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Why has the search function on ebay become totally useless?

neil morse

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2 hours ago, auburnseeker said:

Well issues with ebay are never ending.  Try selling on there in volume and get back to me.    Every day you log on to sell or ship,  you wonder what new "glitch" will you have to deal with or work around today.


Had a very good overseas customer yesterday contact me and ask me why I wasn't selling anything.  


I gave him an item number to look up as I always have auctions running on ebay and have for over 10 years with no full lapse so I knew something was up.  Even using the item number,  it said I had nothing for sale and that item didn't exist.  We kept going back and forth,  he finally figured out,  out of the blue that for the first time ever he had to select items outside of the UK.    Never did before.  Meanwhile he collects large rig literature which I sell once or twice a year.  Spent about $8,000 on my items last year and because of that new "feature". missed all of the truck stuff I just sold.  A full weeks worth.  With much going for 2.99-5.00.    He often bids $30 or more per item,  so I probably lost 1,000's of dollars last week because of a new feature and a slew of items I will never have again to auction. 


So ebay gets what it deserves.  For the $18,000 in fees I paid last year,  I expect better service and to not have new roadblocks added for customers to have to work through just to buy from me. 


I was furious when I found out last night this happened as any sane seller would be and I'm a very dedicated seller.  How many other sellers like myself have had the same problems with sales?  The Ebay forums are flooded with people complaining about site and other issues all resulting in lower sales. 

Like Peter said, why not take it up with eBay ?
Pissing & moaning about it here isn’t going to change eBays business model.


Besides, if you don’t like how they conduct their business or make you feel less than appreciated, why not take your business elsewhere ?

Or are they holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy or sell only through them ?


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49 minutes ago, TTR said:

Like Peter said, why not take it up with eBay ?
Pissing & moaning about it here isn’t going to change eBays business model.


Besides, if you don’t like how they conduct their business or make you feel less than appreciated, why not take your business elsewhere ?

Or are they holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy or sell only through them ?


That's what everyone says,  just take your business elsewhere.  There is NO! alternative to ebay that gives you any exposure in an online auction format.  Why no one has come up with any kind of competition for them is exactly why they are in the position they are in.  They have a strangle hold on the market.  


Besides Ebay doesn't listen to problems,  even within their own system.  Even technical ones.  I truly believe because they have no competition,  they could care less.


I had an invoicing issue for months,  even after contacting tech support,  that after a half hour on the phone , then got transferred to another department because that one couldn't help me.   Even though I specifically clearly stated the problem up front.  When patched through to the "right" dept, no one was there to help or answer the call.  this during normal business hours. 


As one seller in a network off probably hundreds of thousands of sellers or more, for $18,000 a year maintaining 100% feedback,  I expect a little more.


Imagine someone running a brick and mortar store with such bad customer service?   Especially one selling many non essential items.  How long do you think they would be in business?


They are just lucky sellers like me stick around,  or they would have no product to sell,  since all they are providing is the avenue,  none of the product or Physical sweat to offer it or complete the deal as well as the outlay of captial to make the product available in the first place. 


Look at the ebay forums ro see how much is really messed up and how little help is available.


I've gotten more help on these forums for ebay stuff than on ebay.


Wanna have some real fun,  look at them after a new "improvement" has been implemented.   


Imagine going to work one day and finding out your business isn't there.  They have moved and left no directions on how to find the new location.  Just a sign on the door that says pardon the inconvenience but we have moved and there is no new address.  The only difference is it's happened in the middle of listing before after hitting the submit button.  You say to your self what the _ is this.  So your normal hour of listing takes 2.5 hours.    That's what it's like navigating things after the "Improvements."


Show me the alternative with an equal market share and I'll gladly give it a try.

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5 hours ago, auburnseeker said:

That's what everyone says,  just take your business elsewhere.  There is NO! alternative to ebay that gives you any exposure in an online auction format. 


Show me the alternative with an equal market share and I'll gladly give it a try.


Hence the reason why we have redunant posts on here about the topic.


