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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. That little brother looks like a kids pedal car in size compared to the pics of your White! I’m sure it’s just the pic angle but it looks like an amazing size difference. dave s
  2. The CDC has accurate numbers and report them. C19 causes heart problems and other problems people have are then heighten. It’s an epidemic. The only way it will be stopped is a vaccine that 90% of the population get. Stick your head in the sand if you want but science makes sense over self opinions. Now back to more about this fantastic automobile we want to see run. dave s
  3. I’ve had two windshields replaced one my modern cars over the years and never paid a dime. Your insurance company will take care of it. Where do you live? Who is your insurance co?
  4. I have a crusher in my backyard and I will give you double the going scrap steel rate! I’ll even come and get it so you can save that expense. dave s
  5. An aluminum trailer is good to haul horses around mainly because they like to leak - the horses not the trailer, in them! The steel rust out very quickly due to that problem. The weight of even a draft horse per area of floor space (hoof) does not compare to the weight of a car floor area (tire). So I would not consider an aluminum frame trailer for hauling cars, the trailer really need to fit the use to be safe for you, your load and others on the road. Just my thoughts but I’ve hauled horses around this country for about 40 years and 7 or 800,000 miles. dave s
  6. Maybe you need new glasses and the eight was really a six?
  7. Ed is this the car you got all the parts from that you listed on eBay as Free and you would even pay the shipping to get rid of them?
  8. If you have had a long run of going to Hershey just because you are not going this year does NOT break your streak of X years going! If the event wasn’t put on you didn’t miss it. You can’t go to something that is not there! You may miss the fun and enjoyment in your mind but that is different than missing it because you did not go to something that was put on. Hopefully 2021 will be better and everyone can take up where they left off in years of attendance
  9. Not only 16 inch wheels are important but the tires must be very good tires. Don’t buy normal 6 ply trailer tires make sure they are at least 10 ply. It’s been a while since I’ve hauled horses around the country so there may be even better tires today but my point is buy the best tire possible it will pay dividends.
  10. Mike I think you are wrong, it’s probably closer to 95-96%! I know I wouldn’t.
  11. Yes that was what we did. It’s been 52 years and I couldn’t remember the exact process. The grey hair keeps pulling the memory cells out of my brain, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. dave s
  12. Have you looked into the transponder pre-pass system trucking firms use? Don’t know if private trailers are acceptable but might be worth checking instead of another engine.
  13. Ed what do you pull that 34 tag with?
  14. When I was in school and had a Suzuki x6 250 motorcycle I used the cellophane from a pack of cigarettes to set the points on the bike. Worked great.
  15. Dads always tell daughters they did well! That’s the best part of being a dad with a daughter. dave s ps yes I have a wonderful daughter.
  16. So now maybe you will believe me I saw a UFO around here last night!
  17. There is a company called Orangemailer.co that has online media mail. I believe they charge a small fee for media mail like 2 or 3 cents per label. You can print your own traceable label on any printer so no special equipment needed. I don’t know if they connect to eBay. I have not used them but a customer of mine did a few years ago. I have no relationship with them and have never used them myself. Just a known online media postage site. good luck dave s
  18. Didn’t the 914 also help with mileage requirements for the overall rating the government fuel economy? By having some models getting better mileage ratings it helped the manufacturers. I remember something like that but I’m old and may be totally off track. dave s
  19. Had my 38 Studebaker Philco repaired by a place in a neighboring state but on the west end - Ohio. Did a great job as it works well. Replaced tubes, vibrator, capacitors and resistors for about $175. This was about 9 years ago so don’t know if he is still around. His name is: Art Grandle 52 THOMAS LN REYNOLDSBURG. OH. 43068. I can’t find his phone number in my files, sorry. Maybe this will help if you are willing to send him the radio. Good luck. dave s
  20. Does the watch run as fast as the car?
  21. If you have never had the opportunity to drive a PORSCHE on the open road with the pedal to the metal you are missing one of the great driving experiences of a lifetime. Uncle Sam was nice enough to put me in Germany for a while after I got out of the hospital in 68. I got stationed about 20 miles north of Stuttgart, four of us were able to rent 2 911’s for a long weekend to go skiing in Garmisch. We got on the autobahn and took off flashing lights in the left lane as we passed everything. About half way there a green and white 911 with a flashing blue light on top and two of the largest germans dressed in leathers, helmet and jack boots pulled up behind us like we were doing 30. We moved to the right lane and so did they. We had no idea what we did wrong as there is no speed limit on the autobahn as far as we knew. We got out as did the cops and as soon as they saw us they knew we were GI’s. In perfect English one said we were speeding! We asked how that was possible and they said we went thru a small construction zone and were suppose to slow down to 80 or 100 klicks. We though we were going to jail (not somewhere you want to be as a GI in Germany, but that’s another story) when he said he would give us a ticket and we could pay it right then. Being from Chicago I thought that was just a fancy way of taking a payoff. But he did write the ticket, we paid and he even gave us a receipt. We started back toward the cars but I stopped and asked him if I could have the ticket, no luck. We took off and the cops were just sitting there, again we were going flat out and saw nothing in the rear view. Then they pulled up behind us flashed their lights, we moved over and they were gone. I swear they were laughing as they went buy us. Great trip, only wish I was able to drive both ways but we had an agreement each of us would drive one way. I don’t know what the german police do to their Porsche’s but they fly. Do what ever you can to possibly get to drive one, it is an experience of a lifetime. Just wish I had that ticket to hang on the wall. dave s
  22. Shoebox, welcome. A 25,000 mile original 51 anything will only be worth a lot less if you don’t keep it original. You found a treasure. I would clean it up, get rid of the surface rust and see what buffing it out would look like. Then make a decision to paint or not. Yes repair anything that is totally rusted thru but the old saying is true. “ it’s only original once”. Good luck, have fun and post pictures soon! dave s
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