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Forum Upgrades

Steve Moskowitz

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AACA is finally in the process of replacing all four of the company's servers along with upgrading the technology. Hopefully you should start to see some improvement. We expect as of today loading will be faster. We have a long way to go before the install is complete and at some time we may have to shut the website down for several hours. In the end, our team hopes that your experience on our website is much more enjoyable. Thanks for your patience.

Oh and by now you should realize that we have instituted another security feature to cut down on the spam! The Encapsula program should help us...

Edited by Steve Moskowitz (see edit history)
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As long as that Incapsula thing doesn't start targeting me with ads tied to keywords, I'll deal with it. Internet Brands has turned a Kontera ad targeting program loose on classicoldsmobile.com which has made that site all but unviewable at work, as I cannot disable or thwart it there with ad-blocking.

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No the Incapsula program is only to make the site faster and safer and should not target individuals at all.

Not sure about the likes as that may have been something Peter was doing but I will bring it up with him when the dust settles.

Yes, the photo loading could have been due to the changes and moving of the website to the new servers.

In the end, the long overdue upgrades to our servers should have a significant positive affect on the usability of this site. Peter now has a team to rely on to address issues with the forum and we can now fix other issues including our web store.

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Improvements are obvious, especially now that several days have passed.

And I do find that photos load quickly and easily...

Thanks to all, and especially Steve and Peter and your teams







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Thanks R. W.

It would help if I used forums more so I can better test them, Hopefully there's a slight speed increase for everyone (database related) however it's hard to tell since we setup incapsula the other week.



It's been getting better and better. Page loads and queries are much faster. Searches are now ridiculously fast. It almost feels like I'm running the site local. I'm on a 50Mbs pipe so that helps, but the difference from a few months ago is amazing.

Great job!

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I was trying to edit a recent post of mine on the Peerless Forum......and after about 4 edits, a message came up saying I didn't have enough "security tokens" to perform the action and that I should contact an administrator if this, perchance, happened unexpectedly.

What the devil a security token is eludes me.

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I have not seen any such problem, perhaps he was in the process of editing the post while the move was taking place? The site is certainly running more smoothly now.

Editing to add a second thought and test if I have any security token problems...


It seems that recently there is a difference in how photos seem to be attached. In the past, photos generally were attached as thumbnails that open when you click on them, and then you hit the escape key and minimize the thumbnails. Now, it appears that photos are simply shown as file names that open when you click on them, and you have to then hit the back key to return to the post so that you can then go on to the next post. Is that something about how people are attaching them, or is that some global setting that has been changed. If so, can it be changed back?

Edited by MCHinson (see edit history)
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It's been getting better and better. Page loads and queries are much faster. Searches are now ridiculously fast. It almost feels like I'm running the site local. I'm on a 50Mbs pipe so that helps, but the difference from a few months ago is amazing.

Great job!

Music to our ears! Peter has been pushing for us to "get with it" for a long time and finally we have provided the resources to get this done. Pretty massive and expensive project as we are moving all four of AACA's servers to new equipment and technology. Next up on the list is fixing our e-store and then a revision of our library site. Glad you noticed the improvements!

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It seems that recently there is a difference in how photos seem to be attached. In the past, photos generally were attached as thumbnails that open when you click on them, and then you hit the escape key and minimize the thumbnails. Now, it appears that photos are simply shown as file names that open when you click on them, and you have to then hit the back key to return to the post so that you can then go on to the next post. Is that something about how people are attaching them, or is that some global setting that has been changed. If so, can it be changed back?

Matt, my picture attached above worked just as in the past. Maybe Jake attahced his differently??


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Same as last upgrade......able to post previously posted photos, but not new ones. New ones only show up as "Attached Images" that we must click on in order to view. It was fine a day or so ago.

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Looks like it was/is an issue with the thumbnails not auto-generating (you guys and those hi-res images!).

Let see if this works.


Oh Yeah!

Now I'm at Image 56000/225780, Generating all those thumbnails...Yikes!

2048x1536 at last!! And it loads really fast. Very impressed.

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Just trying to load a picture never loaded, if it works it is a '31 DG 8 Temp Gauge. I will say that it does show up in my reply after attaching it, but I still haven't posted it yet. It also showed up in my preview so I'm thinking that it's going to post fine. Scott...


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