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No BCA National Meet for 2010

Pete Phillips

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That will get your attention, won't it?

Well, that is exactly where the BCA is headed if some chapter or group doesn't get on the stick REALLY SOON to host the 2010 meet. It is getting to the point where it is almost too late to do this, but it still could be done, provided a large hotel with a big parking area is available.

I really don't understand the reluctance to host a meet. My chapter (North Texas) has done it twice. Now that the BCA handles the registrations and most of the computer work, plus all of the judging data, and a stipend is provided to help the host chapter with up-front expenses, many of the excuses for not hosting a meet have been removed. Yes, you do have to have a good-sized group of people to help you during the days of the meet. And finding the right site or hotel for the meet is arguably the most difficult part of doing this.

The BCA Office has a handbook of guidelines for hosting a meet, and many other members who have done this before, are willing to provide guidance and assistance.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Sherman, TX

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Have we ever had one in Canada? Last time I checked, Canada was still in North America; & it seems that we have many BCA members in Canada.

I have seen several postings of meets and tours & great car museums in Canada. Passports are now required;.... but why not Canada?

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I would wager that many chapters are frightened because the prices escalated to the point where you may not get many Buicks. gas is expensive,and the registration fee almost tripled. I will be going to Colorado, but will park in the parking lot as I refuse to pay $50 to register and $15 more just to park on the field.

The banquet is $45 per person , and even though it it a beautiful place, I would not bet on a large attendance.

The economy is down, and I do not blame the chapters for adopting a "wait and see" stnce.

In answer to Mark's querie, I tried to put on a McLaughlin meet in Port Huron some years ago and was told that I had to do it in Sarnia. because of insurance reasons. The BCA may have the same issues.

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I am not planning on going to Colorado because of the distance from here. I cannot justify the expense for something that, let's face it, it is boring. There is not really anything to do, there are no social activities. The car stuff is over before dark, I am a party person and like to party, right Mike. I am really not into tours or outside attractions. In Flint there was nothing to do after 9 PM. No where to meet people and just have a good time. Anyway, Colorado

hotel prices are too high, drink prices are too high. As far as the Colorado National goes perhaps too much guidance is... too much guidance. Maybe there will be a large draw from the West coast, but this Buffalo Boy is staying home.

I am planning on attending the Great Lakes Regional Akron-Canton,OH.


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Thanks for taking the lead and posting your response Joe. I tend to agree with you. I was dismayed with the costs to attend the meet. It's a catch 22 situation I'm sure. Costs of everything are rising, and obviously, so it goes for the National Meet expenses too. Being a recent retiree, I was looking forward to making many Nationals for the next few years but then everything went fiscally crazy.

For my wife and I to attend it's multiple hundreds to fly in ( $800 or more) and then start adding up room costs, or multiple hundreds in gas ( 1860 miles estimated one way / 15 MPG) plus a few extra days costs to try and drive it.

I do not begrudge Colorado Springs as a location, I harbor dreams of suddenly finding the resources to make it. But right now I just find it to be over my level. And if I can't get to other's events, I feel it's an insult to ask others to attend ours. So I cannot push within our Chapter for hosting a National at this time.

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Good job Joe and Stevo! Now every chapter will want to host a national. It's OK for us to drive to Michigan or New York for your party, but not the other way around. Our Alamo Chapter will probably not consider hosting since San Antonio is a 'destination city' and will be too expensive, too far, too hot... Just go to a regional and you will not have to associate with all those boring people.


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I have been to EVERY national since 1971, and drove an old Buick to every one !! My opinion is that the BCA has lost its way, and is one of the reasons that the BDE was started. The early meets were FUN!! The members drove their Buicks from everywhere, and trophies and perfect cars were way down on the list.

With the 400 point system supposedly being the reason that fees must be raised, don't you think that it might not be a bad idea to go back to basics??

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The last time I looked, this is the USA and everybody's thoughts and ideas are welcomed. I am just stating my personal opinion. If my opinion does not agree with your opinion, it does not make it right or for the matter wrong. My opinion and thoughts are, mine. The last I knew, we are still entitled to our opinions.

Texas, I would love to visit there again. I was there many years ago and would look forward to returning. Denver or Colorado for that matter....I have cousins in Denver and I have been there and could care less if I ever return. Again, let me stress, it is my opinion. Let me also say, my daughter lives in Florida....I have not visited in the 3 years she has been there because I do not like Florida either. We are all individuals and are entitled to our opinions and can like or dislike any venue that is offered. I do not live too far from NYC and I would not go there either, my brother loves it...I do not. Again ....matter of preference. I am allowed to state my likes and dislikes in this country.