 I can understand why some like Pete and TTR are tired of reading those angry posts, but a lot of us want legitimate solutions and answers and will NEVER get them from eBay so we have to be creative and talk about it, and since most of us in the hobby frequent this wonderful site we call the AACA forums, it IS the meeting room for such discussions for our group of antique and vintage cars. I think that a healthy and honest discussion of how to "work around" the issues we are currently facing on eBay (both on the buyer and seller side) is much over due. I've been a buyer and seller on eBay since 2000, and my business on both sides has never been slower ... I just don't need the headaches. That's my choice (currently), but I'd like to see that change in the future as I hope things get resolved soon.


My hats off to you, Randy for hanging in there as long as you have. You're right, without folks like you they'd be done for... then what alternative would we have? Going back to in person flea markets is a wonderful thing,  but in reality not all of us can get in our private jet to make all the events around the globe weekly....


Just as the piss and moan posts are getting old, on the other hand, to make blanket statements with a preconceived bias about ALL posters on here before obviously reading the OP concerns and other posts in the thread are getting just as old. Not all are here to complain about eBay issues, some of us really do want answers.


I say if folks can't handle all aspects of these open forums then maybe the problem is in the mirror or maybe the batteries in their remote need changing.


The irony that folks complaining about the complaining has then turned this thread (which HAD some valid concerns until being hijacked by complainers) into the furtherest thing from helping the OP'er is rich to say the least is it not? ;) 

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3 hours ago, 30DodgePanel said:

I say if folks can't handle all aspects of these open forums then maybe the problem is in the mirror or maybe the batteries in their remote need changing. 

And I say if anyone has a complaints or problem with eBays business model and can’t see the most likely cause being  “in the mirror”, there’s no law preventing them to walk away from eBay and create a marketing platform to their own liking.
Claiming there’s no alternative ways to market and sell stuff is just beyond ….


I sell variety of vintage car related items I reproduce and even have some listed on eBay but nobody’s forcing me to do that.
Heck, I even occasionally buy stuff on eBay, but nobody’s forcing me to do that either. I do it all from free will.


And no, I don’t have a private jet to run around with, but if I did, swamp meet’s wouldn’t be on list of destinations I’d make flight plans to/from.

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3 hours ago, 30DodgePanel said:

The irony that folks complaining about the complaining has then turned this thread (which HAD some valid concerns until being hijacked by complainers) into the furtherest thing from helping the OP'er is rich to say the least is it not? ;) 

Yup. I see your irony   BUT….


What you fail to acknowledge is he did get an answer to his question. Ie “read the damn manual”.  

Then this post was hijacked from the original eBay search complaint … and is now just eBay bashing.

You also seem to thing any eBay discussion here will somehow have any impact on eBay and their policies and technology. 

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Creating a new selling platform to compete against ebay from scratch (yeah that's super easy and even financially possible for any one of us)  Even if we pooled all our resources,  I bet we couldn't come close.


Kind of like saying,  well just open a new store next to walmart and pout them out of business starting with the merchandise in the back of your pickup. 


As I mentioned,  show me the alternative and I'll give it a try.  A real viable alternative that is going to generate the same exposure.   Start listing them.  Auction format only.


I'm sick of hearing well you con't like it,  take it else where.  WHERE???????

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Maybe if enough people complained about the ebay experience (as that's what they are always promoting and telling you when they make a change) all over the web,  they would be forced to rethink their strategy,  or show a competitor that now is the time to swoop in and offer a viable alternative.  Complaining to them directly,  gets you no where.   Even suggesting functional changes to make the site work properly,  get you no where.

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3 minutes ago, auburnseeker said:

Complaining to them directly,  gets you no where.   Even suggesting functional changes to make the site work properly,  get you no where.

But complaining indirectly will?


They are money motivated.  Want to get their attention? Hurt their income. 

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Too big to fail comes to mind and I believe that's what they think is the case.  They know they have a stranglehold on that format.  


