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Guest imported_MrEarl

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Pete, sorry I was never able to catch up with Brian for his autograph on the award. Also I failed to take a picture of the award certificate, any chance you could take one and share it with us. Glad to see you proudly wearing the shirt later in the day. You da MAN.

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Since all of the photos in this post are numbers, I would be the perfect time to ID some of the folks by name and forum handle. I would like to see more members of the BCA take part in the forums. So if anyone can make an imput go for it.

Chuck Kerls

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Lamar et al,

I do have to say I really like my "Italian stallion" version of the Buickman shirt complete with "Buick Man" shaved into the guy's chest hair...nice touch, very authentic!! j/k!!!

Pete was an excellent choice and I can't thank him enough for what he does for Buick's and the BCA, BUT.....

Let's give it up for Lamar (Mr Earl)!!! He deserves a really big thank you from all of us for organizing this every year.

Thank you Mr Earl!

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Lamar et al,

...Let's give it up for Lamar (Mr Earl)!!! He deserves a really big thank you from all of us for organizing this every year.

Thank you Mr Earl!

I think this is an appropriate second for Lamar's nomination as Buickman in 2013!!! All in favor, chime in please!

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I'll forf that! Great job Lamar!{Mr. Earl I'm sorry if I caused you any undue hardship by my comments in the presence of the warden!:eek:It was really good of you to take the time to come over to introduce yourself and your lovely bride.Thank You.} It was really great meeting some of the forum peeps.While I'm at it I'll identify myself in the post #165 in jpg #'s 2773,2774,and 2775 I am attempting to open my gift.Also in the pics are First Born[ben Bruce] and Buick Racer[Roberta Vasilow].Thanks to Bill Stoneburg for the gift:rolleyes: BTW ;if anyone needs a mirror for a '85-'88 Electra I'm the guy to contact.

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Sorry I had to Miss the awards and antics this year. :( The photos almost make me feel like I was there though. :) Thanks for posting JD. I really like the Buick Man T shirts. Especially Burta's, "Buick Woman". Sur nuf is sexy! :P I knew you could pull it off Lamar. Yes, Pete Phillips was an excellent choice. And yes, X one million, I also throw out my nomination for Mr. Earl for the Buick Man Award for next year. :cool: Dandy Dave!

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Thank you all for your words of appreciation and nomination for the Buickman award. Honestly though, it is reward enough just to be able to share these good times with all of you and help recognize those that do what they do to make this club what it is. Rita commented on our way home about how super nice EVERYONE was and how happy I was all the time we were there. (actually I am normally pretty quiet and don't do a lot of socializing) Can't wait til next year. Thanks again gang.

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... (actually I am normally pretty quiet and don't do a lot of socializing) ....

If any of you buy that line I'll contract with Lamar to sell this bridge I've been trying to get rid of...

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Guest Kingdom

Hi! I was wondering if you can help me. This site was recommended to sell an item that I have which is a Rare Brand New Buick Tachometer for the Grand National. I just registered and am a Junior Member. Can you tell me if I am allowed to post this item for sale and if so how do I go about doing that.

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Hi! I was wondering if you can help me. This site was recommended to sell an item that I have which is a Rare Brand New Buick Tachometer for the Grand National. I just registered and am a Junior Member. Can you tell me if I am allowed to post this item for sale and if so how do I go about doing that.

Howdy and welcome!

Head on over to the "Buy and Sell" area of this Buick forum group and you can post your information, noting the Guidelines for Posting, there.



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  • 3 months later...

Id like to nominate Ted Nagel- WILDCAT FANATIC AKA Wildcat65 for a 2012 Buickman award. Ted displays a wild passion for performance Buicks. See his picture in the Me and My Buick forum here: http://forums.aaca.org/f163/wildcat-garage-cincinnati-2012-a-339289.html Further it appears his collection contains several ultra rare vehicles which, thankfully, he has restored with an eye towards their original glory. Further he has been very helpful to others in various posts on this Forum and is a valued member of this community. Thank you Wildcat65!