Regionals are just that, a smaller party, more intimate and more friendly. I have not been a member of the BCA for a lot of years but I am still learning and am open to learning. I have met a lot of great people in this organization and a few yo-yo's , but that is a different story. It really comes down to how much will it cost to go somewhere and can I justify the expense for what I am getting out of it.

I used to go to Cleveland and Pittsburg for football games but those two places are getting to be on the "out of reach list". I used to have season tickets for the Buffalo Sabres and Buffalo Bills...no more because for what I pay, the satisfation is not there.

Just my opinions and thoughts.


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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mark Shaw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Have we ever had one in Canada? Last time I checked, Canada was still in North America; & it seems that we have many BCA members in Canada.

I have seen several postings of meets and tours & great car museums in Canada. Passports are now required;.... but why not Canada? </div></div>

Many of us are scattered about. For instance, to come to a smaller, more affordable city like Winnipeg, you need to look at how many BCA members are there and may be willing to put something together - I think there are 4 of us at present and I recently bought the only Buick from one of them, so I don't know if he'll remain a member. I have been considering trying to drum up support and create a chapter here, but I haven't had the energy yet (too distracted with other things). However, as soon as you get near a larger centre, you have to deal with rising costs and depending where it is, you run into the same sort of distance issues as any other location...only being further north, it may be more of an issue.

Don't get me wrong...I'd love to be able to host something...and I'm looking at setting up something for the Gopher State Chapter for Labour Day 2009...that would be something small and relatively intimate, and hopefully fun, but it will have to be within my energy levels to put on as I haven't many folks I could ask for assistance.

If we look across Canada, here's a few thoughts - Vancouver / southern BC - similar to Seattle and a long way for many...Calgary - nice western place, but it's gotten pretty expensive - north of Montana for distance...Manitoba / Saskatchewan don't really have the population base...southern Ontario - lots of great history (think Oshawa and the founding of General Motors of Canada), wineries, etc. - across the river from Michigan, not far from Buffalo, so for some it may be a better location, but also very expensive...Montreal or Quebec City - great cities, lots of history, the language barrier may be a bit of an issue (French)...the Maritimes - Halifax would probably be the only reasonable location - again, great vistas, loads of history, somewhat pricey, on the Atlantic (think Maine) so distance may be an issue.

I think it could be done for a tour or something like that (the BDE had a recent tour in southern Ontario if I recall correctly), but I don't know if the passport requirement, money changing, not to mention border hassles for swap meet vendors would make it feasible.

As for me, I take National meets a year at a time. My kids attend school pretty much to the end of June, so timing (like Batavia a few years ago) can affect our decision (in 2009, we will be leaving here before the last day of school, but it won't be a big deal, but it's not like I'm taking them out for a week or two). We also have to consider our vacation time, finances, and distance. 2007 was a long way to go for us, but we have family in Oregon, so we extended our vacation that way. Vacation timing didn't work out this year, which is why I flew to Flint by myself.

Distance (which translates to time if driving) and total cost (including transportation to and from a meet) are very real issues for a lot of folks. Please, let's not belittle those who have to make those choices.

2007 on the west coast, 2008 in Flint, 2009 in Colorado...2010 should go to a central / eastern / southern location thinking geographically and trying to make it so those who may not be able to travel long distances can attend every few years. Unfortunately my memory of geography of the USA in combination with a lack of knowledge of chapter locations makes it difficult for me to perhaps make suggestions...I'm happy not to as I wouldn't want to pressure a chapter into taking it on if they aren't ready.

Part of the reason I like to attend National meets is getting there and seeing different countryside each time. I also like the different flavour imparted on each National...location means a different mix of cars show up, plus the events / sights to see. So, for me, my preference would be to go somewhere I haven't been. Perhaps something like southern OH, southern Illinois, Indiana (wouldn't it be fun to see how many Buick pace car replicas we could get at Indy), Missouri, KY, TN would be a region to concentrate on.

Another thing is that, if a group feels they aren't big enough, perhaps a show of support from others who would volunteer to help out would help to convince smaller chapter to give it a shot. There are activities that folks need to be close to the action (such as arranging tours) in the planning stages, but there are many jobs that could be done which could be filled by folks from around the country / world (perhaps acting as chaperone / head counter on a bus, parking vehicles, photographing cars, etc.). If it would be the difference between having a National and not having one, I'd certainly be willing to volunteer for a half day at some quasi-menial task.