It sucks because i continue to buy on there because as much as you want to hurt ebay, you are really only hurting the small sellers.  People that are your neighbors or even have that brick and mortar store you like,  but are actually supplemented by on line sales.  If they had to rely on strictly through the door they would be out of business.  


You think they will care if I take my $18,000 and leave.  Too many layers of insulation between the top and the bottom in the company.  It only works when you hurt the guy at the top and he feels the pain of losing substantial business.  Unfortunately many small sellers can't afford to strike for a few months.   This will also turn off my regular customers which make up better than 85% of my sales.  When you restart if ever,  it could take years to build back that customer base.  I run regular tabs for customers in several countries.   Shit down the AACA site for a month and see how many members come back.   That's exactly what would happen. 


I'm not in a position to commit financial suicide and destroy a business i have worked over 10 years to build.  


As I mentioned,  show me the alternative and I'll give it a try. 

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I suggest starting with the AACA forum to sell your car items.  Set a fair price for what you are selling.  Buyers don't have to worry about bidding on an item and losing out at the last second as they would on Ebay.  Both buyer and seller end up satisfied.  If you don't get any interest on an item, then try Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or Ebay.

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When you buy huge collections, you get a little bit of good stuff you set a fair price on,  and it sells instantly.  Then you have some luke warm stuff that sits a while and eventually sells at a fair to poor price to recoup your investment.  Then you have 50% or more of stuff that won't move at all unless you physically give it away.  With auctions,  those random pieces all seem to sell or atleast 90-95%.  A few items go for money you would have never dared price them at for fear of being called a crook and in the end,  you make enough to do it all again and hopefully come out ahead a little each time to grow your business and inventory.   


It really only works with auctions.  It would never work on a classified basis.  I don't have a problem accepting 100's of dollars for an item I started at 2.99 with no reserve.  That's what it was worth to the person,  or actually 2 people that bid it that high. 


Think of in person auctions when they auction off an estate.  A good auctioneer auctions everything including the trash can in the corner filled with trash and the room is empty broom swept when they are done.    Would never have happened with a bunch of classified listings.   


I buy alot of my literature off facebook and craigslist from people that never got a reply on it,  until I came along.  Kind of tells you how good that market is for my type of stuff.   I laugh seeing all the individual listed brochures on those sites ,that never sell even at what I would say are a fair price.  


I have always said the most valuable thing in any lot is something you weren't going to list or worse yet was actually headed for the trash.  It always ends up being my best seller.  When I pay good money for nice stuff,  it always underperforms.  That would be the item you sold for literally nothing in a classified ad then got stuck with the items you paid good money for. 


Once you sell enough you figure it out.  Especially when you have learned (or hopefully learned) from all the mistakes you have made along the way.  

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16 hours ago, Jim Skelly said:

I suggest starting with the AACA forum to sell your car items.  Set a fair price for what you are selling.  Buyers don't have to worry about bidding on an item and losing out at the last second as they would on Ebay.  Both buyer and seller end up satisfied.  If you don't get any interest on an item, then try Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or Ebay.

That's a good idea, Jim.  The parts for sale section has a few guys that control that section. I'm not knocking them (I've bought from them), I'm only pointing out that you'd have to control the board to sell items (consistently bumping to the top) and I don't want to control that board, that's just me....


Sure, selling a few parts here and there is ok, but when you have a shed full of old parts I'd rather wait till it cools down and hit a swap meet or two, but the draw back with that is like Auburnseeker said, the auctions bid a lot of items higher than you would otherwise see at a swap meet and I'm in the desert SW so saving up for a really big swap meet like Hershey every year isn't an option and would destroy any of my profits. I love hunting and salvaging (picking) parts just like the next guy but I don't really feel like sweating me nads off or fighting snakes and scorps for nothing, I do like to make a few bucks on the side for my efforts and gas to drive 2 hours each way to the salvage yard in the desert I frequent.


