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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. The definition of insane is doing the same thing over and over again thinking the results will change but they don’t! Isn’t keeping these old cars running and usable the same thing in many cases. So let’s start saying people are old car enthusiasts instead of insane. No that won’t work we’re just nuts.
  2. Just don’t go naming your car after the Titanic or the Andrea Doria as both were called unsinkable and both now lay at the bottom!
  3. I had Max a Wheaton terrier from the time he was six weeks old until he was seventeen and a half. Smart, loved kids, never on a leash but never went off his property of 17 acres. He knew the property lines and just didn’t cross them. He would sit on back patio and watch over the horses. If a deer or raccoon would come on the property he would run to the pasture, round up the horses, herd them back toward the barn then chase the critter off the property. They were his horses and he was responsible to keep them safe. He went to the office with me every day and even went to customers offices. All I had to do was snap my fingers and point to the ground he he would come next to me sit down and look up to see what I wanted him to do. He use to love to ride in the truck when we were pulling the horse trailer. He would nose open the back sliding window and go lay down on the bed cover while we were driving down the road. Scared the heck out of me when I would see him in the mirror. Finally wired the window shut to stop him. Great dog, great breed. Now to get back on topic ! dave s
  4. These guys have a rodent problem too, a couple large mice!
  5. I still say the answer or this question “ Is the antique automobile hobby ready for the coming switchover to electric cars, etc” is simply no.
  6. There goes the master of the “What did I buy” suspense again, teasing us. How many pages will this one be. I bet it won’t out do the “Great White” adventure!
  7. One where do you live? More importantly where do you plan to go to college? Back in the 60’s and early 70’s when I went to school ( made it in 3 terms — Johnson’s, Nixon’s &Ford’s) college campuses were very crowded and parking was at a premium. I had trouble finding a street spot for my Austin Healy! I sold it and bought a Suzuki X6 hustler 250cc for on campus and it was great. I can’t imagine a beast (meant in a good way) like that Cadillac being on campus. In another vain it would be a great chick magnet in many ways. I would take the plunge to get it running and have fun with it. But I would try to make a deal with dad and the younger siblings, sell the pickup buy a reasonable car for campus, leave the Cadillac at home for your siblings but they only get to drive it if they help restore it to running condition. When you come home it’s yours and they can drive the school beater that way they will at least respect it. I remember what my younger brother did to my restored Tbird when I got drafted and was overseas for a long year in 67-68. Take the time on the car and plan what is best for your education as it will pay dividends for a long time. Just my 2 cents that may not be worth a plug nickel . dave s
  8. My daughter teaches ethics in journalism at a university. Some students have actually tried to use Facebook and Wikipedia as sources to prove their arguments! Needless to say they did not get a good grade.
  9. Email the shows production company and ask. Most likely the best way to get your answer. Then let us know also.
  10. "Is the antique automobile hobby ready for the coming switchover to electric cars, etc." Simple answer - No
  11. Albert Gallatin - longest serving sect of treasury a long time ago.
  12. Don’t wait 4 years buy one in two and have them learn as they help get it drivable. My daughter got a Triumph Spitfire when she was 15 and we worked on it together to get it repaired, replaced the floors, painted. She has always said it was a great learning experience that paid off later in life. She’s in her 40’s now.
  13. Moderators and Administrators are good people that just happen to be wrong all the time! dave s ps Not really they are very good people and we do appreciate them for doing a thankless job.
  14. Wait to get a license? No way myself and all of my friends (girls and guys) went the day of their 16th birthday! It didn’t really matteer to time me as a friend of mine was a year older and always had a car available to him didn’t really like to drive. So when I was 15 he would pick me up, drive a block away from the house and we would switch. Never gave a thought too insurance as we were having too much fun.
  15. I’m 74, my daily driver is 82 I don’t think I have to worry about the govt telling me I can’t drive on the roads ( they still want my tax dollars) or autonomous cars taking over totally before I croak. If the youth of today don’t like old cars it’s their loss. They say youth is wonderful well I say old age is beautiful. I’ve got the money and experience to know how to enjoy it that they can only get by walking in my shoes by getting old! Most of them are too busy living (ha) in “social media” ( that has to be an oxymoron doesn’t it ?). Enjoy what we have, drive the wheels off of your cars and most of all have fun. dave s ps not trying to be insensitive or a smart axx, just being realistic and enjoying what I’ve worked hard for.
  16. There is a forum for Buick’s further down the forum list you may want to check out. Welcome to a great forum and club. dave s
  17. Good looking car, very good it’s running again. Great friends to do something like that. You must be the luckiest guy in the world right now. Dodged the fires, got the car running and great friends! Go buy a lottery ticket 😃
  18. Zero to 100 in five seconds flat! I think the smiles on your faces went faster than that. Congratulations
  19. Why not keep it there to be sure you’re not going to be crushed? Seems stupidly rules as usual
  20. The light at the end of the tunnel is approaching. My trusty .......... Ed. It’s better if you approach the light at the end of the tunnel. If it is approaching you it just may be a freight train! Not good if so.
  21. Meteorite in space- worthless. Meteorite in your office-priceless!
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