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  • 2 months later...

I would like to bring this back to the top with a nomination for Shadetree77.

Robert has jumped head-on into his project with enthusiasm and creativity on a budget. He is also working on it with his dad which is a cool thing to be able to do. AND his writing style has brought him attention to a former Buickman (Pete Phillips) who edits the Bugle and now Robert is the tech editor for our fine club magazine.

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I would like to bring this back to the top with a nomination for Shadetree77.

Robert has jumped head-on into his project with enthusiasm and creativity on a budget. He is also working on it with his dad which is a cool thing to be able to do. AND his writing style has brought him attention to a former Buickman (Pete Phillips) who edits the Bugle and now Robert is the tech editor for our fine club magazine.

I will second that motion!!


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Guest shadetree77

Wow! Thanks guys. I'm honored! I really appreciate the kind words. Of course, if it wasn't for all of you providing me with quality help and advice I'd be getting nowhere so thank you to all of you! Now, just to be clear, nominees don't have to eat a can of SPAM to prove their worthiness or anything right? I don't think I can handle it! I'll let my Dad handle the SPAM. He loves fried SPAMburgers.....:P.

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  • 3 months later...


It's that time again, to shout out LAST CALL, YOU ALL. With the Buick Nationals fast approaching, we need to hear your nominations for this years Buickman Award. This award honors those who go above and beyond by unselfishly providing benefit to the BCA wholly or to other members by providing material, technical or moral support. The award will be presented at the Forumer's breakfast Friday morning in the Hilton Garden Inn at 7:00 o'clock.

In looking over this last years posts, it appears we have four nominations so far. And they are.....

David Corbin aka DaveCorbin - Early Buicks Numbers Guy (Posthumously)

John C. De Fiore aka JohnD1956

Ted Nagel aka Wildcat65

Robert (what the heck is this guys last name anyway...) aka Shadetree

If you would like to nominate someone new, renominate someone already nominated in the past or make further comment on the four already nominated, please try and do so by May 30th. I will be asking previous years nominations and recipients of the award to assist in selecting this years winner. And remember folks, just to be nominated is to win :)

Last year.... (That's me, accepting the award for Pete who was busy taking pictures for the Bugle while the light was right.)


Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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Would a list of former winners be possible?


No...but I'll try. A list of "Winners" is almost impossible to draw up, due to the fact it has been so informal. In the beginning folks "nominated" someone and they were pretty much considered a Buickman. Then in Ames it got a little more formal and Buickman Awards and T-Shirts were given out. Last year was the first year that the previous years nominees and winners were asked to "vote" for one Buickman and Pete won.To date, those receiving either Awards and or T-Shirts as runner ups are:

Bill Stoneburg

Rick Young

Willie Pittman

Bob Coker

Charles Barnett

John Scheib

Roberta Vasilow

Brian DePouli

Pete Philips

The thing to remember though is this "To be nominated, is to win"

Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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As much as I love you Buick Brothers that are still with us... David Corbin, who I met, talked with, and emailed from time to time, spent many thousands of countless hours deciphering the Buick numbering system, and could date the Buick automobiles withing a month of production, really deserves this one. I stood and watched him unroll his huge chart, and heard him explain about it, and it was simply facinating. Hats off to David Corbin. All of us Buick Brotheres are indepted to him for a grand job well done. Least we not forget. To put it simply, the dude was cool. :cool: I wish he was still with us to accept the award. I hearby Nominate David Corbin. Dandy Dave!

Edited by Dandy Dave (see edit history)
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As much as I love you Buick Brothers that are still with us... David Corbin, who I met, talked with, and emailed from time to time, spent many thousands of countless hours deciphering the Buick numbering system, and could date the Buick automobiles withing a month of production, really deserves this one. I stood and watched him unroll his huge chart, and heard him explain about it, and it was simply facinating. Hats off to David Corbin. All of us Buick Brotheres are indepted to him for a grand job well done. Least we n

Me too!


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