I understand guys like Facebook, that's up to them..., but I can't partner with the Facebook leaders on anything and will never contribute to that type of concept for various reasons (I'd be banned for mentioning those reasons now that truth has been deemed "political speech"). I've even tried Etsy for a while but that system is a whole other headache. Seems you have to fight through all the knick nacks, crafts and whitewash furniture to get the type of exposure needed to sell a part, just another hassle that isn't for me. I do search Etsy from time to time but have only bought one $5 patch since it's inception. On the other hand I've probably spent well over $30k on eBay since the year 2000 if that tells you anything about the exposure a person gets on eBay.  Etsy is a neat site for my wife and daughter but not for me....


Craigslist, nor Facebook, nor Offer Up et cetra are feasible and I don't need pyschos showing up at my house or meeting them ANYWHERE. Been there done that!

And crime has only gotten worse as we all know and I'm really not keen on ending up in someones fridge for a treat later. Again, been there done that!!


Bottom line is if you like to list hundreds or thousands of items at a time then eBay is the only player in all reality,  and as Peter even admits the AACA for sale section doesn't get enough traffic anyway. eBay IS THE ONLY online auction site that works for most of us who like to buy and sell auto related items consistently with a global marketplace and audience. It's just a fact! So can some of us please stop with the "take your business elsewhere" or "no one is holding a gun to your head" terminology. We get it guys, but again, WHERE is that alternative..? There isn't one in reality and we all know it so leave the holier than thou talk at the door, we get it, your brilliant and we've never thought of such things. For God sake, an unbiased reader must be thinking we've become like politicians who get nothing done but blame each other or point out each others flaws without considering that some of us are really looking for a solution.


Now back to the premise of this thread, our only option IS to discussion what works and what doesn't work in order to limp us along until another comparable auto related auction site enters the global marketplace. Can we please get back on topic to what ideas work best when using the eBay search function? Unlike our politicians of late I'd really like some legititmate answers so I can get more active buying and selling my inventory as a side gig since it's piling up again.


I've posted my tricks and what works for my lifestyle when searching used parts on page one and hopefully it helps someone.

I'd really like to see others ideas of what works that I may not have tried before.

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I just scrolled through to see what was posted. I thought this topic had been going on longer. Somewhat entertaining and maybe I will run the thoughts in the back of my mind while I mow the lawn after lunch.


Anyone who reads my posts knows I like to sell things. When the other kids were playing football I found selling a more sporting game. And still look at it the same way. I just sold some parts on the AACA Forum. My son asked me to throw away some take off bicycle tires, about 10 of them. I will list them on Craigslist. Later today I will do a little work on a little Cadillac I bought over the phone on Marketplace.


As I was reading the topic I was thinking so many people want to blurt out ultimatums. "I won't do this" "I won't do that" "I never" and the like. I like to complain. It's fun to get wound up and hiss and snarl. And it makes me smile and laugh.


The outstanding thing I notice is how willing people are to reject things and deny the opportunity that may be associated with it. Sometimes I think there are lots of people out there working overtime to put limits on the things I can do. Being aware of that makes me think twice before I decide to place limits on myself by saying "I'll never do that" or "I don't do that". I will just continue taking the pieces I want and leave the rest behind... without really caring if they know or not.

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On 8/10/2023 at 5:25 PM, Peter Gariepy said:

Wouldn’t it be more productive for somebody who has a problem with a site (that’s not this one) to contact the site in question?


It took me virtually no effort to find the help necessary to explain how to use the eBay search tool.  I posted it above.


More important, this entire post stopped being about the eBay search function, and started being about issues with eBay in general, which has been beat to death in this forum, over and over again over the years. 


Peter, did you see that right at the beginning of my post I said, "I have no idea whether this is an appropriate topic to raise on this forum, and I urge the moderators to move it to a better spot if necessary, but I think it's a topic of general interest to forum members."  I try to be a responsible member of this forum.  I did not intend to start "another topic about how bad eBay is."  As has been pointed out, I was frustrated with one aspect of eBay -- the search function -- and wondered if others shared my frustration and whether I could get some help on using it more effectively.  The irony is that I actually find eBay to be a useful resource and was trying to get some tips on how to use it more successfully.   If you thought my thread was a bad idea, you could have just closed it.



