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Everything posted by SC38dls

  1. Ed I think you missed it by a year- post 1938 instead of 37! I may be slightly prejudice on the year. dave s
  2. Matt if you ate a Twinkie that size your hands would make Phil’s look small.
  3. Ed isn’t it like asking who was the better price fighter Rocky Marciano, Muhammad Ali, or Joe Louis? They were all great in their era and way of fighting. Would have been great to see them against each other in their prime. dave s
  4. The beauty of all of this era of cars is just amazing. Talent of design even if the function didn’t always match. Thanks for being so open to share what you have the privilege (thru years of hard work I’m sure) to work on and enjoy. dave s
  5. Ed I took the post down so as not to cause you any problem. Thanks for the ones you can post.
  6. Two eggs over easy, sausage, hash browns, pancakes and orange juice will do nicely.
  7. Think of the Allard’s, Apollo 5000’s, SS1000’s or E types you could have for that kind of money. Not to mention how many Pierce Arrow 12’s or Auburn 12’s or Packard‘s could be in your garage. Cars you could drive and enjoy instead of just being cramped into all that horsepower sheet metal. I guess I’m showing my age by my preferences. dave s
  8. This is off back porch of our house. I’m trying to convince the golf course to let me use the 38 as my golf cart so I can get it back here in the pic. They say it’s too wide for the cart paths.
  9. Congratulations Phil, it’s amazing the willpower you must have to put up with boss like that! Of course you know what BOSS is backwards— a double S O...... Have fun congratulations on the one year anniversary. Hope he took you to lunch! dave s
  10. I was in 67- 68. Spent 6 months at Walter Reed recovering and still need more work done after 20 surgeries. The day I came home was Dec 22 68 into OHARE. My folks, girl, two of my brothers and a couple friends met me. I was the last one off the plane as it was still difficult to move. As we were walking thru the airport a long hair yelled out at me “you damn baby killer you should have died”. I would be in jail today if my brothers hadn’t grabbed me and kept me from going after the kid. Another army office saw what happened and came up to me and said “get use to it as long as you have the uniform on you will be looked down and have people disrespect you. Let it go or you will get in trouble”. Dec 7 was a national event. The war effort was a national effort. You can’t compare that and Viet Nam. Viet Nam was a generation confused between serving and fighting the establishment. The news media was used by both the establishment and the anti-establishment groups in a very negative way. Support the kids serving today and the vets that have come home in these last conflicts so they have a better home coming than we did. They deserve it, they’ve gone thru hell and may need help even if they appear ok. A kind word or paying for their coffee or lunch can be just that small act that helps them in ways we may not imagine. These kids are the ones that will keep the ideas of our democracy alive support them anyway you can. dave s
  11. “As for the peaches. I always get a kick out of movies and tv shows that make snide comments about the canned peaches! I notice those fairly often. But I consider that a "badge of honor" for the family. It is almost a certainty that nearly their entire peach harvest from 1941 through to near the end of the war, went to canneries and into the war effort. Any soldier that got tired of canned peaches probably got at least a few slices from the family ranch in Modesto California. Edited 5 hours ago by wayne sheldon “ Heck Wayne I’m sure I ate some of your family peaches in 67 & 68 when I was in. They were still feeding us WWII rations!! dave s
  12. If that is a requirement why not make the bottom 3/8 and the top 1/4. Strength and tapper! The strength should increase with the splines being a little thicker and should not adversely affect the operation would it?
  13. He has always said Phil has big oversized hands, wonder if he thought that if he compared them to his head? Congratulations, well deserved. We’ve all enjoyed your willingness to share your knowledge and adventures with these old cars. dave s
  14. We stopped in Albuquerque one night and the Marriott desk clerk told us to park the F350 at the front door. If we didn’t it would not have any tires or wheels on it in the morning. About 4 AM he called the room saying guys were checking out the truck! Called the cops and I went out with the dog that loved his truck. They left quickly. Not my favorite town to stay or visit. some decent parts but not worth the trip. dave s
  15. Matt if someone with attitude comes looking at that vett add 15% to your asking price and every time he complains add another $1000! That is a rare nice looking car. I wish I was at that auction, you would have had to do multiple bids or not have the car. dave s
  16. What are you planning on doing with it? Shows, drag racing, street racing, just using on nice days as a drive around enjoyment? A restro-mod usually has a very specific high horsepower engine that may take a lot of attention to keep running properly for the power to speed ratio. What are your abilities to work on a car, both body wise and mechanical needs? All of these come into play when looking at a car. Whether it is a stock, a total project or a completely redone car- stock or restro mod. Think about all of these factors before raising your hand at an auction. You can have some real problems on your hands compared to something like the Harwood motors Terry B mentioned above. You get what you pay for sometimes but not always. dave s
  17. Welcome but if you don’t post pictures it didn’t happen!! Lol dave s
  18. I guess I just don’t understand the premise of this thread. Do you ask the seller of a house how much he paid for it and base your purchase offer on that? If so you are going to be homeless! What the seller paid is a non-factor. What the seller is willing to sell it for is the critical point of any deal no matter what the product! An example is a house built in 1980 cost $300 grand and sold in 2000 for $785 grand. That same house then had another $300 grand put into it as a remodel and expansion. It sold for $700 grand in 2020. The $700 was what the market could demand. That was the critical determination point to get the place sold. A car works the same way as does any product it is simply supply & demand. dave s ps The house example is accurate. I built it and sold it in 2000. I did well because the timing along with the supply and demand was at the high point!
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