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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. The best part of the whole title thing is it appears the “wizard” figured it out. Kind of like what he has done on the rest of this “Great White” adventure.
  2. Pastor Matt’s is absolutely beautiful. Totally restored. Mine was in a barn in PA for 42 years. Original paint, rebuilt engine, trans, clutch, electrical, brakes and front suspension. Headliner is original but I redid the seats as they were in bad shape. Every time you got out of the car you had more material on your backside than was in the car. Maybe 100 is optimistic but 10 just seems too low. If I get asked again I think my answer will be. “Unsure but probably less than 50”. The roster sounds goid but I’m too busy redoing an old house right now. Have fun. dave s
  3. You well deserve a day off having fun. What you have accomplished in a short amount of time is amazing. Almost super human. Then on top of that you got to deal with bureaucrats! When you get frustrated you have said mistakes happen, heed your own advice. Just be sure to point down range and not at your foot!!!! Have fun.
  4. Patience grasshopper patience. Easy for me to say. Just please don’t forget to post the video because there is a whole bunch of us that have no PATIENCE! Lol
  5. Bummer. But if anyone can get thru the problem you can. We have faith it will run.
  6. Just go for a ride, take the dogs and leave her at home. She will love the peace and quite! She can take her bubble bath in absolute tranquility!
  7. Am I thinking right when I get it in my brain it’s TWO days to a possible start up! Or am I mistaken? I hope not.
  8. And here I thought I was COOL just driving an old car to get the ice cream!
  9. Don’t forget you have a small gas tank when you take it for a test ride! You may be so excited you just keep going. I would hate to try to push that “Great White” to the side of the road or to a gas station! Lol
  10. I let the girls (Gracie & Sophie below) eat ice cream in my Studebaker!
  11. Any or all of those survivors numbers would be great to Know. It’s just a number that is interesting to know. dave s
  12. Thanks for the idea about the club roster. I was just hoping someone had an idea as I’m sure there are a lot of owners not on the roster. It was just a crazy thought but would be interesting to know. Thanks again
  13. It’s better than two steps forward and three backwards!
  14. I’ve got a 38 State Commander and recently been asked how many of them still exist. This happened twice in the last week and I didn’t have a valid answer. I’ve owned the car about 3 1/2 years and this has come up a few times. People see the headlights and think that must make the car rare. Some one told me there are less than 100 with about 10 running. I think that is very very low. My thought was 1000 - 1200 around and 400 or 500 running. Does anyone have a source for a more accurate count? Is there a way to even find out how many are around? Not a real important fact but interesting one none the less. dave s
  15. Ed, I have to agree with Bob about a gooseneck. I’ve put over 200,000 miles hauling horses all over this country and parts of Canada using both a tag along and a gooseneck . A gooseneck was much easier to backup, haul over mountains and overall trails the truck much better. The longer the trailer the better with the gooseneck. Sorry for interrupting your great thread. All that is important is you are safe and you will still keep posting info about the “Great White” !!!
  16. I agree that’s why I said my 50 lbs may be lite. As Matt said if they are 10x8 sheets they are probably closer to 75 lbs. But you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know you are going to destroy that cars suspension system and other parts doing that. Plus you are possibly going to get hurt and hurt others. Forest Gump saying comes to mind “Stupid is as stupid does” Have fun dave s
  17. That’s approximately 34 sheets of plasterboard. If 50 lbs each that’s 1700 lbs! I may be lite at 50 lbs each. That’s nuts.
  18. If you buy a horse without checking the teeth you will be in trouble!
  19. That’s a great idea. He was on the news once that we saw, seems like a good kid worth helping.
  20. Peter my iPhone says 225 pages! I’m missing 75 pages! I really enjoy that thread and want those 75 pages to view. LOL it’s easy to follow with just going to last page each day and checking out new post. It’s a bear trying to find something you really liked to check out again. My personal thought is your idea merits further study and implication if more give you positive results. dave s
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