As far as your expending virtually "no effort to find the help necessary to explain how to use the eBay search tool," I thank you for posting that link.  However, I'm not sure you appreciate how challenging it can be for those of us who are not as computer savvy as you are to effectively use a search tool.  Even having read the instructions offered by eBay, I still find it difficult.  And part of what I was having trouble understanding was that something had changed -- I had very happily used the search function in the past to find parts for my car, but over time it no longer worked for me.  One of the things I love about this forum is how helpful the members are to each other.  I figured I could get some help by posting my questions, and that the answers might be helpful to others as well.  That's how this forum works at its best as far as I'm concerned, and I was grateful for the help I received, as I posted earlier.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm reviving this topic briefly to report that Ebay seems to have gotten the message about how useless its search function had become.  The search that I had found useful in the past was very simple, "1941 Buick -fits."  (The "-fits" added to eliminate all the responses for things that supposedly "fit" a '41 Buick.)  As I stated earlier in this thread, this search would yield me a daily list of items that was actually limited to things pertaining to a '41 Buick.  However, at a certain point, it didn't work anymore and just yielded an endless list of random items, very few if any had anything to do with my car.


Well, after ignoring the daily emails that I was still getting with search results (which I never cancelled), I randomly decided to look at one the other day.  Lo and behold, they have now added a category called "Best Match Items."  There is also a button labeled "See More Best Match Items."  If I click on "See All Results," I still get the useless hodge podge of random items.  But if I click on "See More Best Match Items," I get essentially the same kind of list that I used to get.  I don't know when the change was made since I had pretty much given up, but I am happy to report this development because now I'm back to being able to check quickly every day to see what's come up that might be of interest to me.  I hope this is helpful!

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6 hours ago, neil morse said:

if I click on "See More Best Match Items," I get essentially the same kind of list that I used to get.  I don't know when the change was made since I had pretty much given up, but I am happy to report this development because now I'm back to being able to check quickly every day to see what's come up that might be of interest to me.  I hope this is helpful!


I was hopeful, but I'm not seeing a change. 


I'm usually very good about navigating, but I have no idea where you're finding the "See More Best Match Items". 
Can you post a snippet using your snippet tool so we can all see it?

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I have emailed Ebay and expressed my concerns and disappointment with the ebay search function. Why do I search for a specific item and then receive 15,000 listings, very few even close to what I am looking for. I eventually received a very lame reply, equally useless as my searches. Ebay used to be the first place I would look for an item. Now it is the last.

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Because everyone who lists anything adds a list of "keywords" to the product description so that no matter what you search for their listing will come up.  This should be banned.

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9 hours ago, 30DodgePanel said:

I'm usually very good about navigating, but I have no idea where you're finding the "See More Best Match Items". 
Can you post a snippet using your snippet tool so we can all see it?


Okay, I probably didn't explain this too well, so let me try again.  You have to open an account with Ebay to use this feature.  Then you have to "save" your search, which will generate daily emails showing search results.  Once you have done this, you will receive emails which are like the one displayed below:






This is where the "See more Best Match Items" button will appear.  If you click on that button, you will get a list that is actually limited to what you are searching for, in this case all results pertaining to 1941 Buicks.


I hope that helps -- this is the best I can do to explain this, but feel free to ask more questions and I will try to answer them.  As is obvious, I'm not an authority on Ebay!

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1 hour ago, Pete O said:

Because everyone who lists anything adds a list of "keywords" to the product description so that no matter what you search for their listing will come up.  This should be banned.

Unfortunately many legit sellers have no idea what a specific part goes to so I can understand why they list several vehicles of the same era. You’re right about those tactics  used by folks that aren’t even selling a car part even close to what we’re searching. I’ve often wondered why eBay  didn’t have another separate category for legitimate sellers who honestly don’t know what they have called  “unknown”. I think that would alleviate a lot of the useless hits for buyers that know what specific part they’re looking for and for those sellers who know it only fits one specific vehicle would probably benefit as well. eBay will never do it, but it would be nice if they did. 

