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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. When I was in the army and sent to Germany after getting out of Walter Reed they didn’t know what to do with me, so they made me a radio operator. On 8 off 24 with a 3 day pass every 3 weeks. We would pull a double just before the pass and actually have a week off. We had to transmit in code from the secure radio code room. As it was a secure room we non-coms would hold our short timers parties in it as the officers could not have access. One night a message came in when we were having one of the send offs that I decoded saying the battalion (we were headquarters co and had 4 more companies-about 1200 troops) was being sent out on alert. I took it up to S3 or S4 what ever the intelligence group was called. They said I was nuts and go back and check again. So I sent a request for a resend. Same thing. Again S3 said no way they always have advantage notice about an alert. So back to the radio and instead of using the radio I called battalion and told them we were in the middle of a short timers party what were they sending me? They were asking for a radio status report. I was not very good at deciding Morris code. I went from a Spec5 to a Spec4 the next day! I can also say I made Spec5 more than twice in my two years. dave s
  2. KRM Sr you mentioned “Don’t shoot the messenger “ earlier. I wouldn’t worry too much I’m sure most of the guys on the forum would consider the “Gang that couldn’t shoot straight “ expert marksmen. No one should get upset about getting good information! dave s
  3. I don’t envy your task. I do know if you have the rear vent window rubber on a 38 you will sell very quickly. Mine had to be the last two in existence as I’ve been asked multiple times where we got them. Unfortunately they don’t have any more. Let me know when you get to the horn retainer, I thought it was just an O ring that fit. Not a high priority as the paper works and I’ve still got a long list I’m working on. Thanks dave s
  4. Studerex. I checked your site and could not find the horn button retainers you talked about. Am I just missing them or are they not listed? dave s
  5. Do you think the roof air deflector is really going to do any good? I’m surprised the back of the van isn’t an opening into the shed too. LOL
  6. Its 35 with twice the experience. I've got him beat as I'm 37 with twice the experience!
  7. Now that should be a three week restoration right?
  8. Thank you. It’s makes sense now, good instructions! I did put it up on jack stands and could not find any play in anything. But for three bolts it’s worth pulling just to check it out. I will post results. thanks again dave s
  9. This is my horn button on my 38 State Commander. The paper is my temporary raffle stop!
  10. John. I assume you had to take the steer control arm off to find the bad bushings or does it have a lot of free play and you then knew it was the cause of the problem? dave s
  11. Peter I disagree with your statement that you have gotten complaints and not advice. I personally do not have a problem navigating the forums. I suggested letting the changes speak for them selves by doing response analysis based on prior and after action results. I’m see no response from you telling us this or some reasonable analysis was done in this decision process. It almost seems like it is at the whim of an individual. This particular thread is a perfect example. Why move it to an (shall I say) obscure forum when you are asking for comments from the general forum members? As I said above, I don’t have a problem with the moves, I will also say I believe I will miss out on a lot of interesting threads simply because I won’t be going to a lot of obscure forum categories on a regular basis. I don’t envy your job and appreciate that you do it. I think this subject could be easier on you if you gave some better factual explanation in the reasoning as to why these divisions have been done. I hope you don’t get discouraged or take these comments as a personal assault or insult. dave s
  12. Walt G. I think your comments hit the mail on the head. You have always been fair and more than reasonable, intelligent, insightful and interesting. But then again some may say I’m just an idiot. So at least you will know you are not alone. Have fun, keep responding the way you always have. Some of us enjoy the honesty. dave s
  13. There is a reason Illinois is so broke. It’s called over crowded prisons. They keep throwing governors in prison and there is no room for the rest of the politicians that should be there too!
  14. Let them speak for themselves! Check the number of responses to a thread before the subject matter was split off and after. If your responses are equal or better it’s a good split. If lower then rethink the split. Too some having to go to a different location is restrictive and they just won’t do it. Activity on a thread is the best indication not just the complaints of a few that may not like it. In my past business dealings I’ve found most surveys are ignored by satisfied customers. That’s why I say activity gives you your best answer. dave s
  15. 1932 - 3 window Ford coupe chopped and channeled with a crate Chevy 350! Painted bright yellow with 15 inch wide slicks on the back. So there, we can be smart asses too! dave s
  16. We enjoyed the ride along this adventure has been as well. Looking forward to seeing it and possibly getting that actual ride in the days to come. It’s been a series of bright spots during this pandemic and none better than hearing Phil is coming out of his touch of C19 ok. I hope you enjoy this continuing adventure for many years to come. Now maybe you can do this all over again with another thread on something you mentioned early in the Great White thread! dave s
  17. And a Happy Safe Healthy holiday season to you and your family too. dave s
  18. I was born at West suburban hospital Oak Park IL. I’m old, falling apart, crumbling and decrepit. Yet they keep operating (20 so far) on me replacing and repairing parts. It’s done nothing for the facade as I’m as ugly as ever, but the structure is still useful I think. If nothing else maybe at least some of the parts are worth saving. I think I’m very similar to this old structure. dave s
  19. Thanks guys. I have a shop manual a friend sent me yesterday. Today I found a shop that says yes they can do a 38 Studebaker per the machine technical manual. I have an appointment next week and will keep you all posted regarding results. Thanks for all your input. dave s
  20. Terry. I have the service manual a friend sent me and the specs are the same. Thank you. I did find a shop that say they can do the alignment and have an appointment next week. I will let all know how it goes. dave s
  21. Everything looks OK as far as the eye can see. Nothing loose, bearing seems OK, The bushings all look OK but not sure I would know if they were worn out just by looking at them. I went to the guy I know that does all kinds of foreign and older US cars. Unfortunately he does not do alignments. He sent me to another older guy that he sends his cars too. The fenders on the 38 will not allow the machine to be hooked up. I offered to take the fender off but he said the machine would not have the proper specs and I need to find an older machine. He also said it requires a very lucky try to do it with out a machine. I am not a lucky guy in general. Time to do more research. dave s
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