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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. You were just “giddy” over the Great White running so well! I think I would rather say I had too many bourbons before posting than say I was giddy.
  2. I wouldn’t turn it down if someone wants to give it to me!
  3. I’ve been working on my cars since I was 15 (started by working in a junk yard on weekends when not playing football) just to get them running. I’m now 74 and have very little knowledge of what the heck I’m doing. This group of forums and helpful forum members has been the best source of help in both telling me what to do and how to do it. I’ve learned a lot about the 38 Studebaker fixes I’ve had to do. Now if I can just remember what they are and actually do them it will be even better. dave s
  4. They also modified the grill so it would look more like a car a cop would own and put different wheels on it. Have you ever counted the number of hub caps that come off the dodge or the times they pass the same VW during the chase?
  5. I personally enjoyed this forum more than any other I’ve followed and/ or been a member. I think they are well organized and the moderators do a good, fair job keeping things civil. I will say we may not express our appreciation for how well they are run often enough as we just assume they belong to us and we can do what we want. So thanks for everyone’s involved hard work. I will try to say that more often. dave s
  6. 72 with a dragging brake! What a beast! They thought they had a great White in the movie Jaws it’s on the road in Florida! Have fun be safe edit - C Carl is right and giving good smart advice below.
  7. Fish. There was one just like that in the boat house in Stuart Fl we used to vacation at as a kid.
  8. Ed I hope it happens but with all you have been thru with the DMV I wouldn’t hold my breath. Good luck as I say (selfishly) I really hope it happens so we get a long driving video! dave s
  9. These cars to me are like a lot of sculpturers. Picasso’s Chicago sculpture is interesting, very unique but you can’t get two people to agree on what the hell it is. The city paid a fortune for it, so that supposedly makes it an important part of the cities identity. I’ve probably passed by it hundreds of times and never once was impressed or overwhelmed thinking it was beautiful or wanted to just sit and look at it. On the other hand Buckingham fountain is gorgeous and I could sit and watch the water move for hours of enjoyment and relaxation. These cars would be ok to see once but I wouldn’t go out of my way for that privilege, now a Great White would be a totally different story. Once this current state the country is in I will figure out a way to see one in Florida or Hershey next year. Just my way of thinking what’s cool. dave s
  10. I’m not convinced they are that cool. I think I would say they are unusual and different. No matter what I couldn’t even afford to pay the buyers commission on any one of them.
  11. Some art is just plain silly and 14 to 20 million would buy a lot of stunning cars like a few Duesenbergs, Pierce Arrows, Packards or Auburn’s. Now that would make a heck of an art show in my opinion.
  12. Looks like a money pit restoration no matter what the make, year or model lol
  13. I went to high school with Fred Lorenzen’s younger brother in Elmhurst IL. We use to open the hood of my 57 Desoto and look like we knew what we were doing as Fred’s crew worked on his car in the garage. After a few hours they finally told us to get lost but leave the car and come back in an hour or so. I have no idea what they did to it but that beast ran like a top! Nice guys but they loved their beer. Last I heard Fred is in a nursing home with dementia and his daughter has pledge his Brian to science to support dale Earnhardt’s charity.
  14. Laws were meant to be broken! But your method is the right, correct and safest way to go about getting the best results. It’s just frustrating to deal with government ineptitude in everything you have to interact with them in today’s world. I built a barn for my daughters horses and where ever code called for 2x4 I used 2x6 lumber. If it called for 2x6 I used 2x8, you get the idea. On the electrical I put it all in conduit so mice, raccoons and the horses wouldn’t chew on it. Code did not call for that. When the inspector came he failed me on the inspection because it wasn’t to code! There happens to be a village board meeting the next night so I didn’t get into it with the inspector but I did call city hall to get time to address the village board. When I was done the audience was clapping and laughing the board members were embarrassed, I got my approval and it helped a bunch of other people having inspection problems with that turkey. Go full guns if you get stopped and let us know how it goes. If you need someone to bail you out give me a call. I can be there in six or seven hours( maybe five ) if I don’t get pulled over!
  15. Take the plates off your daily driver. If a cop stops you tell him it’s a rat rod, prove differently! Got to get that Great White on the road.
  16. Take a set of plates off another car as close to the age as the great white. Put them on the white and “drive it like you stole it “ (I’ve heard that phrase somewhere) if you get stopped by the cops how many would know the great white isn’t what ever you took the plates off. Have fun.
  17. Does that mean they just didn’t want to admit they were in Cleveland?
  18. We will never know as Lee Harvey Oswald was shot & killed going to the court room. His killer is also dead. It was a hard time for the nation.
  19. I think there was some thought one of the bullets hit JFK in the head then hit the governor of TX in the shoulder and the hand. Some impossible flight path. The bullet was laying on the floor with almost no damage after three hits, some goofy theory like that.
  20. It is a film shot by a spectator Mr Zapruder Of the motorcade as Kennedy was shot. It was a big deal as it supposedly shows shots coming from the hill or places other than just the book depository and supported the conspiracy theories. It was not a very clear film and was a source of many theories. I believe the Warren commission dismissed it.
  21. Ed, I’ve shown the videos to a couple non car guys, you’ll love this response from two different guys totally independent of hearing the other “Is that a Duesenberg? It must be worth a ton of money! “. I kid you not two non car guys saying the same thing. When I said it is probably rarer than a Duesenberg in survival rate they were amazed. Just thought you would enjoy that. dave s
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