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ME & MY === 1958 Buick, 1958 Buick, 1958 Buick and……..


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22 hours ago, old-tank said:

Not a big deal to pull the cylinder head on a flat-head.  Inspect and throw a new gasket on and move on.  Nothing good happens in storage.


I agree with you old-tank that nothing gets done while in storage but my circumstances are such right now that issues are taking precedent over the fix so getting her in under cover is the best solution right now.

It's not like I'm under any pressure to sell her so another winter with a fresh approach next spring should be better for me.

Besides, it will give me time to gather the gaskets and such to not just slap her back together. Checking the head for any warpage should prove interesting...

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On 9/1/2021 at 9:05 PM, EmTee said:


Did it overheat badly in the past?


Meant to answer your question before now but life is getting in the way some again...


To my knowledge the Nash never over heated and know the gauge works showing it in the normal range after warming up. 

I've heard several opinions about my situation but clearly going to need gaskets, have the head checked, look carefully at the block and rebuild the carb so putting her away for the winter is the plan and get back at her next year. 

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As stated above much has been happening personally and decided to step back and attend our Clubs return to Fun on Wheels Car Show this Labour Day Weekend.


My motivation was to go and see Gary (cxgvd) and his beautiful McLaughlin Touring.

Boy is it something to see in person!




He came with two other brass Model T's as a group and I was introduced and invited to sit and chat.


Doesn't Mark (the owner of the beautifully restored T you see) ask about what cars I have and when I mentioned the 1920 Overland doesn't he say that he knows the car! He thinks he knew an owner of her long before Dad bought it and actually remembers having rode in the back seat. Said he is quite sure he has pictures of her and we are going to connect to share those. What a small world!


I didn't get around to see much of the cars dealing with a mobility issue but my friend and a committee member said there were officially 630 cars registered and know Club members that came but didn't bother to register so figuring it as a successful show on the whole. The last show was two years ago (due to covid) and apparently they only had less than two hundred cars come.

With a whole new Board there are a few things that will need tweaking but that's part of the learning curve for them.


A friend came all the way from Barrie Ontario in his 1995 Cougar capturing the long distance award. A very nice car reminding me of my Cougar I sold...




All too soon the day whisked by and once the awards were given and the 50/50 was drawn (1400 each way) cars started to leave.

That's Mark in his Motel T capturing the Oldest Car at the show award.

She purred like a kitten.




Not too far behind came Gary in the McLaughlin also purring along nicely.

I actually picked a good spot to see and hear the action.




It's really nice to see Antique Cars restored or otherwise in this day and age of modified big block stuff.... I mean, this is where it all began and should be preserved for history sake.


On the way back to my truck I found this Pontiac woody wagon most interesting with it's flat head straight 8. I bet one could take an old nickle and place it on end where it would stay while idling so smoothly like it did. I've seen that done on a Packard once.




Arrived home soon enough to capture a short nap and glad the day was rain free and attendance was great for the Club.

Edited by dei
correct mistakes (see edit history)
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I realise my thread is supposed to be about my 1958 Buick's and have drifted to other cars and things but this was so surprising to me that I just have to post it.


As mentioned above I met Mark Schneider at the Car Show with Gary (cxgvd) and the discussion turned to other cars we owned. He felt he had known my 1920 Overland back in the late 50's and thought he had pictures.

I sent him a few of what I have and he sent some of what he has and it sure looks to be the same car!




Sure wish Dad was here to see this...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where to start..........


I have not been posting much since the car show and have much to deal with personally now.

I don't wish this to be a pity party but have my 93 year old Mom in the rehab unit trying to get mobility back after falling and fracturing her left shoulder. Being her age and medical condition they would not do surgery so this is going to take a long time to heal. 


Timing wise I have been ordered to retire as of September 9th for medical reasons I'd rather not go into but suffice it to say while waiting for further testing and results to come doing what I can to get some things done with the cars. My boys are offering to help as much as possible which means a lot! Like my youngest who is willing to take the Nash to his place and change out the head gasket on her etc.


Change is always in the wind but this one is going to be big...

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  • 3 weeks later...

RIP my friend, Doug.  We met with Doug over Labour Day weekend during his favourite activity, a car show held at Heritage Village, a club he supported.  He indicated he had some pain, but did not dwell on it, instead walking around and visiting his many friends in attendance.


Sorry for his loss, a great guy who will be missed by his elderly mother and new grandchild.