Well, there I've gone blathering again...time to shut up and listen.

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Say Fellers n Gals, Whats the "BDE"???

I sure had a lot of fun in Flint this past year , especially going on the pre War Tour. laugh.gif I would love to come to Colorado, but at this point, because of the cost, it seems to be out of reach for me also. frown.gif

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have met a lot of great people in this organization and a few yo-yo's </div></div>

Careful there Stevo, I resemble that remark. shocked.gif I have to ask myself from time to time, Would anyone in there right mind still be driving a 1915 Car, or only a Yo-yo laugh.gif Dandy Dave!

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Like others, I must pick and choose carefully the national meets that I participate in. It is certainly the case that cost is a factor for many of us, so attending a national every year is simply not an option for me.

I will say that I have had a wonderful time at every one of the nine Nationals I've attended over the years. Despite the time and expense involved, there is quite honestly nowhere I'd rather go than a Buick National.

The fun factor has increased considerably as I have built long-term friendships with like-minded enthusiasts, and my wife has done the same. During the Seattle meet in '07, we found ourselves up past midnight every night, enjoying the company of Buick friends from places like Kansas and Arizona.

We love the "adventure" aspect of attending with an older car, and know that next summer's drive to Colorado Springs will be a fun and memorable time. We've been meeting with some of our Buick friends to talk about our route, which will take us through Yellowstone and to places like the Buffalo Bill Cody Museum. As the BDE folks have known all along, it's the time together on the road in our vintage Buicks that is most satisfying. We live in a remarkable country, and every day holds something special. Can I afford to make the trek? Absolutely not! Would I miss it for the world? Absolutely not; there are some things in life that are "gotta do's", and this trip is one of them for me. The shared memories with my lovely wife make it all worthwhile.

I disagree with the notion that Colorado Springs will be poorly attended. It's a long ways for me, too -- about 1,500 miles one way -- but I hear considerable enthusiasm from folks locally and from many whom I've been in contact with around the country, including two new BCA members from Georgia who can hardly wait to make the drive. It's been my understanding that the host hotel is filling up very quickly. The interest is certainly there.

The National Meet has been the BCA's principal event for the last thirty-seven years, and I think it would be a huge loss to the club if we give up our annual get-together.

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Centurion</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The National Meet has been the BCA's principal event for the last thirty-seven years, and I think it would be a huge loss to the club if we give up our annual get-together.


Actually, Brian, that gives me another point to make. Many of us don't live close enough to a chapter to participate in many chapter events (I've joined Gopher State, but can't often make the 450 mile give or take journey). So, what do we have left? The Bugle, the National, and the option of participating in regional events. Regionals, like Nationals, can often be difficult to attend. For me, being outside the USA, the cost of membership is pretty high if all I get out of it is the Bugle (nothing against the Bugle of course)...in other words, I need it to be more than a magazine subscription to justify the expense.

So, if the Bugle is the lifeblood of the BCA, the National has to be another important body part. Then again, if BCA membership is on the order of 9-10,000, and the average attendance is 4-500 (educated guesses on those numbers), it says that we only draw about 5% to the National meet. Is that an appropriate number? That's a question I don't have the answer to.

Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed that something will work out and a chapter or group of individuals that find it of enough value to put something together.

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Guest Reatta1

I am planning on going to Colorado Springs only because I have a sister who lives there and I can stay with her. If I had to pay for a hotel, it would be out of my cost range. The fuel cost and one overnight motel each way is going to be tough enough as it is on top of registration and any tour costs. We have a perfect venue here in central Oregon for displaying the cars but, a National meet in my area would be out of the question. First, there is no chapter locally and second there is no major hotels for lodging, only a few motels of any size. Plenty of things to see and do though, so out of the all the ingredients for a meet, we have all but the lodging and a chapter to host it. I was at the Seattle National in 07 and had a great time. It was only a half day drive and I was able to stay at a low cost motel very close to the meet venue. Would have loved to been in Flint this year but going that far for me is financially impossible.

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Keep those cards and letters coming........

It's good to hear your comments, but as Pete said, we may have a problem.

