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Car stuff under the tree??


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How about a 220v wire welder and enrollment in the spring welding class at the local junior college? That was my "big" present for my 80th Christmas.

Never too old to have fun! 

Drill bits, couple of hand tools, thick sox, and a bottle of hooch to keep me warm were also gratefully received.

Happy New Year!





Edited by Dave Wells (see edit history)
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My daughter gave me a car model. I loved it!!! Going to get glue and paint today. My big hobby as a kid was model building. I have been wanting to build one as of late just because, maybe for nostalgia. I didnt ask for anything and was quite surprised with the gift. I have never even hinted about something like this.


As for tools, my professional life is full of tools, I have told my loved ones years ago to never buy me a tool. Or maybe there is something deeper there as for my 13th Christmas present dad gave me an Estwing hammer!!

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Too big to go under the tree! When my 4 sons (and their significant others) asked what I wanted for Christmas 3/4 weeks ago I said I didn't need anything other than time with family. A couple noticed my recently purchased "cycle style fender blanks" and asked what they were worth. I told them about $200 apiece and so yesterday I got $200 from 2 of them. Shoulda said $500 apiece, which is what it will be by the time they are beaded and ready to fit. Every little bit helps!




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14 hours ago, Steve_Mack_CT said:

100 shares of Packard stock from my son.  I may not be moving up my retirement date but a cool wall hanger! 


Hope everyone had a nice Christmas.


Any car stuff this year?



Getting old stock certificates for your orphan cars is always neat.

Years ago I gave my Dad a Rickenbacker stock certificate dated 1926 to match the year of his Rickenbacker.

When he passed, I inherited the car and the preservation framed stock certificate.


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My grandson and son on law have gone deep into go kart racing.

The grandson took over my driving duties in my kart as he is now 13.

I still get to be the chief financial officer.

However, they do their work in my shop. This is a new experience for me having someone else in my space.

Often can't find tools as they are either in the wrong place or being used. GRRR

And not uncommon to have to move stuff around to get to MY lift.

They ponied up and bought me a bunch of zip ties and a bottle of whisky.

The kid will use the zip ties and the son in law will drink the whisky.

I just can't win. LOL





Edited by JACK M (see edit history)
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21 minutes ago, JACK M said:

My grandson and son on law have gone deep into go kart racing.

The grandson took over my driving duties in y kart as he is now 13.

I still get to be the chief financial officer.

However, they do their work in my shop. This is a new experience for me having someone else in my space.

Often can't find tools as they are either in the wrong place or being used. GRRR

And not uncommon to have to move stuff around to get to MY lift.

They ponied up and bought me a bunch of zip ties and a bottle of whisky.

The kid will use the zip ties and the son in law will drink the whisky.

I just can't win. LOL

My son is not allowed to work in any of my garages or use any of my tools without explicit permission.   Fortunately he respects that.  I have a pretty cluttered shop,  but my garage looks like an operating room compared to his work space I made for him in the shed.   Most of which is usually puking out into the driveway,  so we shovel it back in and close the doors.


Oh nothing at all under the tree for me this year. :(   I must have been a really bad boy. 


I made up for it though as I bought a vintage trumpet, Saxophone and Clarinet in December which I plan to learn to play all 3.  On the tool end I bought an Autell Scanner to figure out the woes of my daily driver to get it inspected and think I have that figured out and ready to finally be inspected.  Maybe Santa thought, He's got it under control. 


That's all I can come up with for an explanation.



Edited by auburnseeker (see edit history)
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I don't know if my gifts are really car gifts- a new to me Icom mobile ham radio set up for the daily driver "given" to me early a couple weeks ago. Well, my wife told me I could buy it for myself so I did; and time to myself today to work on some of my projects, which given my life's pace lately is bad close to a miracle. I'd love to say I took maximum advantage of it, but I'd be lying. I did a bit of work, but found myself getting angry, so off I went to unwind in the A. It was great!

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5 minutes ago, Bills Auto Works said:

Thanks! it's an older model (706MK2G) but seems to do amazing along with a cheap screwdriver antenna. I've not been overly active the past few years and mobile seems to be the only way I'll have time to play radio.  LOL. De AC5RM

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My daughter had a picture of my 1937 Packard Super Eight Formal Sedan taken at Hershey this year framed for me. Now I can look at my car every day from the comfort of my recliner! 


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13 hours ago, Bills Auto Works said:

I was watching a 'Andy Hardy' movie this past weekend. His friend was communicating with someone in Canada via radio. Andy's father, was amazed at how 2 people could talk over such a long distance with the radio. Said something like 'whats the world coming to?' 

I thought that part was pretty funny.


Congrats on the new edition to the family Bill!

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Our local AACA Chapter President and his wife gave me, among other things, a new Dash Cam with a backup camera as well as both front and rear recording.

(They also happen to be our daughter and son-in-law).

Great for our tow vehicles, as well as touring to document what happens the next time some other inattentive driver screws up, causing years of litigation


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16 hours ago, Marty Roth said:

Our local AACA Chapter President and his wife gave me, among other things, a new Dash Cam with a backup camera as well as both front and rear recording.

(They also happen to be our daughter and son-in-law).

Great for our tow vehicles, as well as touring to document what happens the next time some other inattentive driver screws up, causing years of litigation


I bought a dash camera last year. I plug it in almost everytime the truck is running. Not long ago we were sideswiped and my mirror ripped off. Fortunately no other damage and avoided a head on collision. I immediately started pushing buttons on the camera trying to retrieve or at the least save the footage. Driver that crossed the line and hit us kept going and we were unable to catch him. Put the sd car in the computer and it had all of the footage from the time we left home up until the accident. My actions erased the footage of the actual impact!! I should have just left things alone when it happened and I would have had the evidence. Other than that the recordings are fantastic and a great resolution. Hopefully you wont need it, but they are nice to have.

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My Dash Cam also saves to an SD Card, - very important !

we're now on our 4th updated version-

started using one following when we were T-Boned August 2017 on our way to judge the AACA Meet at Bettendorf, Iowa, and a woman in a GMC SUV coming the opposite direction dropped a water bottle, sideswiped a truck on her southbound side of I-55, crossed over the median, slammed broadsides into our little Chrysler Sebring convertible (then tried to make it seem it was our fault ??). Wish we had the dashcam back then, but ultimately were able to prove our case.

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I got two models and six cans of primer, which, knowing me, will be used up by June. I also got some NASCAR trading cards, which is a major collection of mine. 


My brother made my present car shaped. That's actually the primer in there. He carefully cut a cardboard box to make the car shape. 



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When my 4 sons were young (oldest is now 48, youngest 37) I made them a 16' 2-lane race track for hot wheels etc, modeled on the "cub car" tracks of that time, but track long since gone. So now I have a 2yr old grandson next door so figured it was time to introduce him to car racing. This track is 12' long, folds to 6' for tucking under sofa/bed, and sure was a big hit with him and his cousins (and their dads). Pretty easy project for anyone with a bit of woodworking tools, used some scrap hinges lying around, grooved a piece of 1x4 in center to add a 1/8" lane division, and some finger jointed door stop for outer edges. About 17" high at starting end. As my kids got older it was still used, and by then they learned a bit of tweaking (lubricant, weight) made cars go faster.  








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