Bev and I will attend his visitation and carry regards from the forums,  Gary

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On 9/22/2021 at 1:14 PM, dei said:

Where to start..........


I have not been posting much since the car show and have much to deal with personally now.

I don't wish this to be a pity party but have my 93 year old Mom in the rehab unit trying to get mobility back after falling and fracturing her left shoulder. Being her age and medical condition they would not do surgery so this is going to take a long time to heal. 


Timing wise I have been ordered to retire as of September 9th for medical reasons I'd rather not go into but suffice it to say while waiting for further testing and results to come doing what I can to get some things done with the cars. My boys are offering to help as much as possible which means a lot! Like my youngest who is willing to take the Nash to his place and change out the head gasket on her etc.


Change is always in the wind but this one is going to be big...



Rest in peace our friend. Thank you for sharing your good times and bad. You and your words here will be missed.


I followed this thread and so enjoyed following all his '58 Buick discussions as well as his sidetracking into his personal daily life chores and ups and downs. I know his family must be devastated by this. I knew from some of his most recent posts he was probably doing worse than he was telling but not to this degree. I was so happy to see a lot you this last week at Hershey and the sad thought came across my mind on my way home that it may be the last time we ever see each other and this really drives that thought home. Now I wish I had spent even more time with you.


Go now in peace Doug, your work here is done and done well.




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  • MrEarl pinned this topic

Hello everyone, 

My name is Mark and I am Doug's youngest son. 
As some of you may know, my father had passed suddenly yet peacefully in the early hours of Saturday morning on October 9, 2021.
My dad was a very hard working man and had a huge passion for automobiles which he adopted from his father, my grandfather, as most of you are aware. And well, as the old saying goes, the apple didn't fall too far from the trees and I too have a passion for the automobile and what it represents. As a result, I ended up with a masters degree in mechanical engineering focusing on engine combustion from the inspiration from my dad and grandparents.  

I was unaware of these forums until about a year ago when I decided to look them up and follow what my dad had been posting with regards to the vehicles and his daily life. Looking back now, I am so happy I have this so I can always go back and relive some of the memories through his own words and photos. It still amazes me that this forum dates all the way back to 2013 - wow, how things have changed since then! 


I wanted to let everyone on here know that I will be carrying the torch with regards to updating this forum. I want to honor my father by restoring his Buicks and posting the progress on here - currently, I have the 51 Nash Statesman at my house in the garage and am waiting for a carb kit and head gasket to get her back on the road. I know he would love to see the forum continue as it made him so happy to post on here. He would always tell me, "today my post reached XX thousand views!" He was proud of that and thankful for the comments and overall acceptance into this great community. 

I am currently working to put together a eulogy and figured I could come to his forum to find some inspiration from his previous posts, which I'm sure that I won't have too hard of a time finding.

Thank you all for all of your kind comments and condolences. I have passed them all on to my mom, Doug's wife of 41 years, and rest of the family. 

This isn't goodbye, but rather see you later with more to come... 

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Thanks very much for coming on here and posting Mark, let me pass along my sincere condolences to you and your family for the passing of your father.


While, like many on here, I had never met your father, his posts seemed to document many of the same struggles we all have when working on our cars, organizing our storage spaces, and fitting in our love of old cars with our regular working and family lives.  Your father always approached these things with a positive "get on with it" attitude which I think helped motivate many of us to tackle similar issues in our own lives.  He will definitely be missed around here, and I'm very glad you will be keeping the flame burning!  

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Mark, I never met your father in-person, yet from our interaction on this forum I feel as though I knew (at least the car-lover part of) him.  His love of cars, particularly '58 Buicks, as well as his father, wife, children and grandchildren was evident from his postings.  I commented elsewhere that I will miss reading his postings, which is why I am so glad to hear that you intend to carry the thread forward.  A new chapter - what a wonderful way to honor your father and keep the story going.  Thank you and God bless your Dad, you and all of your family.


P.S. I think of your dad every time I see a '58 Buick (particularly a convertible).

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2 hours ago, MEI said:

This isn't goodbye, but rather see you later with more to come... 

Hi Mark, and welcome to this forum.  Like the others here I only knew your Dad through these forums.  This past year's Buick Club National Meet was supposed to be the point where we had a chance to finally meet Dei, and I am so very sorry that could not happen.  