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On 6/5/2024 at 10:22 AM, Pete O said:

Because everyone who lists anything adds a list of "keywords" to the product description so that no matter what you search for their listing will come up.  This should be banned.

^^^THIS! Here is a screenshot from a Plymouth steering wheel center that came up in one of my standard searches for Oldsmobile parts. And yeah, I've been using the Boolean "-" function in my search strings forever. At some point you bump up against their character string limit. Also, since these same sellers will put "Plymouth" in an add for an Olds part that I might be interested in, that just hurts your search function.



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On 6/5/2024 at 9:22 AM, Pete O said:

Because everyone who lists anything adds a list of "keywords" to the product description so that no matter what you search for their listing will come up.  This should be banned.

It is called keyword spamming, and it IS banned. It is clear violation of eBay policy. On each auction, there is a link to report a policy violation. When you click on that link, it will take you through a menu that allows you to report the auction for keyword spamming. EBay should notify the seller and take action. Don't hold your breath though, I've reported many of them and nothing has ever happened.

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36 minutes ago, Hemi Joel said:

It is called keyword spamming, and it IS banned. It is clear violation of eBay policy. On each auction, there is a link to report a policy violation. When you click on that link, it will take you through a menu that allows you to report the auction for keyword spamming. EBay should notify the seller and take action. Don't hold your breath though, I've reported many of them and nothing has ever happened.

I haven’t been on eBay in quite a long time so am not familiar with the current situation. However looking at that list of keywords in the image posted by @joe_padavano and putting on my old programming hat, I am pretty sure it would be easy for eBay to automatically and programmatically deal with that type of abuse. The fact that they haven’t indicates they don’t care.

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9 minutes ago, ply33 said:

I haven’t been on eBay in quite a long time so am not familiar with the current situation. However looking at that list of keywords in the image posted by @joe_padavano and putting on my old programming hat, I am pretty sure it would be easy for eBay to automatically and programmatically deal with that type of abuse. The fact that they haven’t indicates they don’t care.

For a long time ebay encouraged sellers to include multiple keywords to increase visibility of their ads, since more sales equate to more ebay profits.

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Over the last few years eBay has become increasingly run-down and sleazy, like a shady part of town that's best avoided at night.  Maybe this is what it's going to take to motivate folks to start coming out to the Swap Meets once again, and our hobby will be all the better for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/6/2024 at 10:35 AM, Hemi Joel said:

It is called keyword spamming, and it IS banned. It is clear violation of eBay policy. On each auction, there is a link to report a policy violation. When you click on that link, it will take you through a menu that allows you to report the auction for keyword spamming. EBay should notify the seller and take action. Don't hold your breath though, I've reported many of them and nothing has ever happened.


So true.

It's been years since I reported anything because I simply gave up, but I figured I'd try a recent sample to see what kind of response I received.


I recently reported a 1940 AZ license plate for listing practices and received a message saying "this message was generated with A.I. and we've determinded no violation has occured". 


Here's the listing. Can't get anymore blatent then what the link shows as the heading clearly says 1930 for what is obviously a 1940 plate. I've also tried contacting the seller asking them to kindly update it to read 1940, but heard nothing in response just crickets... and btw, if you look at the sellers listings you'll clearly see they have this same plate listed twice. Completely illegal according to eBays own rules. 

1930 arizona license plate Excellent Condition | eBay



I also did a search this morning for "Antique Tail Light" and selected "used".  Only 785 hits came back under used items "WOO HOO I'M GONNA HAVE SOME LUCK HERE!!".


Out of the top ten items that came back were a blue glass bowl, three speedometers from the 50s - 70s, a cabbage patch doll, a christmas tree angel, a rear Miller "AMC" lens, one door handle, a hood latch, a rear window crank and a cats eye lens. 2 out of 10? Really? You mean we have to search through 80 % of BS on even the simplest of items? Come on eBay, do something about this!


