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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. Well at least we know it’s not Bob Hope or Elmer Fudd. Otherwise totally in the dark. LOL
  2. I warned you about inexperienced drivers now you’ve gone an flipped the great white!
  3. Car looks great but I think you need a better looking model next to it!
  4. TTR I agree it would be nice to have some control on only having safe vehicles on the road but it’s still not going to stop people from avoiding the law. Those that do follow it properly will just have more hassle and cost. If the courts would come down harder on violators maybe that would help. Maybe fines along with mandatory community service would help. But letting them off with barley any fine is a joke. Just my old man two cents, probably not worth a penny
  5. Ok so the kid was driving illegally for two reasons, no license and no insurance. What makes you think mandatory inspections would have changed that situation? It would have just been one more illegal act most likely. We don’t need more regulation we need proper enforcement of current laws. dave s
  6. If you go there be sure to walk down to the Mission Point hotel for a drink or dinner. The structure is beautiful with massive pine logs in the shape of a teepee and the views are amazing. dave s
  7. Our first boat was a 25 foot Jaffco that was an older boat the insurance company would only insure it up to three miles of the Lake Michigan shore line. This was because Lake Michigan could be a lot rougher than the ocean as the waves are closer together. We sold the boat to a guy that wouldn’t believe any of it. On a group cruise of about 20 boats from Chicago to The top of the lake they hit a couple storms over the length of the cruise. As they were passing under the bridge the boat blew a plank and the boat when down in a couple minutes. No one was hurt as the two people just got on another boat. Now every time I went over that bridge I would think of that boat To me it’s the Jaffco bridge.
  8. I thought REO Speedwavon was a band from Champagne Illinois!
  9. I did take my 38 to a valovine oil change as a friend owned it. The kids had no idea but the owner was there and we Axa good laugh when we told them to do a lube no on it. The owner had to go down in the pit to get it done
  10. Like this This is Gracie. She’s 14 + and loves to stick her head out the rear vent, keeps the wind from being a direct blast. Her sister Sophie just sticks her head out the regular rear window.
  11. Asking for service would be like asking for a million bucks! Hell, they would probably say “they made cars back then?” Or at best would say “what do you mean adjust mechanical brakes, I didn’t know that was possible and I didn’t know brakes were mechanical!” “I’ll need to find the part number on the computer first”
  12. My dad was a radio man in the Navy during WWII. The plane got hit twice, once right behind the radio. If it had gone thru I would not be here today. They received an award for being the most shot at squadron in the war. They never left Hawaii!! They towed the targets for the ships heading out to the Pacific. He use to say you could tell the newbies from the vets. The newbies couldn’t hit the 50 foot nylon sock and the vets would shoot at the wire towing it just to cut it so they could get target practice over quicker. dave s
  13. That’s a great helper, we all need a laid back friend.
  14. I’ve always been told to “be careful what you wish for”. dave s
  15. They look similar to marking lights on the late 40’s Chris Craft cabin cruiser I restored back in the 70’s. I can’t say the lights on it were original or not but the glass looks like the same design.
  16. I did file processing for off shoots of the original owners of this publishing company. Ancestors of the Scott half formed Scott Publishing until the younger generation sold off the three trade journals in the plumbing/heating industry. The Adam’s family name is still used on a number of magazines but the family sold out to a financial group years ago. They were all good people to do work for in the 70’s thru the 90’s
  17. Ed it looks like if you put her in a good looking car with a couple good looking dudes and she doesn’t hesitate to go for a ride or have her picture taken. On the other hand try to get her in a barn find like the Great White and It is a different story !
  18. It’s a parking garage so one side will only show every other level as the up side of the ramps. The down side will show the even sides. The floors are split to half the building.
  19. Can you imagine flying one of these over a Japanese held island heavily fortified getting hit and having to ditch in the Pacific! One of these pilots tells the story of his flight. After ditching he managed to get his life raft out, the plane sank then the tide started pushing him toward shore. The enemy was actually shooting at pilots that were being pushed toward them. I believe a sub saved him and he of course later became our President, George Bush. We should honor all of these guys and gals that served and are serving this Veterans Day and every day for that matter. It’s why we have the rights and freedoms we do as Americans.
  20. Gracie MaGoo (because she’s wonderful) and Sophie 14 year old Golden Doodle sisters. Love to be in garage or back seat when ever possible too supervise or just hang out.
  21. I had a good friend that owned a T6 (A Texan) which was a two seat trainer. We flew out of DuPage airport in the Chicago burbs. There were a couple other war birds hangered there. The group would get together and go get a hundred dollar hamburger and when those radial engines started up the ground shook. It was very disappointing getting back in a Warrior or Archer and go flying after riding in one of those planes. If you get the opportunity to hitch a ride go for it, it is an experience you will never forget. It also gives you a different respect for those kids that took those plane into battle. dave s
  22. If you like airplanes the Oshkosh air week (last week of July each non virus year) in Wisconsin is the Hershey of the airplanes. They usually have a lot of warbirds, some you can climb into others you can get a ride in. A definite bucket list item.
  23. As a young guy I had an Austin Healy with a Ford 289 that we did a lot of mods too. I use to run it on a couple local drag strips. It became a well known car among the repeat other car owners and I began to be asked to drive other cars down the strip. I was even offered a drive in a dragster. I though the owner was nuts. I never took any of them up as I always felt you had to get to know the idiosyncrasies of any car that has been modified for the strip. I am sure I have enough experience in cars from the 30’s and newer with my years of drag racing and SCCA road racing. But to get into a 20’s , earlier and/or brass era car would be very scary or better said just plain crazy. My respect for the personal value and the actual financial value plus the monumental effort it takes to restore some of these cars, there is just no way. I’ve said before many of the members have been very gracious in their offers but honestly a ride would be a trill of a lifetime. Especially if it happened more than once. dave s
  24. I’m curious as to how much snow you got when you had Matt’s car out and how long did it last!
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