I really enjoyed interacting with Dei here, and looked forward to his posts.  He is one of the few who used this forum as a blog so to speak, and I admired him for that.  We saw him celebrate life and tackle problems with determination.  I was very interested when he chronicled cleaning out the other garage and squeezing the good stuff into the one at home.  His thread was always lively. 


While I too offer my sincere condolences to you , mom and the rest of your family, I am heartened to hear that you want to continue his legacy and bring the 58's back to life.  Please know that there are folks here who are more than willing to offer you their thoughts and experiences in this quest.  Always feel free to ask questions when needed.   And hopefully someday soon we will be able to meet you and hoist a beer to Dad! 


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@MEI, deepest condolences for your shocking loss.


I was lucky enough to meet your dad a couple times, and always enjoyed his forum stories, private messages on car talk, and occasional phone conversation.  It is obvious to everyone here what a hard-working and selfless guy he was; I know he helped me out more than once on parts and I tried to reciprocate when needed.


I was really looking forward to meeting up again at the 2022 Buick national meet.  I know he had hopes of having the Special in order to drive down, and for the border to be opened up to do so.  If not, he'd hinted at stopping by and driving one of my cars the rest of the way so I could bring more than 1.  If not for Covid-19, we'd have surely met again at least at the Ohio meet, so this is another bitter blow of this pandemic.


I know this is too early to think too much about, but if you wind up coming down for the meet next year please let us know as I'm sure a few of us would like to meet you.

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I am so sorry for your loss.


I met your Dad through these forums and the Buick Club of America; he visited a few times and we really enjoyed our time together.

We were looking forward to his first post-lockdown visit to Michigan and a caravan ride to the 2022 Buick National meet in Illinois.

He spoke of you often and was very proud of you and your accomplishments.


I'm happy to see that you plan to honor Doug by keeping this thread updated as you continue in his footsteps.

I'll send you a PM about some parts and documents I had pulled together for your Dad; we can talk whenever is convenient.

Joe Tonietto


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I am shocked and saddened by the loss of your father. He was a great guy and always had a positive attitude. It is a great loss to our guys here on the forum. I was fortunate enough to meet and hang out with your dad a number of times over our Buick's over the years. We shared a wonderful roadtrip to Lance in Indiana a couple of years ago for parts. It was always a great time with your father. 


It is great that you are continuing the family tradition of working and restoring the cars in his collection. He always spoke highly of you and your going into automotive engineering. It's awesome that you are going to also continue the tradition of this forum that he started years ago. It was always great to hear his stories on cars, life, cruises and general everyday things we all encounter. 


My prayers go out to you and your family on Doug's passing. 



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  • 2 months later...

Well I feel guilty of not checking into this post for quite a while. Today is Christmas Eve and I just found the sad news of Doug's passing back in October. Never met the man but felt him close as part of the Buick family. I join the other members in my deepest condolences. Hope the family is doing well. Doug and his daily tales, written as a diary, will be greatly missed on this thread.

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  • 5 months later...

Several of Doug's friends missed him especially today at one of the first Car Shows in Ontario since 2019.  Chatham Kent hosted Retrofest this weekend and Doug was a regular supporter, I spoke with his pals from Windsor and searched the streets of the gathering for a 1958 Buick in his memory.  Sadly, no Doug or '58 Specials were to be seen.


Warmest regards, Gary Van Dyken

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I was thinking of Doug last week, I am a newbie to the forum, BUT one of the first people to reach out to me was Doug, we both shared our love of 1958 Buicks, he asked me to post some photos of my car, I am terrible with computers and electronics , so I fumbled and tried with no success, and Doug sent me a message "Bob why no photos yet?" I again explained my computer issues again, and he tried to explain and walk me through it to post some photos, and I somehow with Doug directions managed to post a couple photos,  I was pretty proud and thankful for Doug to take the time to help me, then I get another message from Doug "Bob what id you do" the pictures are upside down, Doug said I have to stand on my head to look at your photos, but your car looks great upside down, I bet it would look a lot better if I did not have to stand on my head to look at it. 😜  We both had numerous conversations with each other about our 1958 Buicks.





EDIT: I always chuckled to myself when I saw a post from Doug, (dei) another person I liked  as well had a company you may have heard of  (DEI) Dale Earnhardt Inc. 😂

Edited by NailheadBob
update (see edit history)
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  • MrEarl unpinned this topic
  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

Doug’s last post words September 22, 2021

read some of his threads today…. He must be smiling in Buick heaven


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