I did a quick study this past week and in the last 37 years, only six meets (16%) have been held West of the Mississippi......2007=Belleview, 2004=Plano.1996=Plano, 1993=Phoenix, 1991=Sacramento, 1985=Los Angeles... before you mention St Louis, Rochester, and Overland Park KS, they were all within rock throwing distance of the Mississippi.

The major reason for this relates to the comments above.

The majority of the BCA resides in the East and middle of the US. The BCA office could break this down by states but all you need to do is look at your 2008 Membership Roster.

Todays issue is not about location... we don't have a location for 2010. If you don't like where the meets have been held get busy and make a proposal.

I am originally from Indiana, and have lived in St.Louis and Kentucky before coming to Texas in 1970.

You people East of the Mississippi don't realise how easy you have it. If I go to a show in Houston, that is 190 miles. It is 183 from Chicago to Indianapolis and 187 from New York City to Baltamore by comparison. I belong to the Alamo Chapter in San Antonio and that is a 2 hour drive to attend a meeting.

The population density is greater east of the Mississippi and major cities are closer. Take a US map and draw a circle 500 miles (an easy days drive) from Louisville KY and look at all the cities it covers. I don't have membership numbers available, but Michigan and Ohio have big numbers of BCA members.

The above rambling is why 80%+ of the National meets have been East of the Mississippi. When I first joined the board, there were those that ask "why don't we have a meet out west". The board and the BCA members in Washington took a chance and Belleview was an excellant meet. Granted it was not as large as the same meet might have been in Pittsburg, but at least they gave it a try and did a very good job.

There is a Catch-22 to site selection. As any of you that have put on a Regional know, larger cities have larger hotels and charge larger $$. But, the large cities have more to do. Things that keep the wife and kids happy.

I have talked to a BCA member that has proposed several locations, one is a ski resort that could use the $$ in the summer, but they are isolated. We could get very reasonable rooms, lots of space, but there is no McDonalds down the street, and on other places to stay (if you are looking for further cost reductions) within miles.

When I mentioned the ski resort to the other Board members, their response was.... the membership will never accept that location.

We need to stop the talk and find a meet location for 2010!

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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Barney Eaton</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We need to stop the talk and find a meet location for 2010! </div></div>

Along those lines, have the various chapters asked the question at their meetings? Of course, I wouldn't expect the chapters that put on the last few meets to step forward, but what about the rest? Has it been discussed at your chapter level? Have the chapter directors within the various regions discussed options?

If a chapter or group of individuals aren't willing to take it on, we need to get creative. I think I had previously suggested a rotation among regions. That way, the regional folks would have to work something out among their membership, whether one chapter in the region takes it on, or multiple chapters pull together to share the load.

Ultimately, where I, or any other BCA member, would like to see the National held becomes irrelevant. The first thing is to find someone willing to take it on. Without that, this discussion is a moot point.

So, if we are at a point of desperation, I respectfully ask whether the BoD has communicated with regional coordinators and chapter directors to ask them if there is any interest, or whether they have even discussed at their chapter meetings?

As stated earlier, I don't usually have a full slate of activities at a National...if I am able to attend, I would be willing to volunteer a few hours at a job that doesn't require too much local knowledge.

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I understand not going to Colorado from up state New York. I DO like that the National Meet is sort of going west -east-west-midwest, shake it up a little.

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I agree, it is great that it is being moved around. Moving it around gives people in different parts of the country a chance to attend a National without having to drive 2,000 mile or more round trip. Don't get me wrong, I am all for National Meets, it is the cost involved and the satisfaction gained from spending that much money. All hotels these days are way out of line for what they charge. With the state of the economy we may see a reduction in rates before too long.

I do hope that some group gets together and sponsors the 2010 so that those that want to go, can. I would be a shame if meets are held every 2 or 3 years. My opinion is what I stated earlier should not be the determining factor for some body else. Everybody should make up their own minds based on their wish to attend and if they can afford to go. Many times, corners can be cut to allow participation, but, that is an individual matter.


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The BOD have had many coversations among ourselves and others. We have been twisting arms and trying to convince chapters and / or regions to take this on.

We know this is a problem and are working to solve it.

Bill Stoneberg

BCA Board of Directors and Treasurer

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I attended the Plano meet, what, 4 years ago now - because I had a brother and a sister that lived in Plano/Richardson. Anytime that happens, it's a bonuss. We saved 4 night sof lodging and still made 2-3 of the events including the rodeo.

I atended St Louis and Rochester because they were close.

