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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. Please give our best to Phil- we will say a prayer (not sure anyone is listening this year) for a complete recovery. Be easy on him when he gets back as some of the effects can be very difficult to overcome. Great pics of your better half and the Great White. A true mile stone with her going for that long of a ride and allowing a pic. I know evry time my boss, sorry my wife goes for an extended ride it is a major victory. Now if she just wouldn't have that terrified look on her face I would be even happier. dave s
  2. My Austin Healy with the built up Ford 289 could smoke the tires in 4th gear at 50 miles an hour. I did it once to get an obnoxious kid in a vett to back off trying to get me to race him. All spinning the tires does is cost rubber and time/speed in a quarter mile race. I made a lot of cash when going to college running that Healy for $10 bucks a gear and $10 on the race out on the local country road drag strip. I never spun the tires unless I really messed up in first.
  3. So what day should be the AACA national sleep the day away be? I’m up for any day as long as it is Monday thru Friday. My weekends are already booked for taking it easy and napping. It’s an event that won’t be canceled so everyone should be up for it. dave s
  4. The last paragraph of both your last two post say what a good person you are and we all should try to be like. Hope to meet you in person some day and maybe get a ride in one of your cars. I wouldn’t dream of driving one. dave s
  5. Green is right (starboard) all 3 are long words, red is left (port) all short words. Nautical colors carried over to the auto world
  6. I swear my grandmother had that exact same dress the lady is wearing in the Cord pic, why didn’t she have the car!
  7. They may look good in the garage, show field or driving them but they are a lot more fun going down the road! At least at the level of old car I can afford and still be allowed in the same house as my wife. dave s
  8. Ed experience counts! I think you may have a chance with your current resume
  9. I’ve been a car guy for over 60 years. I’ve done amateur rebuilds on old Austin Healy’s, MG’s, Ford’s, Chevy’’s and a Studebaker. Some prewar some newer. I would love to drive a brass type or true classic. Ed being Ed has offered many of us a chance to drive his Great White. I would love the opportunity he has so graciously offered but have declined. I don’t know the car, the controls temperament and have such respect for the work that has gone into any restoration I wouldn’t take the risk. Ed says it’s a car, meant to be driven, enjoy it. He is a kind hearted crazy car guy. I will be very happy to get a ride in his car or any brass car someone offers me the chance. But to borrow it or drive it without spending a lot of passenger seat time watching and learning the idiosyncrasies of a beautiful restored machine would be criminal. If someone like Jackie Stewart wanted to drive it ok. But not someone who only thought they had his skills! Let common sense prevail. dave s
  10. Working alone is why I try to get my wife involved and get her hands greasy! Hasn’t worked yet, maybe the mutts? No the wife would kill me if the grease got on the couch from their paws.
  11. I believe Dole owns a whole island in the Hawaiian island chain. It has the factory and maybe a few houses but mostly pineapple groves. Donating this car probably is a good tax write off that won’t hurt their bottom line. Great for people to be able to see the car. I just hope it doesn’t just sit there for years without running.
  12. We had a family friend that was the head of a computer data processing center in Ireland. He was allowed a certain amount for a lease car each year. He loved the big Citroen in the late 60’s early 70’s. The car was almost double his monthly allowance. Being the head guy he put a new (ghost) salesman on his employee list and he used that ghost salesman car allowance plus his own and drove the big Citron. All worked out fine until the head guy from the USA came over and was upset that the ghost salesman hadn’t sold anything the whole year. Our friend was such a good salesman himself he convinced the president his car was a good status symbol for the company. He got a new one every two years.
  13. I would love to go for a ride in a Waco! They are absolutely beautiful airplanes. That big old radial engine just screams of power. They are really special airplanes.
  14. 2020 National Historic Vehicle Register Inductees Announced! i can’t seem to get the link to post but the video that goes along with this announcement is really good. Beautiful 1921 Duesenberg and will now be memorialized for all time in the library of Congress. edit This seems to get to the utube site 1921 Duesenberg and 1970 Dodge Challenger added to National Historic Vehicle Register | HVA
  15. Finding enough disposable spare cash to buy the parts when you need them. It seems like every time I need a major part I have to stop working on the car until I can save the dollars to pay for it. I refuse to just credit card it. But it does help to have a wife that supports your hobby and tries to save some $ where she can. I do appreciate that greatly. Now if I can just convince her to get her hands greasy!
  16. Peter, i agree with you and I thought that was what the General forum was suppose to be about, with the others being specific. That’s why you named it General isn’t it?
  17. You provide a fun vicarious ride for all of us these last few months during some otherwise trying times. Thank you for that and I hope you enjoy that Great White for many worry free enjoyable miles and years. Have fun dave s
  18. After all that I assume it was a liquid lunch. Glad all that is over for you and you can get on to more important work and fun.
  19. We had a 2800 sq ft house on 5 acres in the Chicago and 20 years ago moved to Lexington KY When we built in IL the taxes were $2800 when we left after 18 years the taxes were $9000. The kids (both lawyers) that bought it just sold it and the taxes are $23000! When we went to KY we moved the decimal point over to the left one position. We built a 3600 sq ft house on 15 acres (we moved to downsize, my wife designed the new place) with taxes at $900. We stayed there 20 years and the taxes were $4000. Now in SC the taxes on a 2500 sq ft 1 acre place are $1200. So no matter where you go the tax man follows! It seems the license plate fees and restrictions on antique license plates are going the same way. They are going to get their money no matter where you go.
  20. My wife cooks the dinner, thank goodness. I do the dishes, it helps get the grease from working on the cars I get under the finger nails and out of the creases in my hands!
  21. My older brother worked for a construction company fixing the face of the Tribume tower in Chicago, in the mid sixties. He was about 22 years old on a narrow scaffolding about 20-25 floors up when the older guy he was working with reached out and grabbed him by the front of his shirt as he was falling backwards. He had no idea he was going over. The older guy said kid you better get the hell off this building the right way before you do it the quick wrong way! My brother quit that job that day. It was the best paying per hour job he ever had but not worth his life.
  22. I’ve done a few engines swaps. One a 289 into an Austin Healy and another was a 5.0 Ford into a 49 Ford Pickup. Both of those had the engines in and out at least 10 times to get everything lined up correctly. It can’t be done switching engine types as fast as they show it in TV reality shows. Do yourself a big favor talk to peopythat have done this switch before you start doing anything. It will save you headaches, time and money.
  23. I feel very lucky I have my health ( thanks to some good doctors and 20 operations) so I’ve been able to work hard and accomplish my goal of supporting my family and life style. BUT if money was unlimited my 38 Studebaker would have some stable mates. AN early 30’s Pierce Arrow and an Auburn would be definitely on the list. Then because of fond memories of my youth a 57 Desoto, 60 Impala, 62 T-Bird and a 67 Charger would complete the barn. Then I would have to see about restoration of this body back to the way it was when I had those 4 cars? Current knowledge says that is just like this thread title - a dream. dave s
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