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56 Roadmaster Paint Done!

Guest gunjeep444

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Guest gunjeep444

Brought the BUick home today on a trailer, streets were pretty slushy. I made a plywood front for the trailer and it stayed nice and dry. Now will start putting in the insulation stuff, then the carpet. Trim when I can fit in the time. Wife and I love the color/finish.

The shot from the rear shows the side he did the most body work on. Had some bad dents he sanded all the bondo out of, pulled out the dents, then smoothed it.

Last shot is how it looked when I got it!




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Guest gunjeep444

Thanks guys. On putting the trim back on, I thought to tape a strip of paper up, with slots cut where the holes are, then would have the paper to keep it from scratching, then once it is in position, can slide the paper out. Open to any ideas.

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Guest gunjeep444

Got a few pieces of trim on today, started putting the silver backed insulation in the trunk. COLD, took a long time for the garage heater to warm the place up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gunjeep444

Got most of the chrome trim back on, took awhile to line it all up. That porthole next to the passenger door was quite a pain, glad the driver's side went better. Cleaning up the inside good to put down the insulation, hope to get the seats done in Feb.,


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I remember what a pain those back portholes are. I had the idea of using a transmission jack for the bumpers. Maybe, that could work, for you? It looks even better with the trim on. Are, you keeping the wheels red? or, going with the body color? I like the contrast of the red wheels.

Very Nice.

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Guest gunjeep444

Thanks James. Will keep the jack idea in mind. Hope to send them off to get re-chromed. RIms are actually orange, will probably paint them coral, down the line. Always something to do to it. Worked on insulating the floors today.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest gunjeep444

I got all the trim on and just got the rear carpet/sills in yesterday. THey are working on the front a bit more to get a better fit. The carpet, as it came from the catalog was a LONG ways from being correct. Not sure how much more that will cost me.




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Guest gunjeep444

Looks like the inteior will not be done for awhile, so I think I'll send off the bumpers for re-chrome and get some new weatherstripping. Any advice on who to order that from? I have Cars and Bobs catalogs.

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A couple of other places might be Steele Rubber, Metro Moulded Rubber and Rubber the Right Way. I think that CARS resells the Steele Rubber product, so compare the prices. You can get the websites by Google-ing the names. Hope this helps

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Not wierd at all that CARS and BOB's sell Steele rubber at less than Steele. Steele Rubber dealers enjoy a substantial discount from the catalog prices and NO I won't tell you how much. Let's just say it is enough that a dealer can resell at less than catalog price and still make a handsome profit. Downside is it's expensive to acquire and hold a Steele Rubber Dealership.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Rob McDonald

JERRY, back when I had hair colour, there was a cute old couple in my neighbourhood who regularly drove a 4-door '56 Roadmaster, same colour pink as yours. That was in the mid-70s. I bet it's still lurking in someone's garage nearby, with half an inch of dust on it.

Funny, I got to the same point on my '57 as you were at about Christmas, except for me that point came twenty years ago. The progress you've made in the last three months has been very satisfying to watch. Nice work.

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Guest gunjeep444

Thanks Rob,

It has gone faster than I anticipated. Got the dashboard in today, almost as big a job as getting it out! Bugged the upholsterer some today, he's had my stuff for months, so hope I got him moving. I think the bumpers got moved up in time some, since they did not pick them up for 3 weeks, so may get them back faster than I thought. Got the sweeps on the door trim, not sure about the outside sweep, need the panels back so I can put the windows down. Can one put a jumper in the two holes to get the window to go up and down?

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You put a 12v lead to one "Hole" and the other lead goes to ground. If it goes the wrong way use the other "Hole".

Make sure you never use the power when the actuator is out of the car. For two reasons it will damage it but more importantly it can scissor your fingers off!

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Guest gunjeep444

Thanks Bob, that will help! Got the trunk weather stripping today. Need to get in gear and order the door weatherstrip.

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Guest gunjeep444


I'll get that pix as soon as I get the old steering wheel off and the re-done one back on. Any hits on taking off the wheel? Guess I need a wheel puller? Will check with the car club guys on Sat and see if anyone has one. I see some guy sells them on ebay all the time.

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Guest gunjeep444

I got the re-done steering wheel installed today, horn even works! Had never done that before. Polished up the chrome good while it was off also.

I was really surprised what a difference it made to open the door and see a nice, un-cracked steering wheel(see pix above for the old one). Really impressed me.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest gunjeep444

Fired up the Buick and got it out of the garage, have run it inside, but was a nice day, so took some pix. Still waiting on the bumpers, may get the door panels by the end of the week. Seats sure sit nice with the new foam.


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