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I SAY "ARE... YOU... READY" ????? -------- TO ROCK AND ROLL



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Yes, come on down to Concord, that's just up the road from Shalotte Nawth Carolina. . Be ready to party down and do the MrEarl Shuffle.....

We over at the 1954 Buick Highway forum have set a goal of having no less than 54 54 Buick's on the showfield. So if you have a 54 Buick then come on down. If you don't have one yet, let MrEarl and the 54 Buick Gang help to find you one so you can join us.

<object height="510" width="640">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVy5pSa3kgE?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="510" width="640"></object>

Either way, in 2012 the 54 Buick Highway leads straight to Concord. Looks like some are already on the road.












Folk, thanks for your patience the last few days. Work just kept gettin in the way. I want to say thanks to Stealthbob for the fine videos. More Buick Highway post cards to come, MrEarl is tired and the sand man has arrived. And you can bet I'll be addressing all the blasphemous talk about 55's and 56's being better than the 54's. I want to say thanks to Stealthbob for the fine videos. More Buick Highway post cards to come.


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Folk, thanks for your patience the last few days. Work just kept gettin in the way. I want to say thanks to Stealthbob for the fine videos. More Buick Highway post cards to come, MrEarl is tired and the sand man has arrived. And you can bet I'll be addressing all the blasphemous talk about 55's and 56's being better than the 54's

Excellent..............worth the wait

Thanks Lamar

Of course you realize that in your next post........55 will have the last say :D:D

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I can't wait 54 -'54's and a whole ton of '36-'38 for the 75th Anniv. This is gonna be an awesome show!!

Thanks 54 Buick Highway for coming to Concord.

By the way for all you above from the Mason Dixon line (like me, originally and most everyone else now living in Charlotte), it is pronounce Con-Cord... As in Auburn-CORD- Duesenberg.

It's not Con-Curd, as in little Miss Muffet and her curds and whey

Nor is it Con-Cud - as in cow's cud.

Now I still don't pronounce Salisbury, NC (Friday's tour location) correctly apparently, so what do I know.

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Great job, Mr. Earl. I just have one question.. Does the '54 Buick Highway give out scholarships? ;):D :D

By the way for all you above from the Mason Dixon line (like me, originally and most everyone else now living in Charlotte), it is pronounce Con-Cord... As in Auburn-CORD- Duesenberg.

It's not Con-Curd, as in little Miss Muffet and her curds and whey

Nor is it Con-Cud - as in cow's cud.

I've never known it to be called anything other than ConCORD. That's the way I've always said it! :D

Oh, and you pronounce Salisbury just like this: Salisbury. Oh well.. perhaps you can't really hear how I'm pronouncing it over the internet like this.. ;)

Congrats, Mr. Earl, but I agree with buick840.. you're next few posts will be 5455 5456 etc.. perhaps you'd better use those up in hiding someplace (like the Reatta forum! :D)

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Took the words right out of my mouth.
You make me wish I had a 54, now I feel left out.

and MrEarl would love to see y'all in one. :D and have you join us out on the 54 Buick Highway. They're out there. More today in this buyers market than I ever remember seeing.

just check in on our 54 Buick Poster thread every once in a while. It's a thread that automatically picks up and posts '54 Buicks that come on the market through eBay, AutoTrader and previously Craigs List.

54 Buicks on Craigslist and eBay

In fact here is one that just popped up from the HAMB. A solid 2 door HT Super with rare factory air in Iowa. Not bad for the asking. Solid = $1,000, AC = 1,000, if it's near you = $1,000. Somebody go for it and drive it down to Shalotte next June. :D


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Guest Bob Call

Speedo by The Cadillacs, released in 1955. Ironic? I'll bet that back the there was a group named The Buicks or The Roadmasters but they just never had a hit record. I still have my 45 of Speedo that I bought back then.

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from the 'hamb':o (is there a '54 in that pile? I don't think so!)

Don't see a 54 but did see a 55, a 57 with what appears to be good rear bumper ends, and two 58's. It's pile like this that have made our cars worth so much more! Cool pics MrSpeedyT

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I'm not sure I can take the pressure...I was thinking about a comfortable drive in something with A/C and my '54 doesn't fit that bill. Besides, that would make two nationals in a row that the car I owned that attended was a '54...the others might get jealous.

Step at a time right now...keeping busy...need to figure some things out before making a decision.

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Its been 4 weeks...time to bump this thread!

How about a little vid on "The Rusty Old American Dream"

If you got a 54...it doesn't matter what it looks like, bring it on down to the 2012 Buick Nationals.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-tCbCkOBdt4?hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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