Hey folks, it's a different time from 10-15 years ago. Gas is much more, so is lodging, so I don't get down on folks who can not make a National Meet.

Having said that, this is the SUPER BOWL for Buick fans, and I would set money aside. 2 more things. I'm 44 and if I was 74 I would go to just about every National meet. (because of how many you go left to go to... and because of no kids and work obligations) and 2. I like to use the excuse of a National for our family vacation, to see different parts of the country and have the tours take us places we would not get to otherwise see.

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Guest imported_Thriller

Thanks for the confirmation Bill. That's pretty much what I expected. Now hopefully someone's arm will be about twisted enough soon to take the plunge.

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Is there any reason the national is held in the summer? If not, moving a meet to October would be a plus for holding a national in San Antonio. Cool temps, out-of-season prices, lots of hotels, Fiesta Texas and Seaworld are still open and of course, the hill country, riverwalk, the Alamo and three major military bases for tours.

Just a thought.


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Old Guy - I know man I hope you can make the next 20 plus, as I am exercising and trying to live right at age 44 so that I can someday see Buicks when I am 67 to 93ish years old.

San Antonio in October would be OK, still hot in Texas. I went to San Antonio once on Thanksgiving Day and it was 92 degrees and humid.

Car meets just seem to be made for June-July for some reason. I know I have a 7 year old, and we would go as a family vacation event.

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Steve, good question, in looking at the BCA National Meet Guidlines on the web site, it is in need of a major update for the changes the BOD made for meets starting with 2009, ATTENTION BOD! Get it done and I'll post on the web site, asap! Would help all who could be interested in 2010, for sure!

Having just done the 2008 BCA National in Flint, I can tell you this, doing a non-judged meet was even a major undertaking, we tried to make it simple for the members, and it worked, had it been a judged meet, we would not have been able to handle even with over 120 volunteers. So the sooner the better we can update the Meet Guidelines, I think could help folks decide, bits and pieces in the BUGLE, may have confused folks, and the entire Guideline may need to printed in the BUGLE, to clarify the deal.

Just my $0.02!

TX in October better than Orlando in July, but MI in July 2008 was perfect, but Michigan in 1988 was 108 in the shade.

Can't predict the weather, and praying doesn't always work as far as the weather is concerned!

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I would like to chime in at this point and say what a super job the Flint group did hosting the 2008 National Meet. All in all it was great. The biggest problem was the fact that people were spread out in a whole bunch of hotels. Going back to one of my previous posts, that is why there was no get together at night. Our hotel bar was rather empty to say the least.

Anyway, the fact that there was no judging did not hurt the show at all. As Roberta said, a judged show would have been a bear to organize.

Roberta, Renee and Harold along with all of their team did a wonderful job.


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Different times of the year to accomodate better weather for the area in question is a good idea. Keep in mind that this could negatively impact families with school-aged kids, and also may cause problems with Regionals which may have to seek dispensation for any dates that coincide. But it can be done.

The bigger drawback is what Roberta said; 120 workers and they may not have been able to do it if the meet had been a judged meet. Granted, we'd probably never get the turnout that Flint always gets. But our Chapter has 40 members who reside in a wide arc around our nucleus. This is another major hurdle for small remote chapters. We'd need volunteers from the general membership to help out.

Back in 05 in Batavia I volunteered to help out the FLC with security. As it was Niagra Frontier Chapter was providing most of the manpower for this. My 2 boys also agreed to taking on the overnight shift just before the big show. Since I was involved in their decision I wound up getting up early in the AM to relieve them if they needed it. The end result was the three of us basically missed the entire show day. And my point is this, They had so few local people available to do this task that I don't know where they would have wound up had others not volunteered and then what type of event is it for those who do volunteer?

I wonder if it is feasible to reduce fees for those outside the local chapter who do volunteer so that at least there is some incentive and payback.

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I am just curious WHAT the actual members say of a chapter /regions/co-chapters when the subject of hosting a National come up.

What are the reasons now?

Is it still our aging membership and guys just not interested in the work?

Why don't we hear from some chapter members who say 'we would like to do a National but need some volunteer help.'

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<Disclaimer> MY OPINION HERE, not of the BOD or anyone else.....

In my opinion, all it takes is 1 or 2 people willing to take on the monumental task of organizing a National Meet. Once someone steps up to the plate, others will follow. Look at Colorado, for example. Frank Lyle stepped up to organize and now the chapters around Colorado Springs are stepping up to help.

