks

mine came - I assume you are referring to the new cover - WOW - first thing I noticed, my 13 year old son(junior member) noticed instantly - It looks fantastic - But!! do we need it?

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Steve and all:

Received my copy on 1 Dec and I like the changes, but I wasn't sure which ones Steve wanted us to focus on. Both the inside covers having multiple autos show that we're a diverse club and many types of vehicles are 'Antique & Collectible'. It provides the editor some latitude to include many examples instead of just two. On the inside pages, the green blocking for highlighting (an individual) is also nice, but undecided if that's worth the extra expense. I'll take another look as I'm sure this thread id not done.

OK, I'll admit it, I'm happier than a clam that mine is one of them, but my reason still stands!grin.gifgrin.gif

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Hi, Steve...

Received my copy today.

The glossy jacket is a nice touch, however, I also like the "full sized" artwork on the front and the "full sized photo" of the '61 Chevy wagon on the back cover. Should the club opt to have our magazine on the "newstand", I believe the full size route attracts attention. Nice, real nice!!

Also, the flow of articles of various subjects keeps my attention. The "concise" content of subjects allows topics.

Good job to all involved...

Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Going to be real busy the next couple of days so I will come clean...the cover!! It has a UV coating and we have not done it before. I think it gives the magazine a better quality feel, but if it does not matter to our members, we probably should not spend the extra money. Again, you are going to be [color:"red"] shocked [color:"black"] when you see the magazine next year (and I hope delighted).

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I haven't seen the new one yet, but in our house we read the magazine. Then if there are articles that Bill wants to keep they are stripped out and put in a file. The rest goes to the recycle. So a more expensive magazine to us is not worth the extra money. To members that keep the whole magazine it might be.

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It was getting to be overwhelming to have whole magazines around. And it made articles hard to locate. So we decided to set up files and only keep the photos and articles that we would find helpful later. It made no sense to us to keep information we would never use and lots of a magazine is ads.

And my husband's father was a fireman and then a fire chief and so because of things his dad told him he does not want to have all that paper in the house in case of a fire.

So that is why we no longer hold onto the whole magazine. Some we donate to local waiting rooms and doctor's offices for others to enjoy if we have not stripped articles out of them.

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Our esteemed USPS has not found Mobile with its GPS as of 12/3. Hopefully, in the next few days we can have a look at the new issue. From what those who have gotten theirs are saying, makes the anticipation even greater. Just one question: if the general concensus is to keep the new cover, how much does it cost per issue? That would seem to determine if the increased cost makes it worthwhile. Can hardly wait for the Jan/Feb issue. Patt

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I still haven't got mine either! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> Bob, I have the same problem as shoprat, too many magazines, not enough space. I get 52 issues of AutoWeek every year, so I cut out the antique car report section and some of the good editorial content, the rest goes to the trash. That's just one magazine I'm talking about. My wife reads about 3 paperbacks a week, an airplane hangar will soon be hard pressed to hold it all...HELLPPPP!!!!!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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Dear Steve,Got mine yesterday,i Like the new paper.I dont know if its the new material or the outstanding artwork but the cover looks 3-D,that 57 Ford looks REAL,obviously been re-done with urethane its just too SHINY shocked.gif.I enjoyed your Director Message, keep up the great job.diz smile.gifsmile.gif

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Steve, I stopped by Earls today and saw the front cover, very noticable difference when comparing it to the old magazine front page. I suggest we find a way to keep this type of magazine cover if we have any intentions of going public on the newstand. I'd even suggest using a shiney back page for advertizing in lieu of antique cars to offset the extra cost. Well heeled companies would easily grab that, in my estimation. Wayne

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