I've tried following all of the advice on here of how to get around all the BS on the search tool, but I'm not having any success, I hope you guys are...

I simply search a few items then realize how worthless it is and close out eBay all together as I throw in the towel and surrender. I suppose eBay doesn't care to have any algorithm that tracks how many of us don't buy (= loss of revenue) because of these practices that are still being allowed. I'm sure they still make money either way, but as the saying goes, is it the right thing to do? Clearly the leadership at eBay and most other places know nothing about the right thing to do any longer. 


On 6/6/2024 at 8:39 PM, 20 T Speedster said:

Over the last few years eBay has become increasingly run-down and sleazy, like a shady part of town that's best avoided at night.  Maybe this is what it's going to take to motivate folks to start coming out to the Swap Meets once again, and our hobby will be all the better for it.

For all who say "hopefully it turns everyone back to swap meets", I agree completey, but most of us already attend swap meets yet many of us have a hard time finding century old parts after diligently walking hours only to come up empty handed. Sometimes traveling hours or days and spending hundreds or thousands just for the "hope" of finding that rare part to only come up empty handed again. I don't know about most on here, but many of us can't afford to travel that much to find a part, especially under the current economically clueless leadership all across our country. eBay used to help in that regard, but not with this new search tool. 


I really wish something could be done about this, I'm tired of at looking at cabbage patch dolls, xmas decorations and depression glass.... 

it's really starting to bum me out.


Edited by 30DodgePanel (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, 30DodgePanel said:


Sometimes traveling hours or days and spending hundreds or thousands just for the "hope" of finding that rare part to only come up empty handed again. I don't know about most on here, but many of us can't afford to travel that much to find a part, especially under the current economically clueless leadership all across our country. eBay used to help in that regard, but not with this new search tool. 




I would tend to agree with you if you put it that way. However, one doesn't (or shouldn't) travel across the country and spend a lot of money "just for the 'hope' of finding a part." That's insane. One attends those type of events (Hershey comes to mind) to socialize with like-minded new and old friends, who often times can help you find what you're looking for, or lead you in the right direction. Finding a part you need/want at the flea market is just cream on the top. Think of it as a vacation with lots of hobby-related benefits.

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14 hours ago, West Peterson said:


I would tend to agree with you if you put it that way. However, one doesn't (or shouldn't) travel across the country and spend a lot of money "just for the 'hope' of finding a part." That's insane. One attends those type of events (Hershey comes to mind) to socialize with like-minded new and old friends, who often times can help you find what you're looking for, or lead you in the right direction. Finding a part you need/want at the flea market is just cream on the top. Think of it as a vacation with lots of hobby-related benefits.


Very true and I completely agree, but there's no denying how deflating it is to constantly strike out, no matter how many good folk we're honored to meet along the way in the hobby. Just a frustration that we all deal with from time to time, but I know the parts are out there somewhere...


The irony of it is,

as we speak I'm in negotiation with someone who has a few parts I've been look for over ten years nows. I don't use facebook, but one of the guys in the DB club referred me to an ad on marketplace that may help as I've been in contact with the seller. It's a parts truck with very little left of it. Fingers crossed the pending sale falls through so I can retrieve parts I need. 


At least the sniffing of a few parts is more than I can say for any recent swap meets or eBay searches of the past decade...

I did get the truck strictly as a retirement project and have a few years before the work really begins (lord willing) so I've been very patient, but it's beginning to wear thin admittedly. Hoping this parts truck is the answer, I should know within the next week.


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I've concluded eBay's search function is the way it is by design.  Like going into the grocery store with your list and having to walk past all the high-margin stuff prominently displayed.  It's not what you came for, but maybe when you see it you'll buy it.


I get better results searching on google and adding "eBay" to the item searched.

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One way to find a needed part is to do a Google search. Because most search engine are now made to return sales related results, good chance you will find the item listed on eBay and can link back to it. 

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