But even after getting 1 person, you have to have feet on the ground in the location chosen to arrange, negotiate, plan, and to pay in the location chosen. I was on the Plano organizing committe with the North Texas chapter and I was in Dallas once a month at first and then every two weeks as time got closer. It took the whole chapter to pull the meet off.

I think wih the National Meet comittee, working with a local presence, helps as some of the more difficult work is done (registration) or helped with (negotiations for hotels etc.) but it still takes a lot of time and effort to put on a meet.

Plus when you are putting on the meet, you dont get to see cars or visit with people or do any of the fun things that happen at the meet.

How can we get someone to step forward and volunteer to put on a meet ? Thats a 64,000 question that we have been trying to solve.

Another idea is that we have basically a large virtual chapter online. Anyone here on the Discussion forum want to take this task on ? Are you willing to spend the next 18 months working to put on a good show ?

If someone stepped forward as an organizer, would any of you be willing to help the week of the show ? Spend time at the show parking cars, in the hospitality tent or out in the parking lot at 3 am making sure no cars are damaged.

These are just a few of the tasks that go on behind the scenes that need reliable people to help with.

Like I said, these are MY opinions for whats its worth.

As I said before as a BOD member, we are aware of the issues and have been discussing the problems and trying to find a solution.

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Please let me correct a couple of misconceptions.

The host chapter does NOT need to have 120 volunteers to put on a national meet. North Texas Chapter has done it twice with less than 40 volunteers. In addition, if there is judging, the host chapter does not need to provide any volunteers for that, except for one person: the Assistant Meet Head Judge. All other judges and volunteers for the judging process come from those who have registered for the meet and who volunteer their time for judging. They can be from anywhere.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Sherman, Texas

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Being retired, I volunteered my time to Jon Henry, our Minuteman Chapter director, if the BCA powers-to-be decided to have the 2010 national in New England but only if it was to be held in either Conn, Mass, or RI. Northern New England (esp. Maine) is just too far away from my home to be running back and forth; plus you can't get there from here! I think one of the casinos in Conn would be an ideal place to host the event. Don't slap me upside the head...JUST MY OPINION...please.

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We tried the approach of offering bus trips for our Regional in 2006, but the word from some directors at that time was they would not like to present that as an option sanctioned by the official Club.

Also, I am not sure how often you visit the CT casinos, but I seldom do. But, my observation is that is not truly family friendly for a 4-5 day stay and not inexpensive. Up until the recent financial situation, they were doing fine without much convention type business, but I believe they are getting more into it recently.

Again, just my assessment at this time. There are a lot of other nice places in New England that could work.

I'll check for any responses after Hershey.


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I see your point re: potential non-family atmosphere at a casino. Two problems I see w/ having a meet anywhere along the New England seashore (esp. Cape Cod, Newport, Mystic as examples) anytime during the summer is the cost of hotels and the traffic congestion due to tourism. So, my guess is that the meet would have to be located somewhat inland w/ manageable access to highways...maybe Sturbridge Village, MA or Providence, RI or even the Gillette Stadium complex in Foxboro, MA. Patriots owner Bob Graft has just finished creating a huge complex in addition to the football/soccer stadium right off Rte 95/Rte 1. There are quite a few cheaper hotels and lots of restaurants in the area. Just food for thought???

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I had earler suggested a Buick meet in San Antonio in October to get away from the summer heat, but your suggestion of New England made me think of something else.

Can you imagine a Buick national meet when the leaves are at their peak of fall colors? WOW! Talk about photo ops....everyone would be looking for places to park their car and get some of those incredible fall scenes in the background.

And, the older cars with no A/C would feel great in the fall!

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Guest Reatta1

Well, your description of the fall colors sounds great, and I'm sure would be, but, and this is a BIG but, it is three thousand miles or more for any west coasters to travel to. Interpret that as drive to and at that time of the year facing the possibility of having to drive on snow covered roads over the Rockies or Cascade mountains. I understand that there is a higher concentration of club members in the eat and mid-east, but us west coasters would like to be able to get to these meets too. Just one westcoasters thoughts. Any others?

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West coast?

San Francisco (away from downtown to accomodate the parking) would be great--and it is COOL there in the summer!

Of course, someone would have to alert all of the California tree huggers that thousands of gas-burning massive Buicks from the last 100 years are coming, endangering the Arctic circle with their V-8 engines.....

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