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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. I thing there is a problem as pics not there on my system
  2. Even with the top down it looks massive. If you saw it coming at you in a tunnel it would look like the light of a freight train!
  3. This is great to see and have the detail description to match the pics. It’s looking good. Thanks for doing this thread as it is enjoyable to watch someone that knows what they are doing. dave s
  4. If none of the above ideas and solutions work get a MUCH BIGGER HAMMER 😳
  5. Chris Collinsworth the football announcer tells a good story about Farrah Fawcett. When he was a star receiver with the Bengals was asked to do a shampoo commercial with her. He was single at the time and thought he would be able to get a date with her based on his fame. After the shoot she was walking away and he heard her over say something like “couldn’t they have gotten somebody better looking and that might be well known?” Needless to say he did not get the date. dave s
  6. It is small compared to what you think it would be and what they show it as on TV or pictures. One of the amazing things to me anyway, it seems no matter where you view it from in the room she appears to be looking at you. Even so it doesn’t look distorted the way some pictures do viewed from different sides. Not overrated but many others are more appealing in my goofy opinion. A iron prewar classic has more appeal to me. dave s
  7. Gary that was a good book. I read it then passed it on to another car guy and it is now in the hands of the fifth pass along. Every one has enjoyed it and asked if it was ok to give to someone else. dave s
  8. The one in the Louvre is probably a copy!
  9. And to his deaf wife over the telephone Beautiful car.
  10. Simple when they go to “general discussion “ the first thing on top is the “humor” bar and they click on that not realizing it’s a sub forum- it should be changed to make it clearer but that could get involved. I’m sure someone is going to make modifications but it works so it’s probably low on the list. Just my wild a$$ guess. dave s
  11. There have been some real asses that have been in that back seat than I care to think about.
  12. Peter, I apologized for not having the self control to not break the rule but not for what I posted. In that apology I was saying it would be an impossible job for you to just delete post like mine, I was not trying to say the moderators were wrong. I truly did not mean it as a slight to you or any moderators as I feel you do have a very important and almost impossible job. It is appreciated even when I go off the rails. dave s
  13. I’m sure my post added to if not we’re the reason the thread was taken down. For that I apologize. It would be great if the moderators could just remove the inappropriate post and the post that may cause the going off the rails but the time and effort in that process may be similar to unobtanium parts. My only regret when this happens is some good discussions are deleted. I have never taken opposing arguments as personal attacks and certainly don’t take the moderators removing one of my post in a thread that way either. I do feel bad if my post caused an otherwise interesting thread to be removed. Again if this was the case for the thread to be removed I apologize to all of you that were enjoying the discussion and the moderators. dave s
  14. It’s a shame with the mail being so messed up that the Hersey registration can’t be emailed. That would save a lot of dollars for sending out and a lot of aggravation for those registering. It shouldn’t be too hard to do. dave s
  15. I got a 1990 copy in great condition of “The Classic Car- the ultimate book about the worlds grandest automobiles” by Beverly Rae Kimes. Really a great book about pre war cars. dave s
  16. I think this one takes it - has all the right things - drama, suspense, surprise, intrigue and even a little sex! Plus no violence unless someone comes to blows because his engine still is not finished? The "Period images to relieve some of the stress" definitely should win the best documentary of the year. Both are winners! dave s
  17. C Carl - you should have brought the bag of "kitty litter" along when you are going to feed the cats! Glad you got it out with no damage. Merry Christmas and a safe Happy Much Better NEW YEAR! dave s
  18. 2020 has proven to be a tough year with the pandemic , my brother was sick and couldn’t get tested (he pulled through), my business disappeared so I am now retired which I was not planning, the wife’s car decided it needed a new transmission. The 38 needed new tires (a good thing as that meant I was driving it a lot), so overall not my favorite year. One good thing is I was able to spend more time on this forum and got to know many of you ( even though only thru the wonders of the internet) and the cars you all love. I learned a lot about these beautiful old gals (yes I know that is politically incorrect but the female gender is so much better looking than the alternative!) especially an old White. So a big thanks to all of you for your patience and sharing your knowledge, insights and adventures. Here’s hoping you and your families have a safe, healthy Christmas and New Year’s. May 2021 be filled with joy, good health and fun in all you do and especially in your car adventures. dave & Bobbi s
  19. Steve I think he is trying to tell you he wants his OWN dog bed for Christmas! Merry Christmas, Have a Happy safe New Year, happy Chanukah, we hope 2921 will be better than this year.
  20. I’ve seen that blank stare from a lot of people as soon as you ask them to look up from there phones!
  21. A scaredy-cat, it’s hair is standing on end ! 😯
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